In the land of Leorith there exist various Knightly orders who follow their own edicts and name themselves after various mystical creatures that inhabit the land. Though recently strange and horrible events have happened, villages eviscerated, filled with disease, loss of crops. This is due for an investigation and the Order of the Black cross, a non magical knight order who specialise in information gathering, but have also made an official request for various knights from the magical orders across the land.
Knight Orders
CC: you are all humans, there are no other humanoid races. You will all have fluff equipment, like armor and weapons though later on you shall discover better versions that grant traits. Each player starts with a +2 knight trait and a +1 custom trait.
The armor descriptions are in no way mandatory, but a simple description of what the standard uniform for each order is. The only order where this is semi mandatory, Members of the order of the beast cannot wear or use metal armour or weaponry
Order of the Dragon: the knightly order of the dragon are physically powerful knights with great arrogance and powerful personalities. They also have tough skin needing little heavy armor though they still wear it in dragon shapes to show themselves off. They also have the ability to blow plumes of fire and set their weapons aflame. All this power comes from the fact that they do not have a human heart, but rather have a heart of a dragon
Order of the Phoenix: The Knights of the Phoenix are powerful mages, users of all uses of fire magic and are thought to be eternally living. They wear no armor but instead wear red robes, covered in runes. They get their power from bathing in the ashes of dead phoenix's and consuming a feather
Phoenix Order: 2 - Flame magic, Rebirth
Order of the Demon: Knights of the Demon are thought to be the most evil but are simply those who study demons and find any weaknesses. They wear light and little armor to stay nimble to use their small weapons and dark magic. They gain their powers by bleeding themselves dry via cuts at the wrist, then demon blood enters via the shoulder bone area.
Demon Order: 2 - Durability, Knowledge, Dark magic
Order of the Angel: Knights of the angel are seekers of demons to hunt them down, they are often allies with the Order of the Demon. They wear heavy armor using spears, from their backs sprout wings. To become a knight of the angel holy runes are to be etched into the skin, in their back, chest and forehead, this causes wings to grow, gain enlightened minds and gain celestial strength.
Order of the Basilisk: Knights of the Basilisk are the most afraid of their power. They wear tight lightly armoured suits, their helmets stop them from seeing though areas can be removed. They are just slightly stronger and tougher than normal humans but they have the unique power of turning others to stone with their gaze. The process to become a knight of the Basilisk is very dangerous and so there are very few members but they are the most brave. They must face a basilisk right in the eye and deny it's intimidation and dominance, not turning to stone and being gifted with their eyes
Basilisk Order: 2 - Combat, Indomitable will, Stone gaze
Order of the Dhampir: The Knights of the Dhampir are unusual as instead of imitating the beasts that they name themselves after they are in fact dhampir, but minor at that. They wear no armor but sleek black and crimson uniforms of basic clothing with either a crimson surcoat or tabard. Over these they tend to wear brown leather trench coats. Their combat involves with quick light attacks to bleed them to death. To become a dhampir one must drink the blood of a vampire and surviving the deadly poison.
Order of the Beast: Knights of the beast are guardians of nature, wearing non metal armour's, they use stone weaponry. They normally take physical aspects of different animals, antlers, scales, fur and unique eyes. To become a Knight of the Beast you must drink sap from a fairy tree, then survive for week alone in the forest, the sap begins to remove their flesh and fuse it with that of various elements of nature.
Knight Orders
CC: you are all humans, there are no other humanoid races. You will all have fluff equipment, like armor and weapons though later on you shall discover better versions that grant traits. Each player starts with a +2 knight trait and a +1 custom trait.
The armor descriptions are in no way mandatory, but a simple description of what the standard uniform for each order is. The only order where this is semi mandatory, Members of the order of the beast cannot wear or use metal armour or weaponry
Order of the Dragon: the knightly order of the dragon are physically powerful knights with great arrogance and powerful personalities. They also have tough skin needing little heavy armor though they still wear it in dragon shapes to show themselves off. They also have the ability to blow plumes of fire and set their weapons aflame. All this power comes from the fact that they do not have a human heart, but rather have a heart of a dragon
Dragon Order: 2 - Combat, Flame breath, Armed Flame, tough hide, Charisma
Order of the Phoenix: The Knights of the Phoenix are powerful mages, users of all uses of fire magic and are thought to be eternally living. They wear no armor but instead wear red robes, covered in runes. They get their power from bathing in the ashes of dead phoenix's and consuming a feather
Phoenix Order: 2 - Flame magic, Rebirth
Order of the Demon: Knights of the Demon are thought to be the most evil but are simply those who study demons and find any weaknesses. They wear light and little armor to stay nimble to use their small weapons and dark magic. They gain their powers by bleeding themselves dry via cuts at the wrist, then demon blood enters via the shoulder bone area.
Demon Order: 2 - Durability, Knowledge, Dark magic
Order of the Angel: Knights of the angel are seekers of demons to hunt them down, they are often allies with the Order of the Demon. They wear heavy armor using spears, from their backs sprout wings. To become a knight of the angel holy runes are to be etched into the skin, in their back, chest and forehead, this causes wings to grow, gain enlightened minds and gain celestial strength.
Angel Order: 2 - Strenth, Flight, Senses, Holy Magic
Order of the Basilisk: Knights of the Basilisk are the most afraid of their power. They wear tight lightly armoured suits, their helmets stop them from seeing though areas can be removed. They are just slightly stronger and tougher than normal humans but they have the unique power of turning others to stone with their gaze. The process to become a knight of the Basilisk is very dangerous and so there are very few members but they are the most brave. They must face a basilisk right in the eye and deny it's intimidation and dominance, not turning to stone and being gifted with their eyes
Basilisk Order: 2 - Combat, Indomitable will, Stone gaze
Order of the Dhampir: The Knights of the Dhampir are unusual as instead of imitating the beasts that they name themselves after they are in fact dhampir, but minor at that. They wear no armor but sleek black and crimson uniforms of basic clothing with either a crimson surcoat or tabard. Over these they tend to wear brown leather trench coats. Their combat involves with quick light attacks to bleed them to death. To become a dhampir one must drink the blood of a vampire and surviving the deadly poison.
Dhampir Order: 2 - Strength, Speed, blood magic, blood feed
Order of the Beast: Knights of the beast are guardians of nature, wearing non metal armour's, they use stone weaponry. They normally take physical aspects of different animals, antlers, scales, fur and unique eyes. To become a Knight of the Beast you must drink sap from a fairy tree, then survive for week alone in the forest, the sap begins to remove their flesh and fuse it with that of various elements of nature.
Beast Order: 2 - Animalistic aspect, Strength, Durability, Nature magic