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Daretobe's Shadowrun KA. Char creation

daretobe Oct '14  /  edited Oct '14
Player Races(metahumans)

Human- Humans are the average life form in the world, and the most self explanitory. There life styles are ours, and they come from diverse places. Humans were the only race on Earth until the Awakening in 2012. Now they find themselves the definition of average or even normal. They are still the most populous race in the world and thus control many of the most powerful, monied, and important positions in society.
All humans gain 3 extra XP to start the game.

Orc- Orks are able to interbreed with humans and fellow metahumans. Despite this, their offspring will be of the race of only one of their parents. No half-breeds exist. They grow much faster than humans, reach maturity at the age of 12, and give birth to a litter of about four children, though six to eight are not uncommon. Their average life-expectancy is about 35 to 40 years. Their physical frames are similar to bulkier humans. On average they are larger and stronger than humans. Their mental capacities are considered slightly inferior on average to humans, though they are still not as dull as the average troll. Distinguishing features include large lower canines that protrude from thier mouths. Orcs have pointed ears that are smaller than those of elves. Orc gains one additional Power Point.

Elf- Adult elves are on the average slightly taller than humans (≈190cm), and they are usually somewhat more lightly built (i. e. thinner with an average weight of 72kg), but equally strong. Their most remarkable characteristic are their pointed ears. Their skin color varies, similarly as with humans, from white to black. Body hair is sparse but head hair is full and fine. Elven eyes are almond-shaped. Thanks to metabolic testing, it has been shown that Elves have a potential lifespan of several hundred years or more, with certain unexplained genes (usually found in powerfully magical elves) giving some an even longer lifespan. Like Orks, Elves are endowed with more, and more sensitive, rod cells in their eyes, giving them natural lowlight vision. For that they are believed to be naturally nocturnal, and a lot of elves - but not all of them - are vegetarian. All elves gain an additional Etiquette.

Troll- In addition to this enormous body size, trolls tend to have tusks and horns (which may or may not have symmetry). Ingentis body proportions differ from sapiens, with the ratio of arm-to-leg length significantly higher in ingentis, giving them an advantage in melee combat. Trolls have calcified dermal deposits throughout their skin, which can resemble large warts, spines or an armor-plated effect. These dermal deposits make trolls more resistant to physical trauma. It is assumed that trolls have an average life expectancy of approximately fifty years, but this number varies depending on social conditions and environment. Trolls can see in a broader spectrum than humans, with their vision extending into infrared. Expression from sapiens to ingentis often gave severe mental trauma, often resulting in psychosis and mental aberration. Individuals born ingentis do not experience this trauma. Trolls are still the rarest of the Metahuman races. Trolls gain One additional Hit Point.

Dwarf- Dwarfs are on average shorter than humans; their average height is under 120cm. Remarkable features include the dwarfs' small body size, short legs and full beards. Unlike humans with dwarfism, true dwarfs have upper bodies that are proportionately larger than their lower bodies compared to humans. Their skin color varies in a similar fashion to humans, with colors ranging from white to black. It is assumed that dwarfs have an average life expectancy of well over 100 years, although proof is still forthcoming. Dwarfs have natural thermographic vision, which allows them to see in a broader spectrum than humans. In addition, dwarfs clearly have a more efficient immune system than humans do, which makes them resistant to most diseases. Due to their resemblance to humans, dwarfs face less prejudice from humans than elves, orks or trolls. Many are recognized for their technological prowess and work ethic. Dwarf gains one Essence bonus.

Other Non-playable races (metavariants)

Giants - They are usually somewhat stronger, and with an average body size of 350 cm, larger than standard trolls. Their hair and skin color are usually fairer than those of most metahumans. They usually have no horns or tusks and a long pointed nose.

Gnomes - Gnomes are a dwarf subtype primarily from Turkey and Central Europe, and are a minority of dwarves even there. They are the smallest dwarven subtype, averaging 80 cm in height, and 37 kg in weight. Gnomes have very little body hair even as adults, and generally look like human children to those unfamiliar with them. Their small size makes living in modern society even harder than it is for other dwarves, so many gnomes makes extensive use of technology like the matrix and autopilots to get around easily. All gnomes have an unusual resistance to magic, although this does not preclude them from also having magic abilities.

minotaurs - Minotaurs have a similar physique to Trolls, even if they are somewhat weaker. Their head is similar to that of a bull. Two long horns grow from the temple region, the eyes stand far apart and in place of a nose they have a lip. Their body hair is fuller than Trolls.

These are metahumans that have been infected by one of the various strains of the HMHVV diseases.

Vampires - Vampires prey on sentient beings, absorbing the life essence of their victims along with the victim’s blood. Victims are typically thin and pale and suffer from chronic essence loss which can only be stemmed by draining the essence of others - most often through a blood-link. Those not outright killed in the transfer often find themselves sharing the vampire's affliction. More conscientious than other infected metahumans, vampires are able to restrain their hunger. Some vampires refuse to drain from an unwilling subject, while others revel in their role as predators and killers. Vampires become sick within the hour if they consume anything but blood, and they have particularly bad reactions to alcohol. Most vampires display a number of powers including enhanced senses, immunity to age, poison, and disease, the ability to turn into a mist, and rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. Many vampires display magical ability, and the transformation sometimes unlocks hidden magical potential. Vampires also express a severe allergy to sunlight and/or other substances or objects, depending on the individual vampire's background. These may be garlic, wood, silver and/or holy objects. Vampires have less buoyancy than metahumans. Vampires also have an additional weakness of Induced Dormancy in the case of lack of air. If a vampire is cut off from air for a period dependable on his actual Essence, it falls unconscious indefinitely. However, if the vampire is again exposed to air, it regains consciousness within a minute.

Ghouls - metahumans infected by a virus known as HMHVV, specifically the Krieger strain. While they are not un-dead, they do exhibit the same vampire-like behavior. Ghouls must consume about one percent of their body weight in raw human flesh each week. They also have a mild allergy to sunlight that inhibits them slightly but does not harm them. Though they are physically blind, they are endowed with an enhanced sense of smell and hearing, and have an astral and physical dual-nature that allows them to perceive the astral plane. Ghouls are especially sensitive to the presence of foreign substances within their bodies, which makes it difficult to use cybernetic implants on them. Their strength and body are greater than that of a normal human, but their intelligence and charisma scores suffer greatly. Finally, they are also completely immune to the VITAS plague. Some ghouls regress to a feral state after the change, while others retain their sanity. Those who remain sane often undergo extreme plastic surgery to pass for human and usually replace their blind eyes with cybernetic implants to allow them to see.

Adept - A mix of any and all playstyles. (not sure what to pick :) Gains one Xp
Adept: 1 - Vast Skill Set, untrained.
Mage - characters who have magical abilities that increase their physical combat abilities. Gains a spell book.
Mage: 1 - Spell abilities
Decker - is a class about char. experts at manipulating computer networks and jacking into the matrix. Gains a Data Jack
Decker: 1 - Hacking abilities
Shaman - cast spells and can view emotions and call spirits from astral space. Gains a spell book.
Shaman: 1 - Healing Abilities
Street Samurai - characters who have heavily augmented their bodies with cyberware and bioware and focus on physical combat. Gains one extra weapon.
StreetSamurai: 1 - Weapon Proficiency
Riggers - ones who augment their brains to achieve fine control over vehicles and drones. Gains one drone.
Rigger: 1 - Bot Proficiency

Choose an Etiquette.
Shadowrunner- Dealing with other Shadowrunners
Corporate- Dealing with corporate employees
Security- Dealing with Security guards / law enforcement
Gang- Dealing with gang members
Street- Dealing with homeless
Academic- Dealing with members of academia
Socialite- Dealing with members of high society

How to build your Char. Sheet!
In notes, put down Essence count.
Your essence starts at 4. Essence is a measure of a living being's lifeforce.
Next, put down, as traits, your race, class, and Etiquette, all starting at one.
ReWrite your Might as. Might: 1 - Melee Combat, Repair, Grapple, Throwing weapons, Gunnery, Athletics.
Agility: 1 - Firearms, Driving/piloting, Projectile Weapons, Stealth, Movement, Reflexes.
Wisdom: 1 - Spellcasting, Sciences, Bluff/Intimidate/Diplomacy. Computer Theory, History, Social Skills.

All players start at 4/4.
For every point in Wisdom, add a language.

Nuyen starting amount is 1000Y#. You can buy anything with this money that you so wish.

Every char. has an apartment, and a simple computer. A bank account, with a cred stick, and an email account.

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