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Scene UI suggestions

nephilim Jun '15
I have a few suggestions on the UI for saving and loading scenes.

* When using /list to list the scenes, it would be nice if the names were hot linked so that we could click on one to load the scene (or, failing that, to auto-populate the chat window with the proper command).

* It would be nice to be able to have some way of organizing scenes, at least at the level of adventure, so that I could restrict my scene listing to the current adventure I'm running. It would be sufficient to support filtering the list of scenes based on a keyword/wildcard matching (i.e., "/list chalice" would list only the scenes with the word "chalice" in the scene title; all scenes for that adventure would be named things like "chalice-intro", "chalice-boss-fight", etc.).

* The listing is currently hard to read. Maybe show it as a bulleted list instead of wrapped text? It could get pretty long that way, but with the above suggestion, that could be dealt with.

* The listing's order makes it hard to find things. Maybe alphabetize them?

* This one is debatable, but I suspect it might be handy to save the current default miniatures when you save the scene. That way, you could queue up the monsters and NPC's that are going to show up in a room without actually putting them in the room. This is useful for not "springing" the monster on the party immediately, or if you're going to be spawning multiple copies of a creature during play ("mobs").

* An alternative to the above would be to have a place on the scene that the GM could drag characters and they would be hidden from players. The upper right corner (where the GM screen is!) seems a natural place. Any miniature that's in that upper area is only visible to the GM, and only the GM can drag minis into or out of there.
frost Jun '15
Thanks nephilim. Updating the scene system is on the roadmap. It will most likely be in the interface instead of as a chat command, so it will eventually be much easier to use.
nephilim Jun '15
A few more suggestions:

* A way to rotate maps. For those instances where you realize that you should have built that room facing west instead of north, or when you want to have symmetric rooms leading off of that central chamber.

* An "eyedropper" tool so that you can easily grab the tile at a place in the map.

* A way to load a scene without replacing the minis or changing their positions. This would allow you to do dramatic reveals of new areas or other scene elements ("fog of war").

* A way to save some notes to go with a scene, either as notes to yourself as the GM for running those rooms, text snippets you could cut-and-paste from into the chat window for, say, the description of the room, or for taking notes for future adventures (i.e., "Jason insulted the king - if he ever shows up here, the guards will have him arrested").

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