When combat begins, unless one side gets a successful Ambush (determined by GM), the turns go from greatest initiative value to lowest. If there are more than one person who goes at the same time, teammates go at the same time (they don't roll until both their actions have been stated) and it's up to GM's RNG on who with the same initiative goes first.
Actions In A Turn Each character may make 1 Move Action and one other Action.
- Move: (1-2 Might is 2 movement, 3-4 Might is 3 movement) you may only make 1 regular Move Action a turn.
- Sprint: Same as a move action however 1 less space.
- Shoot: Point out who/what you're shooting, and roll Agility + Attack(R). Before damage is finally calculated, you need to subtract the attacker's pierce from the defender's armor and cover, and subtract damage from the armor value. If you Move in the same turn as shooting, your opponent gets bonus cover equal to how many squares you have/will move.
Every 2 squares beyond 2*Wisdom + Range Skill your opponent is they get +1 to cover.
- Melee: Almost exactly like Shooting however the only difference is you're attacking with Might + Attack(M). Before damage is finally calculated, you need to subtract the attacker's pierce from the defender's armor and cover, and subtract damage from the armor value.
- Action: Basically using one of the things in your inventory like sticking a Power Armor Quickpatch on one of your friends to ensure they don't die or attempting to de-Jam your gun.
Actions, these are genuine things you can do whether it's in combat or not.
- Use Item: (Wisdom) pretty obvious, you can also trade items. Every time a non-consumable item is used roll a Condition check to find out if it's worn down some.
- Salvage: (Wisdom check) scavenge things from everywhere, you can loot dead opponents, dead allies, vehicles, random stretches of Mars (you're only finding something in the middle of nowhere if you get a Moon). Moons means I'll be generating something awesome, Skulls means something like a land mine going off happens (or worse).
- Tech Use: (Wisdom) opening doors inside buildings, operating vehicles, using Alien technology (including weapons).
- Repair: (Wisdom) Allows you to recover Life and improve a item's Condition, however requires the proper repair kit.
Salvaging The Art of the perceptive and fortunate, some are just simply lucky when looking for something, and some will never find anything of value.
Salvaging is a Wisdom + Salvaging roll, however unless someone is really lucky or gets a really good roll, in all likeliness they may only end up finding consumables 1-3 stars will result in one or more consumable items. Moons and or getting 4+ will result in better than common goods.
Actions In A Turn
Each character may make 1 Move Action and one other Action.
- Move: (1-2 Might is 2 movement, 3-4 Might is 3 movement) you may only make 1 regular Move Action a turn.
- Sprint: Same as a move action however 1 less space.
- Shoot: Point out who/what you're shooting, and roll Agility + Attack(R). Before damage is finally calculated, you need to subtract the attacker's pierce from the defender's armor and cover, and subtract damage from the armor value. If you Move in the same turn as shooting, your opponent gets bonus cover equal to how many squares you have/will move.
Every 2 squares beyond 2*Wisdom + Range Skill your opponent is they get +1 to cover.
- Melee: Almost exactly like Shooting however the only difference is you're attacking with Might + Attack(M). Before damage is finally calculated, you need to subtract the attacker's pierce from the defender's armor and cover, and subtract damage from the armor value.
- Action: Basically using one of the things in your inventory like sticking a Power Armor Quickpatch on one of your friends to ensure they don't die or attempting to de-Jam your gun.
Actions, these are genuine things you can do whether it's in combat or not.
- Use Item: (Wisdom) pretty obvious, you can also trade items. Every time a non-consumable item is used roll a Condition check to find out if it's worn down some.
- Salvage: (Wisdom check) scavenge things from everywhere, you can loot dead opponents, dead allies, vehicles, random stretches of Mars (you're only finding something in the middle of nowhere if you get a Moon). Moons means I'll be generating something awesome, Skulls means something like a land mine going off happens (or worse).
- Tech Use: (Wisdom) opening doors inside buildings, operating vehicles, using Alien technology (including weapons).
- Repair: (Wisdom) Allows you to recover Life and improve a item's Condition, however requires the proper repair kit.
The Art of the perceptive and fortunate, some are just simply lucky when looking for something, and some will never find anything of value.
Salvaging is a Wisdom + Salvaging roll, however unless someone is really lucky or gets a really good roll, in all likeliness they may only end up finding consumables 1-3 stars will result in one or more consumable items. Moons and or getting 4+ will result in better than common goods.