===The Anime Slayer Story (The ASS) CC===
Basic FT CC, custom traits (yes you may min-max)
Description is whatever you want. in here the sky is the limit, and we may break that one as well and simply make the omniverse be the limit. This is supposed to be an anime like story, so doing impossible feats is a yes (like running up walls because you're that agile)
In notes there should be an inventory a skills section and a abilities section. You start with two skills and three abilities.
===The Anime RP Skills & Abilities===
Skills: Skills are pretty broad, and are just about everything. Unless you have the skill to wield a particular type of weapon or tool, you may only apply your base trait to using it.
For weapons categories can be as simple as the weapon's type (dagger, light sword, heavy sword, bludgeon, pole-arm, bow crossbow, handgun, rifle, heavy machine-gun...). However for using the weapon for anything other than it's traditional purpose (blocking with a sword) would take another skill.
Magic can't be done without the skill for magic, which you first need the base skill for (Divine, Arcane, whatever else), and from there you can branch out in to particular subsets (healing, pyromancy, whatever). You may also make skills that go into your magic type (ex: whenever Jeremy the necromancer deals damage with a magical attack he may absorb a portion of that life)
Abilities: Abilities are your activated things, primarily magic and special tricks you learn to use while fighting, and typically will cost PP to use. Basically if you want to have an AoE fireball, be able to slash with your ridiculously huge sword and send a piercing shockwave flying at your opponent across the board, or do some sort of gunslinger trick aside from shooting your gun. (more examples include blocking opponents attacks with your sword, special monk moves, spells with various additional effects, rogue tricks, whatever you can think up).
During combat, every two rounds each character still in action gains 1 PP.
Melee: Might ("light" weapons may be wielded using agility instead) based attack, range typically 1 or 2 (pole arms and the likes will have a range of 2).
Ranged: Agility based attack, no range limit, may have other limiting factors including taking a action to reload.
Magic: Wisdom based, no range limit unless healing (limit 1), and automatic 1/9th chance of spell failure (skulls and moons are not counted in this roll).
Combat: During your turn, you may take two actions, and they can be any two actions (two attacks, one attack & one movement, two movements, etc.).
-Movement- is based on your agility, a base of two moment + 1/2 your agility score and any other related speed/movement related things (2 +1/2(agi base + stuff)).
Basic FT CC, custom traits (yes you may min-max)
Description is whatever you want. in here the sky is the limit, and we may break that one as well and simply make the omniverse be the limit. This is supposed to be an anime like story, so doing impossible feats is a yes (like running up walls because you're that agile)
In notes there should be an inventory a skills section and a abilities section. You start with two skills and three abilities.
===The Anime RP Skills & Abilities===
Skills: Skills are pretty broad, and are just about everything. Unless you have the skill to wield a particular type of weapon or tool, you may only apply your base trait to using it.
For weapons categories can be as simple as the weapon's type (dagger, light sword, heavy sword, bludgeon, pole-arm, bow crossbow, handgun, rifle, heavy machine-gun...). However for using the weapon for anything other than it's traditional purpose (blocking with a sword) would take another skill.
Magic can't be done without the skill for magic, which you first need the base skill for (Divine, Arcane, whatever else), and from there you can branch out in to particular subsets (healing, pyromancy, whatever). You may also make skills that go into your magic type (ex: whenever Jeremy the necromancer deals damage with a magical attack he may absorb a portion of that life)
Abilities: Abilities are your activated things, primarily magic and special tricks you learn to use while fighting, and typically will cost PP to use. Basically if you want to have an AoE fireball, be able to slash with your ridiculously huge sword and send a piercing shockwave flying at your opponent across the board, or do some sort of gunslinger trick aside from shooting your gun. (more examples include blocking opponents attacks with your sword, special monk moves, spells with various additional effects, rogue tricks, whatever you can think up).
During combat, every two rounds each character still in action gains 1 PP.
Melee: Might ("light" weapons may be wielded using agility instead) based attack, range typically 1 or 2 (pole arms and the likes will have a range of 2).
Ranged: Agility based attack, no range limit, may have other limiting factors including taking a action to reload.
Magic: Wisdom based, no range limit unless healing (limit 1), and automatic 1/9th chance of spell failure (skulls and moons are not counted in this roll).
Combat: During your turn, you may take two actions, and they can be any two actions (two attacks, one attack & one movement, two movements, etc.).
-Movement- is based on your agility, a base of two moment + 1/2 your agility score and any other related speed/movement related things (2 +1/2(agi base + stuff)).