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skalmold666 Feb '16  /  edited May '19
World war 2 Lycanthrobic apocalypse in germany

HP: 4
PP: 4
movement: 1 square + roll of agility
no blocking or armour, but there is dodge
you gain three traits:
one non combat trait
one fire arm trait
one knife trait

Characters have 2 Actions these actions can be used to move, Fire a firearm, attack with a knife, shove an enemy or use a non combat skill
Move + Fire Firearm
Move + attack with knife
Move + Reload Rifle
Move + Non combat skill
Non Combat skill + fire Firearm
Non Combat Skill + Reload Rifle
Non Combat Skill + Attack with Knife
Shove + fire Pistol

It is not necessary to to use both actions in a turn

Rifle: 2 - Takes a round to reload. has no range limit
Pistol: 1 - does not need to reload, range of 5 squares
knife: 1 - range of 1 square

you attack by rolling the weapons on their own, no character traits or base traits with

movement: you move one square then roll agility to move some extra squares

shoving: using strength you can shove a Feral out of a threatening square

Medical Tests: when making medical tests roll wisdom + any medic traits. the first star will stop any bleading, if there is a second of more stars 1 health point is gained by the subject of the medical test. a character may not be healed more than 1 point per session. a moon causes the bleading to stop and 1 health point is gained. a skull causes the loss of a wound.

0HP: once a character reaches 0 Health, they begin bleeding out and must be attended by a medic, if raised to 1 hp they have to wait a turn before they can perform any action, the second turn they can only perform a single action, either move or attack.

Bleeding: When a Character hits zero HP they will begin to he bleed out, within 3 turns that character will die unless a medic manages to stop the bleeding

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