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Slots of Strange Sorts

coolcat702 May '15
Now, most GMs won't use a PC-esque character at all, but I use them, mostly for boss encounters, but in some situations, this is an issue. For you see, sometimes I use it for other stuff too, and when the bosses come around, then trouble sticks its nasty head out, and I have to find a way to do it without using an NPC, because that reduces the threat of the character, and so... I present two ideas: 1) GMs get more than one character slot, or 2) NPCs have character sheets as well. Now, both these ideas have their issues, and are likely to be problems, but if either of these gets in along with the new miniatures, that'd be great, if later, that's absolutely fine.
elias02 May '15
i'm no programmer, but i think the npcs having character sheets would make more sense
oman1666 May '15
I don't personally think this is needed. When I do a boss battle, I just make a few notes of special attacks, stat that may be relevant etc.

Sometimes with support NPCs for the party, I make a simple character sheet in Word.

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