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Swords, Rifles, and Cannons

pyrak Dec '15
Welcome Commander to the battlefield, first though we'll need to make sure that you are who the papers say you are.

All of you fine upstanding wannabe commanders start with the bare minimum, you're not badass yet (just survive until you are)! So all three of your base traits should be set to 1, and your life and power both set to 2.

Aside from the Commander units (you guys), there are three different types of units, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery.

Infantry - Move 1, HP 10
Rifle: Range 3, Attack 4
Bayonet: Melee, Attack 2

Cavalry - Move 2 HP 12
Carbine: Range 2, Attack 3 (may attack and move)
Sabre: Melee, Attack 6

Artillery - Move 1, HP 8
Solid Shot: Range 6, Attack 4
Canister Shot: Range 2, Attack 10

When a unit falls below 50% HP 2/3 chance retreating unless they've got a commander attached.

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