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pyrak Dec '24
==(ignore this and below Wyld West==
Welcome to the Westwylds at the edge of civilization where ancient magics run rampant and the skies aren't yet choked black by the smoke of industry. The Westwylds is full of dangers to overcome and profits to be made. Bandits and savage elves roam the plains, but rumors of plentiful pixie ore and wide open grasslands makes it an ideal location for prospectors and homesteaders to settle the area.

Game's settings is the wild west, but with a large heaping of magic and a good chunk of steampunk dished in.

Magical Materials
- Pixie Ore: Also called pixie ore due to it usually being found in the form of dust, this stuff, when magically overcharged acts like a lighter than air gas. In suffice quantities, it can be consumed to give temporary flight, but modern engineering, wizardry and artificing has made it possible to make it into a reusable gas for lifting skyships.
- Mithril: Magical silver, unbelievably light and highly magically conductive, but unless enchanted it is a soft metal, but is exceptional for creating artifacts, enchantments and rituals.
- Adamantium: Also called cold iron it's basically the opposite of Mithril, very hard to work with and flat out pushes against magical works around it and magic can't enter it (and vise versa). This stuff is found nearly exclusively in the depths of the Nortgard and dwarves hold a very strong monopoly over it.

- Skyships: Powered by steam engines (or other means of propulsion, some are even full sailing vessels) and lifted by envelopes or tanks of pixie dust these ships can reach most anywhere so long as they have coal, pixie dust and magic to move. Most of these are covered in wood, battleships are usually protected by magic.
- Firearms: Guns are pretty ubiquitous, and typically fire cold iron pellets to break past personal barriers, but a lack of mass make them much less effective against arcane barriers without sufficient quantity.

Magic comes in all forms, and everyone has at least some amount of it, but most people can't actively use it.
- Sorcery: The oldest and most direct of magics, sorcery, also known as bloodline magic is often passed down from often unknown ancestry. Sorcerers cast their magic through willpower and while limited to specific types of magic are fairly flexible in their use.
- Artificery: These people will randomly spring up with the 'spark' and are best described as mad genius. Unlike anyone else they can make the same thing twice and come up with different results (and will). Their magic is more innate and is less of magic but more of building magic into technology.
- Wizardry: This is the discipline of learned magic, practitioners take several years to master this art and cast their magic mostly through rituals and incantations. If you want consistent results, wizardry is the way to go.

- Humans: The cockroach of everywhere and a jack of all trades. While there are native humans, there are also ones who like the little pests they are, they followed the dwarven skyships to the Westwylds and almost immediately began to spread throughout the open prairie. The natives are a hunter-gatherer people who have a large number of sorcerers and a few wizards who have learned their art through oral tradition. Humans have the unique ability to be able to produce offspring with almost any humanoid, the offspring are always either a halfbreed related to the mate or a human (this only occurs when the mate is already part human).
- Dwarfs: Greedy mountain dwelling bastards, half of them will sell their mother for a profit, the other will defend their mother's honor to their dying breath at the slightest slight. The dwarves have several settlements in the North, mostly military and mining facilities for their ever expanding empire. The dwarven empire is highly nationalist and they actively look down on everyone else, often enough enslaving people from the other races and actively killing giants, goliaths and gnomes.
- Kitsune: Rare outside of their homeland deep within Xian, these sorcerous people are almost all natural shapeshifters with the ability to cast charms and illusions at will. Most of those who have left their homelands do so due to being exiled, typically this is for those who haven't unlocked their ancestral powers and are stuck in their base form (human+ fox ears and tail). Human/kitsune offspring are either one or the other, though the kitsune are often don't gain access to their ancestral powers. The kitsune have a strong presence within the core of the the Alliance, many of them work as diplomatic or espionage operatives for the Divine Protector.
- Goliaths: Half giant, half human, goliaths are a people who are barely accepted anywhere aside from within Culad-Lin and are only tolerated as sailors, mercenaries and laborers in places they are. Often enough they are outright enslaved by the Versilians to pitch in their gladiator arenas or as laborers due to their physical build. With the genocide of the giants, the goliath population have few places they can call home, and many head for the Westwyld in hopes for a new future for their kind. Their giant heritage makes them mostly carnivorous, and those who embrace their giant heritage savor the flesh of dwarves beyond all else.
- Half Elf: Exceptionally rare in the old world, but merely uncommon in the tribes of the Westwylds they have nigh immortal lifespans, and almost all half elves have sorcerous powers related to their elven parentage.
- Gnomes: Half human and half dwarf, usually viewed as an abomination by the dwarfs and suspicion by everybody else.

- Insert Whatever Else Here (per GM digression of course)

- Elves: One of the native humanoids, elves have been living in the Westwylds since time immemorial and most of them do not appreciate the invaders coming in. There are elves in the old world but unless they have strong reason, most of them have not bothered with going to the Westwylds. Elves are magical through and through with sorcerous powers of immense proportions. They are both animalistic and wise sages of untold wisdom, some let things happen, others will actively intervene. Elves bodies are flush with pixie dust and killing one is highly profitable, but exceptionally difficult, and when not done properly will leave you with a vengeful spirit after your life,

Character Creation:
All the usual stuff, haven't figured out coinage yet, figure out if you want to be gunslinging, magic casting, sword slashing or whatever else. Life Points are an innate barrier that everybody has that buffers against damage to the body, but the backlash of it collapsing (hitting 0) is an instant KO. This is my explanation why shooting a gun isn't way way more effective than slashing with a sword, and also because fantasy/anime logic.

XP Leveling Chart
10 XP +1 to Power Points or Life Points
20 XP +1 to a Bonus Trait
30 XP +1 to PP or LP
40 XP +1 to a BT
50 XP +1 to PP or LP
60 XP +1 to a BT
70 XP +1 to PP or LP
80 XP +1 to a BT
90 XP +1 to PP or LP
100 XP: Capstone Ability

==Darkening Days CC==
No "abilities" all your equipment is reasonable fluff stuff and your bonus traits should be on the level of the premade ones.

There is no free defense, and magic is a thing, although in a limited manner. If you want to be able to use magic make sure to read thought he magic portion thoroughly. Read though it anyways because it pertains to any use of power points regardless. Additionally whatever magic type you use needs to be specified into a trait.

Character Sheet
Backstory: (At least give me a paragraph here please)

Magic: (Note down what style of magic you use and up to three different specific applications of said magic)

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