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The kingdom of Syrusk

pyrak Dec '15  /  edited Dec '15
Welcome to the nity-gritty world of pain and suffering

- Pain (P #): vs Might or Wisdom, if failed, no actions this round, if # greater than Might + Wisdom character gets shock.

- Wounded (LW/AW #): vs Agility or Might
- - Leg Wound inhibits speed, if you get more LW than your Agility + Might than you gain prone, no save.
- - Arm wound inhibits attacks, if you get more AW than your Agility + Might than you gain disarmed, no save.

==Power Points==
There are a few actions you may make with power points other than the standard swing extra hard stuff.
- Adrenaline (A): If you're at one or less hit points you may use one spirit point at the beginning of your turn. If you do so than you must attack or or rush to your nearest opponent. While Adrenaline is active Pain and Wounded statuses are ignored.
==Notable Names==
Meran Empire (the big baddies)
Duke Merodith

Marik and his Axe
Mgt: 3
Agi 2
Wis 2
Badass: +1 everything

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