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Dropships on Mars - Gear & Weapons

pyrak Dec '15  /  edited Dec '15
There's two categories that everything can fit into, permanent items and one time use items. Permanent items (Equipment & Weapons) stay with you after use, while one time use items disappear after being used. However All permanent items have a Condition they're in, Perfect (+3), Excellent (+2), Fine(+2), Good(+1), Bad(+1), Poor(+0), and Broken.

For Equipment, every time they're used a Condition roll (/roll Condition 3) is made, and if they get no stars then the Condition degrades one level. Once they reach the level of broken they can no longer be used again. If this roll results in a Skull, then whatever task you were attempting fails automatically and the Equipment becomes Broken.

Weapons only degrade when you roll a Skull in using them, and gain the status effect of Jammed.

1 Equipment
2 Consumables
3 Weapons
4 Grenades
pyrak Dec '15  /  edited Nov '17
Name (Mass#)
- Abilities

Power Armor repair kit (2)
- Allows you to repair Power Armor

Human tool kit (2)
- Allows you to repair Human Vehicles & Weapons

Power Pack Mk 1 (3)
- Carries up to 5 Power charge
pyrak Dec '15
Name (Mass#)
- Abilities

Power Armor Quickpatch, PAQ. (1)
- Can be applied to remove 1 KO in combat
pyrak Dec '15  /  edited Dec '17
Name (Mass#) (Type, Users)
- Pierce #, Range #, Hands #, Effects
- Additional Information

Handgun* (.5) (Pistol, Human)
- Pierce 0, Range 4

Combat Knife* (.5) (Melee, Human)
- Pierce 2, Melee
- Pierce 0, Thrown

Light Railgun (3) (Basic, Human)
- Pierce 0, Range 8, Surefire

Plasma Blaster (3.5) (Basic, Human)
- Pierce 3, range 5, Inflicts Burn
- Deals 1 damage directly to you when it jams (ignores armor)

Rocket Launcher (5) (Heavy, Human)
- Pierce 5, Range 4+, AoE 2
- Takes a turn to load, If jammed, 1/3 chance blowing up.

Grenade Launcher (2.5) (Heavy, Human)
- Pierce 0, Range 3-10
- Launches Grenades, each attack consumes a Grenade.

Ion Pulse Carbine (2) (Basic, Tzuak)
- Pierce 2, Range 7
- Doesn't Jam on a Skull

Rail Rifle (2) (Basic, Both)
- Pierce 3, Range 11, Inflict stun
- Uses a Power Point every time fired, can't use PP skills.

Photokinetic Pistol (.5) (Pistol, Tzuak)
- Pierce 2, Range 3,
- Inflict stun on a Moon

Fusion Cannon (12) (Heavy, Tzuak)
- Pierce 8, Range 2+, Surefire (roll twice for attack)
- Deadly: If it hits a target with KO1+ then the target is instantly killed.

Plasma Sword (2) (Melee, Exotic)
- Pierce 5, Melee, Inflicts Burn
- Moon: 3*Damage, Skull: Plasma Grenade effect based on wielder's location, Plasma Sword becomes Broken.

Ripper Blade (3) (Melee, Both) (energized/vibration)
- Pierce 4, Melee

Force Field (2) (Shield, Both)
- +1 Cover

Warblade Shield (2) (Shield, Exotic)
- +2 Cover

Repulsion Field (1) (Shield, Human)
- +1 Cover

- Basic: Two handed firearm.
- Heavy: Also two handed, however these take up two actions to use.
- Pistol: One handed firearm.
- Melee: Typically swords, one handed melee weapon.
- Shield: You can have only one of these equipped at a time, they don't use up either hand so get one of these soon as you can.

- Human: Humans can use them, you won't find them in Tzuak claws.
- Tzuak: If you want to use one of these it's a 2 star Tech Use check (no power), and Repair checks need a additional star as well.
- Both: Human & Tzuak use this, only slight variation in designs.
- Exotic: Usually in Tzuak claws, if you find one of these the Tech Use check is a 3 and Repair checks need 2 additional stars.

Power Armor
Light: 2 Armor, +2 Initiative
Medium: 3 Armor
Heavy: 4 Armor, -2 Initiative

Jump Pack (Light or Medium)
- You may use a Power Point when making a Move Action to move additional spaces equal to your Might (-2 for Medium).

Shoulder Gun (heavy)
- You may have a Basic weapon attached to your armor (Tech Use roll to attach or detach, failed roll will decrease the Weapon's quality) which will attack one target of your choice during your turn. It doesn't use any of your modifiers and its attack roll is equal to the stars rolled on the Tech Use roll for mounting it.

Electrified Wrist Blade
- Melee Weapon. 0 Mass, Pierce 1, Stun
pyrak Dec '15
Name (Mass#)
- Pierce #, AoE #, effects

Frag Grenade (0.5)
- Pierce 1, AoE 1, deals twice the damage against infantry

Plasma Grenade (0.5)
- Pierce 1, AoE 1, inflicts burn in addition to damage

Tesla Grenade (0.5)
- Pierce 0, AoE 2, no damage, inflicts stun and jam (both vs wisdom save)

Static Bomb (.5)
- Pierce 0, AoE 2, -4 to all ranged attacks against people inside the AoE.

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