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Age of Gods

pyrak Mar '18  /  edited Sep '19
The Age of Gods. Before people, animals and plants were on it, the earth was once Nothing. Then the gods were and the Age of the Gods began.

♦♦♦ Index ♦♦♦
- Character Creation
- Game Mechanics
- Leveling
- List of Gods*
- Description of the World*
- Civilizations*

*These may not necessarily be up to date.

♦♦♦ Character Creation ♦♦♦
Each player starts with maximum Life and Power (20 and 10 respectively).

Each player starts with 6 Bonus Trait points.

Each bonus trait is only one godly aspect and doesn't umbrella into other areas. For example a trait that is "Water" means manipulating water only, doesn't include lifeforms in water but you can go crazy with rain, seas, ice and giving mortals water control. There's no need to actually add descriptions (of course you can for flavor if you wish). A Water trait and a Coldness trait may have the overlapping domain of ice but that doesn't mean an Ice trait would encompass general coldness and non-frozen water.

Good examples of Bonus Traits are Water, Fire, Plants, Earth, People, Sky, Technology, Magic.

Additionally each character starts with 5 God to God Combat dice.
(The GtGC dice are there because your all equally powerful beings made of energy able to screw up the universe in whatever way)

♦♦♦ Game Mechanics ♦♦♦
Gods can die and a god's death is permanent.
When you take damage it's dealt to your Power instead of Life. Whenever your Power is depleted you loose 1 Life and your Power is refilled completely (so you have 200 health essentially).

Note: Power can still be used to add stars to rolls.

Might: # - Shaping the world, building, modifying and destruction
Agility: # - Shaping living stuff, imposing your will (over lesser beings).
Wisdom: # - Shaping energies (magic, souls, blessings etc), changing the "rules".

Any (non-combat) rolls you make that don't involve at least one of your Bonus Traits' get -1 to the result and can't have Power used to improve it

God to God combat: If anybody wants to attack another god you need to inform me and the target before the beginning of the round (via private message). The receiving god can choose to fight back in which case neither god gets to have a non combat action, and both gods roll their GtGC dice (you may not include Power) and whoever wins in stars deals damage to the other god and that's it for that round. If the other god chooses to not defend, they take the damage in full but can make normal actions happen during their turn.

If multiple gods wish to make a combined attack or "defense" (counter attack basically) they may do so (still need to inform me during the turn before via private message). Demi-gods (explained down below) can attack and be attacked by gods in this fashion (their attack roll's based on one of their main traits) as well.

A god "attacking" mortals is basically them doing their regular action, though to positively (when effective) devastating effects.

Demi-Gods: Demi-gods are a thing, mortals with a good amount of godly energy packed into their body from birth (blessed people can happen to but they're not as powerful as a Demi-God). They will have their own stats (main traits are determined by me, the godly parent can bless them with 2 bonus trait points that are from one or two of their domains).

Artifacts: Items (and buildings and places) infused with a bunch of god power, naturally their exact magnitude of strength is dependent on stars put into them (Power points put into Artifacts are twice as effective as a rolled star). Artifacts can come in the form of items, both single use and reusable as well as buildings and pretty much whatever else a god might want to make out of raw divine power.

♦♦♦ Leveling ♦♦♦
Every 10 xp adds one die to your God to God Combat dice.
Every 25 xp you recover 1 Life.

♦♦♦ List of Gods ♦♦♦

♦♦♦ Description of the Whole♦♦♦

♦♦♦ Races ♦♦♦

♦♦♦ Civilizations ♦♦♦
♦♦♦ List of Demigods ♦♦♦
♦♦♦ List of Artifacts ♦♦♦
None yet

♦♦♦ World History ♦♦♦
♦♦♦ Other Things of Note ♦♦♦
Ripping Souls out of their containers suffer a -2 to the results.
ghostie Mar '18
Isn't it 210 Life essentially? O ^ O)
pyrak Sep '19
stuff from first game:

At the center of the Whole lies Nothing That Is which is best described as nothingness may real. It twists and turns, defying all senses, a ticking mass of seemingly infinite gears, one that appears impossibly complex, and incomprehensible to anything less than the gods. However Nothing That Is is covered by the much larger Sphere of Golden Fire which is also built with the same gears and metamechanical wonders. At one point Gehb was able to control the Sphere of Golden Fire.

The Sphere of Golden Fire was merged with Lightning to help contain the the ever growing Nothing That Is, making it into the Sphere of Lightning and Golden Fire. None the less, with the aid of (can't remember their name), Nothing That Is began to fuse with the Sphere of Golden Fire and Lightning.

Around the Sphere of Golden Fire are four Moons which have remained largely untouched since their creation, and mainly designed to be external power control systems to shield the planes from getting bombarded by excessive energy from the Sphere of Golden Fire. Thus far the four massive objects have done nothing useful, but could be easily altered for various purposes and utilize the Sphere of Golden Fire's power.

The first plane to have been created was made just so that Venti could manifest an avatar and sit on it. Later Venti went about bending it into a spherical shape and adding a planet sized propulsion engine on it. Later Sakura came by and seeded the planet with plants, even going so far as to turn much of the engine's machinery into plants (which still function as machinery just fine). Almost immediately after that, Venti goes about creating a dome of ever moving smoke, gears and engines over the entirety of their plane, blocking out external energies from entering (gods can enter and leave with ease). The latest modification is a factory built off the side of the great engine which produces Golems.

The second plane was made much bigger the the first, however was soon flooded by Kaminari to such great depths that dragging up land above the water seemed like it was nearly futile. Eventually some land was brought above sea level, however none the less the storms continued to rage. Dominus accidentally pulled away most of the plane's heat, leaving the planet half frozen. Eventually Zimis chose to make life on the planet, and created the first Steven. Thus far the Stevens have expanded their small island via excessive self replication and use of dead bodies to make more "land."


Stevens: A race of a spiders, about the size of a housecat, green in coloration with red details. the spider has poisonous fangs, and has no need to eat, sleep or drink, and resistance to extreme cold temperatures. They reproduce via self replication and are capable of speech.

Muta-Steven: Muta-Stevens were originally Stevens, but transformed to be hairless with a single leg and grow a pair of massive ears, which are so big they end up developing muscles and end up being strong enough for limited flight. Which incidentally send many of them flying away as some sort of hibernation kicks in. They also develop some sort of de-icing agent within their body, preventing them from freezing despite the temperature. Muta-Stevens don't have their own souls yet, however the original ones still possess Steven Souls.
- There is currently only 1 Muta-Steven left remaining and it's on Plane Four.

Golems: Seven meter tall metal machines with four arms (lower set are tools, upper set have hands), and a knight helm like face.

Human/Etlus: Currently "human sized" and look like Gehb, however they have the strength of titans and prehensile hairs.

Tlacique: medium reptillian like humanoids of purple scales, orange like spots speckle as a pattern. Made by Tezcatlico in spores that fell from Nothing That Is. They can adapt and absorb features from the beings they eat. Notably they are the only species at the moment to really have an establishment on multiple planes.

Mecha Tlacique: Mechanical counterparts to their fleshy cousins who passionately hate anything fleshy.

Jeralds: Best described as bipedal featherless avians about four times the height of the average Tlacique sporting colorful quills rather than feathers (which are used to attract mates). These quills make for tough armor but usually remain retracted into sheaths showing their camouflaging skin unless threatened. Their beaks are powerful enough to crush tree limbs. Their most unusual characteristics is that they are able to fire acid from their butts (without burning themselves) and their flesh is highly toxic to the Tlacique.

Lightning Elementals: Beings made of raw lightning energy, they are usually quite playful.

The Stevenship of Stevens
Population: Way To Many & Always Expanding
Technology: Bronze Age
Beliefs: Zimis the Creator, Amicus the Defiler
The Stevens are all on the Second Plane (the one covered in ice), and have a near uniform brain which means they all think nearly identically. There are a few derivatives but the vast majority are nigh-identical. Their numbers are countless, and they have the beginnings of blacksmithing down, allowing them to create Bronze Age weaponry. They all see Zimis as their benevelent creator and Amicus as The Defiler who is the ultimatum evil.
♦Tlacique Moon Worshiper Tribes♦
Population: Plenty
Technology: Stone Age (no Fire yet)
Beliefs: Loosely: some creator god & four moons.
On the Third Plane (the one with the acid ocean) the Tlacique have developed several tribes on one of the two main continents who have developed stone weaponry and tools. They have no competition and have adapted the strengths of all other creatures in their area. Due to limited food sources they have begun fighting between various tribes.
♦Non Lazy Nekomimi♦
♦Mecha Tlacique & Golems♦


♦Name: (Life/Power Physical Dice/Divine Dice Attributes)♦

♦Sakuraganger: (4/4 2/3 Blessings & Earth)♦
A being made of clay in the shape of the goddess Sakura.

♦Turtis Hortis (8/0 4/1 Animals 2)♦
Space Turtle which is a plane unto itself

♦Philis Argent (3/5 0/5 Magic & Technology)♦

♦Hestia Argent (3/5 0/5 Mind & Cats/Dogs)♦

♦Khione (4/4 2/3 Time & Earth)♦
They have main body of the eight legged Stevens, but the head of an Etlus and torso of a pre-moded Human with the benefits of a pair of boobs. It has two pairs of arms much like the Golems. The only thing that is from the Muta-Stevens is the fact that their ears hare slightly larger than Etlus ears normally would be and have muscles allowing them to move about much easier.
--updating more later--

--world history--

The gods were born with the beginning of the Whole when there was nothing within it aside from them. Gheb then went about making Nothing That Is at the center of the Whole, creating the first real thing. At the same time Vanti formed a small patch Land stuff that became the first plane. Sakura also makes their own patch of Land stuff, this one a little bit bigger though. Kaminari went over to Sakura's plane and agreed to work with her before making a massive storm of scales that had never been seen since, turning the chunk of Land into a storm wrought seething ocean. Sunra binds a chunk of its own power to Nothing That Is, creating an outer shell of Golden Fire.

Gheb sets to work making an outer layer to Nothing That Is that he would be able to control. Sunra goes about making four moons which functioned as control lenses for the leaking power of the outer shell of Nothing That Is (only can direct the flow between it and four Planar objects though). Sakura goes about trying to bring land to the plane of raging seas and howling storms, but to no avail. Kaminari tries the same but with no success. Dominus creates beings called fish made out of water. And at some point Vanti made their plane into a circular planet.

Sunra turns his attention to the plane of Water and Storm, and tries to bring Land to the surface but gets as much success as any other God or Goddess's attempt. Vanti, goes about turning nearly a third of their planet's surface into a massive worldship steampunk godpower engine. Sakura manages to make a few underwater mountains on the flooded plane. Kaminari tries to help Sakura, but being no god of Earth he does nothing noticeable.

Finally at last, Sunra aids in pushing a little bit of land above the water level of the plane. Vanti dawdles around imagining making their flying space ball less ball shaped. Sakura manages to punch a hole the the bottom of the plane of water, creating a massive whirlpool. Dominus tries to make the storm even stormier, but doesn't do much. Meanwhile Gehb manages to somehow rip a hole in himself and walk into it and makes a throne inside himself.
(1/11 line 709)

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