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Orc trait edit
Orc: 1 - strength, scent, dark vision, light sensitive, blood rage Blood rage: whenever any Orc reaches 1 hit point they enter a bloodthirsty berserk thirsting to spill blood. In this rage orcs gain +3 to any might roll and +1 to any agility roll but -2 to any wisdom roll. Orcs in this state may only attack through physical might, no range or magic. Orcs in this state can also carry on for a single turn after reaching zero but do not gain any of the benefits of the rage. This lasts until combat is over and can only happen once per sesdion Please log in to add a comment. |
Prone: if you were proned in the previous round then you need to roll agility in order stand back up, if you roll a skull you stay proned and cannot preform any other action, if you get a moon you can make an immediate attack
Traits: you will have a racial trait, then a custom trait that is your choice but run it through with the GM first, then you must have some form of flaw, this can be physical or mental.
Race traits:
The first race on the Planet Koranus along with the Dwarves, though which came first cannot be known, as now the Dwarves are extinct and neither knew about each other, only thing that is known is that they came to be in the first century of the planets existence. The humans are the most versatile and adaptable of all the races, but their wills are weak and they are easily corrupted or influenced by ideas, religions or brave individuals, making them the potentially deadliest race, as if they ever follow one banner, it is likely that all other races will pay with their lives. Humans are incredibly varied in appearance, though this depends entirely on homeland, Humans of the north are Caucasian with blonde hair and blue eyes, where as those of the western savannahs have a more Negroid appearance. Humans have many different cultures, but now in the 10th millennium they have only the basics of counts or jarls living on plots of land with a single large fort, or living in great empires in the southern jungles, or in tiny tribes of the east. The most successful has been the east, being the first to start some form of an empire in the late 10th millennium.
Human: humans gets an extra bonus trait to emphasize their versatility.
Elves where the fourth race on Koranus and like the Orcs were made from humans by Nature, but this time she instead filled them with the Magic’s of her very being, making her ears pointed and large eyes, as well as gaining natural talent for magic, though this transference drew them closer to spectral fey like existence of nature itself causing them to become frail and weaken in form. Though the elves took advantage of this by inventing the skill of archery and even teaching it to the human holds and tribes, though the counts and some tribes accepted this gift, most of the tribes and Jarls of the north ignored this, believing that a coward fights from a distance. These magic’s that the elves hold are very reminiscent of the druids, though only minor, where a druid could command a tree, an elf can only speak to it. Where a druid could command entire packs of wolves, an elf will only be able to speak to them. Though there is one ability that is fully available to the elves and that is the transformation, though like the druids it is permanent and so Elves only us it as an emergency in order to survive or kill.
Elves are slender people with long flowing hair and pointed ears, they are very beautiful and seem to glow with a radiance and slightly clear skin, though this is due to their strange spectral like frail bodies.
Elf: 1 - nimble, Archery, naturally magical, -1 hp
Orcs were the third race to be born on the planet Koranus. Nature wanted a race to represent it, it wanted to show its wrath in a race so that humanity would know not to cross her, in the second millennium of Koranus Nature took a large quantity of humans and gave them the wisdom and strength of a bear, the ferocity and toughness of a boar and finally the cunning and senses of wolves, from this the Orcs were born, a race of ferocious humanoids, born in the north west in the largest continent now known as the Darklands. Nature ordered the Orcs to show humanity a warning of her wrath, though a warning it was intended, but a slaughter it was. This caused the death of every human in the Darklands, embarrassing Nature so she made it so that humans could no longer live there, driving them off by causing a solar blind spot over the lands, while the heat of the sun still made it through, no natural light shone upon the Darklands ever again. But the Orcs followed eventually in the third millennium but they had grown accustomed to darkness and so the light was blinding, though that did not stop their stubbornness. The Orcs spread across the world washing destruction. Nature then created another race to defend humanity, she created the elves, driving most of the Orcs underground or further on the outskirts of growing civilisation where many now call home.
Orcs have various types but in the north there is only three kinds known to appear:
Mountain Orcs: these are the Orcs that went underground and have stayed there ever since, they are grey skinned with red eyes and black hair. They despise the light, but they are more controlled then their brothers as the need to be careful not to collapse the mountain tunnels but also they are smaller and less muscled in order to navigate the tunnels. They are also rather short with the tallest just reaching 6ft tall. When the mountain Orcs went underground they found the empire of the dwarves, with technology far more advanced than anything had arrived, though the Dwarves were a peaceful race who knew nothing of the surface, only seeing the Elves attack the Orcs and not seeing their blood rage the dwarves opened their gates for the Orcs and were slaughtered by them. Now the Dwarves are extinct, Elves blame the Orcs for this but the gnomes, allies of the Dwarves point fingers at the elves, and non deny the intellect of the gnomes.
Plain Orcs: these are the original Orc specie and originate from the Darklands. They all have light brown skin with golden eyes and dark brown hair. They are the strongest of all natural Orc specie as well as one of the tallest, easily reaching 7ft tall
Half-Orcs: Half-Orcs are never the result of loving union, as Orcs have a breading season in spring where they get pent up with sexual energy, and so the entire tribe or Darklands are set into a breading frenzy, males trying to impregnate as many females as possible, though often now, a singular Orc or an entire tribe may not have females or males available, so either gender will rape entire human or elf towns breeding with either gender, the male orcs children will stay with either elves or humans, but those of female orcs will stay with them, likely to birth male Half-Orcs allowing breading to begin within the tribe again. Half-Orcs are fortunate enough not to be bothered by the light but tend to be less durable and weaker sense of smell. Half-Orcs are incredibly varied appearance, they can seem like a mix, purebred looking of either elf, human or Orc.
Orc: 1 - strength, scent, dark-vision, light sensitive
Goblins are a strange race as they are created when human babies or toddlers get infected by a fungus that normally kills children and adults but the young system adapts with it, causing a mutation where they go albino, gaining pointed ears and sharp teeth. This fungi was originally developed by the Elves in the 5th Millennium to release spores that causes Orcs to stay away from human and elven settlements, though there was a malfunction in the botany, though the elves were immune to the effects, the small number of settlements in the third millennium all died, except for the toddlers and babies that now are wild and eat anything they can, though the fungus gave a second instinct apart from survive, but like a virus spread, so they took the fungi and spread them to other settlements. Now this is a real menace and not much can be done as the spores are literally in the air. Hobgoblins are the fully grown goblins, being unnaturally tough and sneaky the Hobgoblins are a wild force that are organised in groups but on their own are very wiled and savage, as the spores has slowly rotter their brains replacing it, the Hobgoblins have no known maximum age as they are constantly dying from battle with elves and humans, and especially the gnomes, but those who live to being 80 have been known to have their entire brain replaced by the fungus and so are rumoured to be able to spread the fungus like dead skin, and heal wounds quickly, though this is washed away as garbage. Many Hobgoblins ride boars into battle and are albino as like their children and no hair. Hobgoblins due not actually breed true, the fungus has destroyed any need to breed and even the organs to do so, so instead they sneakily place the fungus at human tribes and encampments, though the elements protect the Gnomes from this the Orcs are strangely immune to this effect.
Hobgoblin: 1 - sneaky, +1 hp, low light vision, max 2 wisdom
The Gnomes were a race that the dwarves devised with the elemental consciousness of Earth, so earth spoke with the other elements and so they decided to do so. Earth made large strong bodies, but Water chiselled them down as well as filling their bodies with moisture and flesh, Fire made their bodies warm and gave them great courage and bravery and finally Wind breathed life into them and filling them with great knowledge. The end result was a race of small brave intelligent people who now are advisers and scholars all across the surface and underground. Though often treaded like children due to their size no one, not even the stubborn orcs will deny the advise of a Gnome as they are the smartest and have the strongest moral compass, believing that helping others will help you and give you a smooth and guilt free life. Gnomes are not very good warriors due to their small stature but they make excellent rogues and intellects due to their small size and powerful minds, though they are also amazing shamans due to their natural affinity with the elements being able to use it themselves anyway.
Gnomes all are like humans except that they have dark brown skin with red hair and white beards, though their blood is blue. This appearance shows their clear distinction between them and the children of humans or elves.
Gnome: 1 - clever, naturally magical, brave, max 1 might
Magic users: there can only be three magic users within the game system at any given time as they are a rarity even in the most magical of nations. when one wants to be a magic user they must choose one of the choices below and make a trait related to this magic. This limit does not count against Elves and Gnomes as they only have minor capabilities of the magic. Magic in this game is a source of energy and there are no actual spells, you just will something to happen and it is possible that this will happen. the three choices below do not limit you in your use of magic but only describes the source of your magic and how it is used.
Sorcerers have the most magic power but their personality is the only way to form it and most of the time only happens in heaps of rage and cannot take on proper forms, this is so uncontrollable that there have been incidents where sorcerers have only been irritated and that irritating person has burst into flames or been imploded.
Clerics/Priests/paladins gain their power from their patron gods, they have great deal of power from their gods but that can cause damage to their bodies depending on how much they use it, they are not limited by their god in what kind of magic they can use but they have more control then sorcerers even being capable of commanding it with a few words or a long concentration
Druids/Shamans have the most control over their magic but have the least amount of power, thankfully their spells are very simple. Example: Druids tend to be able to communicate with animals and plants as well as control certain plants but have to concentrate and not be disturbed in doing so, they also have the ability to take on aspects of certain animals but doing so is permanent and if used fully they will become the animal completely and all personality will be lost.
Shamans on the other hand manipulates the four elements in some way, Fire: create some light, Earth: small amount of geomancy, so lift small stones or change earth to sand. Air: create a gust of wind. Water: very much like earth they can manipulate water and change it's properties; water is the most offensive as it allows them to manipulate water into the air and then produce sharp icicles as well as explosive steam. Shamans also have a small amount of control of the weather like producing a lighting bolt but like druids they need to concentrate and it takes at least 10 minutes to produce the storm clouds
On Koranus there reside wizards, while this word brings to mind people who study magic and are great users of the force. This is not true. Wizards of Koranus are a strange folk, not actual practitioners of magic but much rather fonts of knowledge about magic itself. While a Druid might be able to make trees grow, and a cleric create a blue fireball, they will only know that their strength of will allows these to form, and a basic idea of where they get this magic, but only a wizard knows specifically how it works and how the users gain access to the various sources, and even a select few, only 3 in the current moment, know of when magic was first forged and by who, they even know what was the first form of magic, though this knowledge they keep secret. One might imagine that it is possible for a wizard to be a sorcerer also, but emotions control a sorcerer and so there is no will to be had, and mortal emotion is fickle and so they have short attentions spans and tempers, leaving little time and patience to dedicated study of magic. One might think that with the Gnomes great knowledge and that Elves with their deep cultures based around magic would be natural Wizards, though their time is much more direct. The Gnomes try to carry one and even attempt to succeed the great legacy of the dwarves, their father race and the Elves care little for the knowledge as they know that their power comes from Nature and that they are naturally attuned to her energies. Strangely it is the humans who take up this role, their natural curiosity and great courage leads them to ignore the dangers that scare most other humans. The problem with this is that most of the human population of Koranus have not heard of magic let alone know what it is. A Wizard does not necessarily need to be a solid intellectual; they could be sneaky rogues, brave warriors or even simple peasants. A Wizard is restricted to humans, Gnomes are available but I would need an acceptable and feasible reason for why a Gnomish intellectuary would look towards magic rather then their father race for whom they have great respect for. Hobgoblins are too dim and slow for proper study, the patience of Orcs are well known to be as short as a bee, and so they are more likely to burn whatever work they have piled together, Elves are the same for the previous reason stated.
Traits abilities:
Nimble: this has to do with how agile and dexterous you are and affects any such rolls and must be rolled with agility
Scent: this allows the player to sniff out any scents that may be in the air and must be rolled with wisdom when tracking
Sneaky: this has to do with how sneaky and stealthily you can move, this must be rolled with agility when sneaking
Clever: this affects your intelligence and wisdom and is rolled with any wisdom roll.
Brave: this has to do with how brave and courageous you are in the face of fear and battle, roll this with wisdom when ever you are being intimidated or affected by fear
Vision: these traits are useful in that they allow the player to see in dimmer or dark areas more than others. in the day everyone rolls normally when perceiving something. in moon or star light, those with normal vision take -1 on the roll but those with low light vision are not affected and those with dark vision gain +1. When it is Dark those with normal vision take -2, those with low light vision take -1 and those with dark vision are unaffected.
light sensitive: being light sensitive means that when you are out during the day you must make a straight might roll, if you get even a single star, you act normal, but otherwise you have a -1 one star for that turn
I will be performing secret mechanics for the game, these mechanics will affect your character in some way in some situations