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NMV shelf

ameythaler May '15
=== Basis ===
This is based off of BayStation 12's lore, BS12 being a popular SS13 server.

The lore can be found on either on the forums or on the wiki. The events depicted in this adventure should in no way be considered cannon.

=== Lore ===
In the year 2559, corporations have grown immensely powerful, thanks to their mining of the energy rich material: Phoron. Several large super corporations have grown to rival even the Sol Government. The largest and most powerful is of course NanoTrasen.

You are an employee on the NanoTrasen Military Vessel Terminus. Your voyage through the stars will take you to some of the most remote regions mankind has ever seen. Your mission? To protect and embolden NanoTrasen's interests and holdings.

In your journeys you may encounter several strange alien life forms.

These may include:

Tajaran: A race of cat like beings hailing from Adhomaii.

Unathi: Warrior Lizards.

Skrell: Fish like beings whose intellect rival our own.

Vox: Dirty %#@& birds.

For more information on races please refer to the BS12 wiki.

=== Current Campaign ===
The Adventure Begins:

Our heroes are hired aboard the N.M.V. Terminus and are quickly promoted to Emergency Rescue Team members. They report for their first mission: Rescue the science team aboard the N.S.S. Triad, and learn how to stop the slime scourge.

The Arbcop III Incident:

A strange mission from a mysterious man, drunken antics, Phoron Men, insane AIs, cyber wizards, dastardly scrappers, robotic companions, Unathi mercenaries, and Cowboy wizard hunters; this mission was too much to sum up here read the forum post or the chat log for this one.

Will the crew ever repair the N.S.S. Triad? Will they ever find out what happened to ArbCop III? Will they stop Nicky? Will cowboy ever find Gray the wizard? Will the Unathi mercenary ever return? Find out next time, on the N.M.V. Terminus.

=== Terminology ===
You will probably here myself or others here using some special terms for brevity's sake, or just as jargon.
-HoS: Head of Security
-CMO: Chief Medical Officer
-RD: Research Director
-CE: Chief Engineer
-QM: Quarter Master
-N.M.V.: NanoTrasen Military Vessel
-N.S.S.: NanoTrasen Science Station
-Atmos: Atmospherics, usually in reference to a station/ships atmospheric's system.
-Phoron: An energy rich purple crystal that is the basis for most acquisitions in the new age.
-SM: Super Matter. Large, even more energy rich crystals. Extremely volatile and radioactive, used only for power generation.
-Thallers: Space currency.
-Wizard Federation: A clan of wizards
-Spider Clan: A clan of cyber ninjas who covet tech.
-AI: Artificial Intelligence
-Borg: Shortening of cyborg, most robots use human brains refitted to act as a CPU as they are far more plentiful than positronic brains.
-Positronic brain: A small computer specially designed to run an AI construct.
-Bot: Shortening of robot, a synthetic worker.
-Merc: Shortening of mercenary, usually scorned by corporate workers.
-Bluespace: Scientific mumbojumbo. Basically another dimension of matter, used mostly for teleportation and dues ex machina
-BSA: Blue Space Artillery. Also known as a blue space cannon. Harnesses the raw power of blue space to teleporter artillery directly into ships.

=== Rules ===
I tend to be pretty rules light but there are a few things I do ask players try and stick to:

1) Don't be jerk!

We are all here to have a good time, please try not to insult other players. Also try and keep in mind that some characters will not like each other. Fighting is totally allowed in character, but keep it in character! Don't be upset with the player.

2) Have a realistic name.

Now I fully understand that names in the future can be pretty weird, and this rule will rarely ever come in to play; but do not expect to get away with naming your character profanities.

3) Have a realistic character.

Another loose rule, I fully understand that players will want to, and should be allowed to, have participated in as many space wars as they want. But please, not half demon rogue demigod immortal vampire elves. Stick to the lore!

4) If you aren't sure, ask the GM.

9 times out of 10, if you want to try something crazy, I'll make up some dice roll and let you try it. Just ask first! I am more than happy to answer questions and help players. If you want to run a character by me, or ask how to get your character to smoothly enter mid campaign, just ask!

=== Schedule ===

I don't really have one! Hahahaha!... Ya, I'm not so good at planning so I'm not even going to pretend to have a set schedule for this. I am usually on mid afternoon to late evening Pacific Standard Time.

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