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Red on a White Desert

daretobe Sep '15  /  edited May '16
Our History began with war. Our people were born from fire and ash. The world was reborn, and her people started anew. The past was wiped clean, and life was simple for a very long time. Everyone needed each other. Groups formed. Groups became bands. Band's settled into the bones of the old world, and began to rebuild. Towns, Cities, then, finally, civilization returned to the White snowy desert of Canada's vast northern territories. Now it's the year 3005, and we have started all over. We had just about finished, we just about could make it for good. Then they came. Those we forgot in the old skeleton of the world. Those that came out of the ashes like nightmares. Those that did not settle, instead roamed like wolves feasting on the sheep. Those we had left behind in that ash have come back. We call them, the forsaken. Strangers, monsters, killers, mutants, they have begun to drag the world back into chaos and destruction. That's where you come in. Fort Greenway helped train you. You, and everyone else will not stand by while utopia slips from your grasp. The world is split, and order vs anarchy is in the balance.
But life is not all bad. In fact, life has treated you all quite well. The front lines have held, and things have seemed to stalemate. That's why they made -- the team -- . A group to break the stalemate, a group to win the war. You are this group. The day begins like any other. Its time to wake up...

THIS GAME IS A... low tech science fiction fantasy post apocalyptic adventure tabletop role playing game.

This game was made in the glade along time ago to prove that making a setting and hosting was simpler and easy to do than the glade had lead newer TRPG fans to believe. With some comments and help of the glade at the time, We all pitched setting idea's and thought up a quick game. Triclopyr was super helpful and made me properly host it.

This game is for new hosters and old, given with love so that its easy for members to host games. I declare that this game is not "mine" and not anyone's! I present to you, the ...possibly first, open source FableTop game. Any gm can host it!

So you can all host it, let me lay down some basics.

+ Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
+ Love can bloom, even on a battlefield.

FORSAKEN - The forsaken are the people that developed a tribal warband. They were not trusted by the people who brought back civilization, forsaken to drift and survive the harsh world alone(or band together, like they did) They are aggressive reavers, monsters, and worse, only speak gritty french.

UPLIFTED - You guys. The good guys. People part of proper civilizations. Cities, cultures, and much more have grown from the sectors of the uplifted. Created democracy and governing republics.

FT medieval fantasy, customs welcomed.

Non magical healing will be slow and painful, any magic user can heal, though 'healers' can get additional stack-able traits for healing.

Fort Greenway -
Eden -

Common Questions:
What is the White Desert?
It is the northern vast regions of Canada that got nuked in the great war of the past. The desert is a mix of ashes of the world past, and of course snowstorms and blizzards.

With that, I hope you have fun with Red on a White Desert!


Raw material from the glade. Copy pasted (partially)

... hmm... maybe the forsaken have a monopoly on the last remaining dogs, breeding them for battle and intimidation?
Black and gray

The forsaken are a splinter group of a small group named the "uplifted" Who worked to better the world and restore a balance of political power. The forsaken left the group, feeling that they could control better than a democracy or a republic.

Are they fleshy headed mutants made enemies of society because of how mistreated they are?

It was a dark and gritty future in Canada. The Belgium special forces had hijacked the American defense grid and began launching nukes. The war wiped out the military in days, there aren't many of us left anymore. Now it's the year 3005, i think, and we've begun starting over. There is one problem the Foresaken wants us dead, and we're fighting back. The battle for Fort Greenway is on.

Crude weapons then? lost a lot of tech in the war?
Nuclear war has put us back into the stone age, magic is a mutation
Tech probably had reverted to the basics after all the war.
Magic is like the super guns and wonders of the world before?

Civil war post apoc
Can someone host plez?
Make it oddly uplifting, finding fun and joy within dark times.
Moving on, rebuilding.
Making something better.
The survival of a ragtag group of veteran soldiers

Hmm. I think that it should have stronger political ties to the Gov, maybe like an outpost, having a few offices and support from them, like medicals, and trade, but also be more like the middle man for smuggling and less legal opperations so that the gov can also keep clean hands.
That makes it so that not only if the pc's choose to support or oppose, they have good backing from ether side.
Further game could show that the city is tired of hiding the dirty and keeping secrets, a few of the secrets could be what stur up the pot and make quests.

Since the setting, and the game itself, was thought up by 4 people in the glade last september everything is super up in the air and nothings set in stone 'sept my cannon right now. We though about it a lot, and its not all my idea. Triclopyr was a big help and really pushed the game, so thats where some of the elements of that game come from. While there is a form of a pseudo government in place, it is mostly to protect and serve Eden, and the surrounding lands from the splinter faction Forsaken. The forsaken have everything that the 'good guys' don't have. Isolation and lack of numbers is a theme in the game thus far. Since it is a desert, the towns and setlements are isolated because of the enviornment.
Its called the white desert because it takes place in the vast regions of north america, mostly modern Canada.
So snow, and everything is blown up and burned to ashes, you get the idea.
The old world is a distant memory, and society and people have long forgotten everything we know of today. It was a great big wipe out, a wash of the world. Which is why things are very low tech. Not a lot survived.
In this society, the only threat are the forsaken, the desert, and of rogue settlements.
The latter not usually surviving very long,

At first they were basiclly they were like... the south, in the civil war. A splinter group, wanted to do things their way, blah blah. Then tric make it very clear the game needed to be simple to understand. A clear threat and enemy in the world. I agreed, after a lot of persuading. The forsaken are mad men, crazed tribals. Raiders, if you will. Or maybe the reavers if your into your sci fi / sky pirate games.
Though I have some plans still to make them a little more... than that.
In time.

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