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Broken Home II

daretobe Oct '14  /  edited Mar '17
Space, is a frightening place… In the year 2047, Earth becomes a dead planet. The people of earth fight for the power of space. The Chinese space station is destroyed in conflict. The peoples of Canada send forth pods, scattered into the area around the colony of Mars. The USA creates a mothership, holding the population of a small city. China burrows into the dead earth, mining and killing for the last resources to send there own ships. The middle east is lost into the dead earth radiation. The UK creates a chain of Sats. and stations around the Dead earth with most of the Euro Group. Alliance is created into the Indian trading company to export the Lethinthium from Venus, and bring it to the Bio Colonies of Mars. Russia has gone off the grid, a fearful Idea that they could come at any moment... The solar system is in utter chaos as bloodshed grows redder, as the Sun changes slowly into a red giant.

In this story you take on many roles.
Make char.s within the space voyager Tree.
I want NO custom races, or AI bots.
This is a real world type game. No jokes, or other fantasy stuff.
Funds and barter is by way of, Lethinthium, L~M and Credits @

Tech levels range from primitive, to just out of our reach as of 2014.

Your part of a crew. Some outlaws, some good guys, all just looking for work.
The year is 2058

Smith's Screwdriver
Desktop PC
laptop PC
Handheld device
Flash light
Flash orbs
Glow sticks
Charge Card
RAD counter
Hand tools


Void Jumpsuit, Warmth 1, DR 0
Insola suit, Warmth 3, DR 0
Basic work suit, Warmth, 1, DR 1
Advanced work Suit, Warmth 2, DR 1
Bilistica Vestment, Warmth 1, DR 1
Bytine proten suit, Warmth 0, DR 2
Basis Chamber suit, Warmth 2, DR 0
Adcovim Armor, Warmth 1, DR 2
Kelley Body Armor, Warmth 1, DR 2
Fisheer Armor, Warmth 0, DR 3
Hikley Armor, Warmth 1, DR 4
Cotton bio shirt, Warmth 2, DR 0
Victor Hempt armor, Warmth 2, DR 3
Victor Hempt Advanced armor, Warmth 2, DR 4
Space suit, Warmth 3, DR 1
Bio Suit, Warmth 3, DR 1

Pike DMG 1
Primitive Bow, RNG 1
Imrot Pistol, RNG 1
Vecfes Service Pistol, RNG 2
Dek's Dandy Dozer, DMG 2
Slim Sam's Smite, DMG 3
Ak-86, RNG 3
Charge Shotgun RNG 4
Solar powered EMP charge, ELC 3
Flint lock Photoplasms, RNG 3, ELC 1
Short Cirkitz, DMG 2, ELC 2
Beam Torch, NL 6
Steam Rail, RNG 3 (silent)
RPG, RNG 5 (explosion)
Pressure Can, RNG 2 (explosion)
RevoL, RNG 4

Space, is a frightening place… In the year 2047, Earth becomes a dead planet. The people of earth fight for the power of space. The Chinese space station is destroyed in conflict. The peoples of Canada send forth pods, scattered into the area around the colony of Mars. The USA creates a mothership, holding the population of a small city. China burrows into the dead earth, mining and killing for the last resources to send there own ships. The middle east is lost into the dead earth radiation. The UK creates a chain of Sats. and stations around the Dead earth with most of the Euro Group. Alliance is created into the Indian trading company to export the Lethinthium from Venus, and bring it to the Bio Colonies of Mars. Russia has gone off the grid, a fearful Idea that they could come at any moment... The solar system is in utter chaos as bloodshed grows redder, as the Sun changes slowly into a red giant.

Welcome to Broken Home II. The year is 5289. Humanity has conquered the known world.

The Gas release sounds, as a man walks out, his feet in leather Boots. His Eyes are cloudy white, as he places a grey clove on his Child. They walk over to the pan, its view wide. They Gaze over the frozen planet of GretCon 4. The Child looks up at his father, his blonde hair short... From a corner, a woman walks out, a green blade in her hand. She walks up, and says. "My Lord, I am sorry." She jumps and Stabs, the Man falling from the sudden poison blade. The boy quickly looks up, a speck of blood on his forehead, as he Falls back. The Woman is gone, as fast as she came.

Xerret stands in front of a line, a troop of Warp Troopers behind him, The armor black, with silver Circle. One of them, leans to his earpiece. Xerret, the King hast been Murdered, we are needed.
Epsilon, rests on his back, the blanket greasy and Dirty, as he rests on an old engine. His Pilot rushes out! "We are needed to pick up a Warp troop. Now, Move yourself!"
Mat is in the ship, as the pilot rushes about, and gets things ready.
A Woman walks up to Ther'Gato's room, and pokes her head in, seeing him at his desk. "We got work, Chump!" Then she rushes to get her things.

This new Broken home is very different from the past ones. There is no overarching world. You travel across worlds, battle space pirates, help local settlements, pick up new crew members. I plan to host this episodically. I am trying to make this game a lot more simple and streamlined.

Currency is a mineral called Lethinthium.

Your part of a crew. Some outlaws, some good guys, all just looking for work.

You can be any race you wish, spanning from many games. If you want to make a race, I would need a ton of info to add them to the setting and planets, but I would allow it.

To start off, pick traits from the 'Star Voyage' Genre.
You will also get a racial trait that we will work out on the table together.
There will be times that things happen to your character. I grant Special traits to players on occasion. Some are good, some are bad.

Items will be found all across the worlds. There be no end to the number of things you can find.
As for finding armor, each one will have a stat. the Armor's DR, and the Armors Warmth. Those stats will have effects in game.
As for Weapons, each will also have two stats. A stat for CAP, how many times you can fire before reloading. A stat for DMG, with his how much damage you deal with said weapon.

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