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Junk I'm storing for future ideas

pyrak Feb '15  /  edited Jan '18
Things To Use:
- Scattered bits of some random god that's spread throughout a game universe (maybe genie in a bottle type thing?)

Fire (Advantage over Acid & Electricity) Heat
Acid (Advantage over Earth & Water) Corrosion
Earth (Advantage over Electricity & Fire) Mass or Void
Electricity (Advantage over Water & Acid) Energy
Water/Ice (Advantage over Fire & Earth)

An element gets +50% when making rolls against the first element listed in their advantaged list, and +25% against the second element.

EPIC Combat!
There Is No Such Thing As Overkill
PvP/Boss Fighting Concept
- PCs start with maxed out bonus Traits and Life/Power.
- Traits can only include one major (attack/defense based) element and one minor thing (not involving attack/defense). Up to two bonus traits can effect one roll.
- Shop with plenty of equipment of all types. This includes one use items and items which take constant upkeep to keep in prime condition.

[b]Space Ship Battles[[b]
For this there is an additional Z coordinate which is a +/-6 note on miniatures.

Ballistic (inf range, dodgeable, AP)
(Lasers) (inf range, low piercing & low damage)
(plasma) (loos of effect over dist)
Missile (counterable)

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