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Zaelia - Continent info: Svalbard

edward Mar '19
( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) - Cold Shores - ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = )
hustle Mar '19  /  edited Dec '20
World Map (WiP):

Svalbard mood board:

Ice and Turmoil

The Brothers chose not to place Intelligent Life on Svalbard. The waters surrounding the land were frozen as solid as the icy soil itself. Snow covered the mountains and land and seas. Behemoths hid within caves to the far north, and leviathans lurked beneath glassy ice below. This land was wild in every sense of the word. The creatures who prowled the lands during waking hours often froze entirely during the night. Svalbard was not fit for civilization, and neither Brother would subject their beloved creations to it.

A Curious Captain

Dwarves are a hardy breed. They are creators and explorers, the former by creation and the latter by necessity. Dwarves live in domes built in rocks and beneath the ground. Renth only has so much rock; so much ground. When the race invented sailing on Zaelia's seas, it didn't take long for ships to be sent out to all corners of the globe. Svalbard was reached last. All other ships had turned away at the thick ice or harsh weather, but one captain dared to set foot on the shores and explore the glittering caves beyond.

From Humble Beginnings

Renth's most famous creation, the sailing company Avontuur Shipping & Trade, made its name almost entirely off the metals and gems taken from Svalbard's icy grasp. One mining town turned to three. Those three turned to ten. Before long, the entire mainland surface was mapped, and its subsurface cave network was carefully charted. Dead woods were marked. Mountain passes were noted. A large swath of land in the coldest part of the continent, belonging to an ominous Mystic, was crossed out. Renth had made its claim on the forbidden continent, and it was well on its way to leaving much more than a mark.
hustle Mar '19  /  edited Mar '19
( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) - Places & Features - ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = )

Cities & Towns

( = ) Aylesund ( )
The first footfall upon Svalbard happened here, on a small outcrop of land that mixed with the ice of the northern ocean. The Avontuur ship captain Garin Aylesund sent sailors into the nearest mine and named the place after himself, leaving behind two dozen men to set up a township. When the next AS&T sailors managed to break through the ice and hunt down the campsite, they were delighted to find that Aylesund's men had created a Dwarven town on that spot, dug into a nearby hill. Aylesund stands a bit bigger today, and it hosts tunnels and access roads to over a dozen towns that spoke off of it, especially since its mines have been long cleared of gems and are now used as the city's main hub.

( = ) Axel Cove ( )
Venturing further north from Aylesund, Dwarven sailors reached Axel Cove another dozen years and several sunken ships later. The cove was used to establish a national port, and even today it is the most "civilized" location on all of Svalbard. AS&T hosts annual tourist cruises that drop off and pick up some of Zaelia's wealthiest citizens who want to experience life on the "Forbidden Continent" without enduring its true hardships. Axel Cove boasts several colorful Inns and fortified lodges, as well as an official AS&T headquarters, all within the safety of tall stone walls that encircle the city. There are no mines and very few miners. This place is for luxury, and the rich don't tolerate mingling with outside life.

( = ) Spitzbergen ( )
The Capitol City of Svalbard, Spitzbergen is an enormous collection of domed stone buildings and tunnels, both above- and below-ground, that lead to and from businesses, streets, temples, and the stronghold, where the nation's ruler, High Chief Asger Bloodbeard sits on his throne. Chief Bloodbeard chooses to operate within an oligarchy, and so between the affluent Council of the Chief and the successful exporting of goods taken from more than two-dozen mining towns near it, Spitzbergen attracts wealth and maintains the nation's upkeep quite efficiently. Outside of Axel Cove, Spitzbergen has the highest variety of races, and even holds a Human District with vastly different architecture and culture than the majority of the capitol.

( = ) Muyden's Haven ( )
Founded by a group of miner's who were thought to be trapped in a cave collapse, Muyden's Haven is the small inlet city that sits below sea level inside a stone basin of frozen sinkholes. The city is more Dwarvish than even Spitzbergen, with only the tops of some buildings visible above the horizon. All other structures are surrounded on four sides by rock and soil, and the network of caves leading from the city have been fortified significantly to include a railway, similar to the system beneath Renth. The railway is now in use in all major cities on Svalbard, but it began here in Muyden's Haven.

( = ) Pyramiden ( )
The northernmost major city before reaching Svalbard's White Mountains, Pyramiden stands a short shipping run or sled ride north of Spitzbergen, depending on the freeze level of the river. Pyramiden is the nation's main timber city, and it has a close tie to Svalbard's famous Silverscale Company, acting as the company's headquarters for years before it moved elsewhere. Pyramiden is entirely above ground, as the soil here is frozen too hard to dig, and so it makes good use of stone and timber for its Bulundian style buildings and fortresses.

( = ) Edge Island Outpost ( )
For several years, Svalbard's eastern coast of rock and icy mountains was impossible to create lasting settlements upon. Edge Island was assumed to be part of a glacier until a band of marooned sailors were able to break ground at its center and find dirt instead of water. Avontuur began using Edge Island as a Last Port of Call on trips before circling the southern Cape of Svalbard and navigating back toward the civilized world. Edge Island Outpost is a small town with a lighthouse and fleet of ships that patrol the strait between the mainland and the Black Tower's ice wastes.

( = ) The Black Tower ( )
East of Svalbard's mainland, across a narrow frozen strait, and sitting on an endless wasted plain of ice cap and snow storms, is the ominous Black Tower of the little known Jet Mystic. This Master Mystic is hundreds of years old and is assumed to be alive in the frost-covered black stone structure purely by the help of the Black Evil. Some believe that there is no Jet Mystic. Others claim that Essence cannot exist alongside the Black Evil. Whatever the case may be, no one has ventured through the dead forest to return alive.
hustle Dec '20  /  edited Jan '21
( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) - Town of Sunder - ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = )

An Interactive Map:

List of Important Adults (The Daggerun Escorts):

List of Important Children:

- Therda Ashkin (F Dwarf, 10): Youngest child and only daughter of Ierrut and Sangrae Ashkin. Timid, careful, creative. Enjoys spending time with her mother or in a kitchen (any kitchen, really).
- Tordrun Ashkin (M Dwarf, 13): Middle child and youngest son of Ierrut and Sangrae Ashkin. Boisterous, rebellious, clumsy. Enjoys "adventuring", star-gazing, and exploring the overland (has never done so but makes the claim).
- Kento Suur (M Half-Elf, 10): Only child of Kahneto and Akemi Suur. Sincere, optimistic, non-combative. Enjoys playing with others, sharing meals or personal items, and occasional solitude.
- Jostaek Cragmar (M Dwarf, 11): Twin son of Turrin Cragmar. Diplomatic, intimidating, serious. Enjoys problem-solving, especially with words, a much-needed skill in Sunder, but is not above violence.
- Yommeck Cragmar (M Dwarf, 11): Twin son of Turrin Cragmar. Diplomatic, intimidating, humorous. Enjoys problem-solving, especially with words, a much-needed skill in Sunder, and generally can get a laugh out before punches are thrown.
- Godun Frostmane (M Halfling, 11): Son of Racca and Lena Frostmane. Loud, protective, careless. Enjoys fire and all things metal, the mines, and looks after his sister Miranda with fierce love.
- Miranda Frostmane (F Halfling, 9): Daughter of Racca and Lena Frostmane. Carefree, quiet, curious. Enjoys doing anything outside, especially if she's with her brother Godun, and has occasionally gotten lost looking for him.
- Valindra Cinderpalm (F Halfling, 12): Daughter of Benvel and Caeda Cinderpalm. Loving, generous, caretaker. Enjoys what little herbology and produce Sunder has to offer, as well as animals and care for wildlife creatures.


The Future Collective

The families that live in the Torvall Collective have agreed to remain there even after the old Torvalls Hebor and Svalla die. Sadly, the generosity and love of the Collective's creators looks as though it will die with them. The four families (Nillav, Tuhrest, Oaken, Pivallen) have born children and left them to the care of the old Torvalls as agreed upon, but either through constant coddling by the surrogate grandparents, neglect by the children's true parents, or a combination, the children have grown up entitled and mean.

The group of seven, all close in age, call themselves "The Future Collective". They think of their small band as a sort of alpha pack among the rest of the town.

- Rohrin, son of Norske Nillav (M Human, 13): Ringleader of the Collective. Calls himself the Little Jackal and considers himself a master hunter.
- Lexa, daughter of Garamund Tuhrest (F Human, 12): Rohrin's second. Calls herself the Owlet and is just as cunning as she is beautiful.
- Raal, son of Garamund Tuhrest (M Human, 11): Lexa's brother and Rohrin's strongman. Considers himself to be a fighter and much prefers punching to discussing the topic.
- Martus, son of Hulleck Oaken (M Human, 11): Collective henchman. Too loud to be a spy and too dim to be a messenger, so he relies on his decent aim with rocks.
- Joy, daughter of Eske Pivallen (F Human, 11): Collective henchman. Keeps herself hidden better than most, and as such, sees more than most.
- Nevim, twin son of Eske Pivallen (M Human, 10): Collective henchman. Rarely seen without his brother, and rarely willing to fight alone.
- Ahtak, twin son of Eske Pivallen (M Human, 10): Collective henchman. Rarely seen without his brother, but willing to fight at any time.


A Good Day in Sunder

Spring involves hunting and fishing, working and planting. Spring is the time when the town is lowest on supplies, but the citizens make up it with high spirits and hard work ethics.

Summer is quiet, full of mining and organizing, growing food and fattening animals (and citizens) before the cold. Hunting parties leave often, and Daggerun convoys even more so.

Winter is long, dark, cold, and somehow the highlight of the year. Sunder's "Deep Night", a yearly even during the long freeze, involves a celebration as the town says goodbye to the sun for the rest of the year. The Deep Night is full of festivals and dancing, music and lights, both on the ground and far overhead in the starry sky.

A Bad Day in Sunder

The warning is told to every child from the moment they open their eyes, far before a time when they can comprehend the words, so that by the time they do, it is etched in their brain like the face of their parents.

Whether near or farthest,
Under sky or darkest forest,
If you hear the golden Carnyx,
Get inside by end of chorus.

Once a year, the town gathers at the beginning of winter to listen to the golden Carnyx, an enormous horn placed atop Goldchapel's northern roof.

The instrument has two methods of projecting sound. The first is a single blast of deep bellowing sound from the single horn that can be heard from outside Sunder, into the frozen lakes of the overland a day's hike away.

The second method is by blowing air into the lower valve, which actually plays a multitude of horns built into the walls of Goldchapel itself. The golden horn will start, followed by a shrill cacophony of inharmonious sounds that seem to emanate from the very bricks of the chapel itself. This second horn is used to signal an invasion, and the invasions are very rarely, if ever, mortal beast.
hustle Mar '21  /  edited May '21

Aside from day-to-day chores or spontaneous needs arising, there is an ever-growing list of things that could be done for someone. These tasks can increase your standing with a character or provide other benefits.


Vicious Dogs and Other Animals - Kento has occasionally gone into Jeera's house to feed the strange animals kept by the caravan guards. This time, he's got more work to do, and since the sleigh has been destroyed, he'll need help keeping the dogs from getting... aggressive.

Wood from the White Oak - Viola has reforged one of her father's short swords; the only thing missing is proper wood for the handle. The group has decided that the White Oak just north of Sunder, in the overlands, has the best material for the job far and away. The only problem will be getting there and back.

Greenhouse for the Guild: COMPLETED - Valindra Cinderpalm has an idea. It's a crazy idea, but she's positive it can work. She needs to gather some seeds and create shelves and planters inside Ahtanan's skull. She believes the natural light, heat from the guild's fire, and exposure to fresh air can cause some plants to grow even in winter.

Forge for the Guild: COMPLETED - Godun Frostmane has requested a "heavy stone" similar to an anvil to be brought up to the longhouse. He wants to start doing some real smithing, though there's certainly more to it than just an anvil. It's a start, anyway.

The Good Twins: COMPLETED - Jostaek and Yommeck Cragmar can often be seen heading into the old south mines on the western side of Sunder. If there is any spare ore around town that could be used to craft items for the guild, those two are the ones to see.

Sabotage: COMPLETED - Miranda Frostmane heard Martus, one of the Future Collective henchmen, talking in the market about a pile of weapons the group is gathering somewhere near Torvall. It's worth checking out, or the next fight won't be with fists and sticks.

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