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- Blue Mushrooms (+1 Power after an hour) - Black Herb "Godsbane" (-D1 Life for rounds equal to Life-Might or healed via potion, holy water is applied or a 1+ Resistance roll is made) - Orange Herb (+1 Life) - Purple Grass (2x Natural Recovery Rate) Purple, Orange = Minor Healing Potion (+3 Life) 2 Orange = Lesser Healing Potion (+6 Life) Purple, 2 Orange = Healing Potion (+9 Life) Purple, 2 Orange, Black = Superior Healing Potion (+12 Life) 3 Orange 2 Black, Holy Water = Blessed Healing Potion (+15 Life) Purple, Blue = Minor Mana Potion (+2 Power) 2 Blue = Lesser Mana Potion (+4 Power) 2 Purple, Blue = Mana Potion (+6 Power) Purple, 2 Blue, Black = Superior Mana Potion (+8 Power) 2 Blue 3 Black, Holy Water = Blessed Mana Potion (+10 Power) Blue Black 2 Black = Inferior Poison (-D2 Life for rounds equal to Life-Might or healed via potion, holy water is applied or a 1+ Resistance roll is made) 3 Black = Basic Poison (-1 Life per turn until healed via potion, holy water is applied or a 2+ Resistance roll is made) Purple, 3 Black = Lethal Poison (-2 Life per turn until healed via potion, holy water is applied or a 3+ Resistance roll is made) 3 Black + Holy Water = Assassin's Promise (-3 Life per turn, inflicted loose immortality, this can't be removed) Black Blue Orange Purple = Fool's Alchemy (When Used, 1D4: Recover 100% Power, Recover 100% Life, Recover 50% Life & Power, Die) Sumdonkas' thing but improved my yours truly. Schools of Magic Magic is divided into five distinct types, Destruction, Conjuration, Detainment, Alteration and Deception, however only a fool or a dedicated specialist would focus purely on one of them alone. Destruction: Spells of this school are based around killing and raw power. Whether it's shooting a fireball, smiting undead, or casting a killing curse, they're all covered in this school of magic. This is often considered the easiest school to learn, for it is the most direct one out of all of them with quick results and little drawback. Conjuration: Spells of this school are used to summon outsiders to aid in battle and out of battle. Easily the hardest school to master and use, conjuring is the art of bringing an entity to your side and having them do your bidding. This branch of magic contains the most dangers out of all of them, the backlash from it is easily the worst, and the costs can be prohibitive. Detainment: Spells of this school focuses on the negation, sealing, and protection from magic. Clerics and Paladins use this school heavily, but it is so common that seldom is a mage seen without it unless they are confident in their skill or are simply foolish. Alteration: Spells of this school are based around changing the rules, making the strong weak and the weak strong. While it doesn't have a backlash like Conjuration, many Alteration spells instead consumes a lot of energy to maintain for the world seeks to maintain the natural order. Fortunately minor Alteration spells often will settle in and become permanent, especially when there's plenty of magical power back it up, making minor healing relatively easy. Deception: Spells of this school are based around deceiving people's minds. Deception is the magic of illusions, trickery and inspiration. It allows for the user to turn themselves visible, mimic other magics to similar effect if the target believes it and inspire allies. Affinities --Still a work in progress here.-- Holy Death Arcane Nature Elemental
Based off of eternallist's Omniversal Arena.
Attacking and Defense Attacks can be based off of any one of the Main Traits. Three means of avoiding damage not requiring PP other than equipment: - Dodging: Agility based, quickly moving out harm's path. - Blocking: Might based, personally countering with direct force. - Intercepting: Wisdom based, stopping attacks before they hit. However making just one defense method might not be the best since all attacks will be either Unblockable, Unavoidable, or Unstoppable (and for boss fights, possibly more than those) Attacks can have one of these each. - Unblockable can't be Blocked, non-physical attacks most likely. - Unavoidable can't be Dodged, tracking or AoE type probably. - Unstoppable can't be Intercepted, stuff that's raw force fits here. Bonus Traits Because this is a PvP I feel that the limits on bonus traits should be made pretty clear. a Bonus Trait can not include an attack aspect and a defense aspect. Additionally said defense or attack aspect can be only applicable for one Main Trait, so if you want to have both Dodging and Interception, you'll need to come up with a different Trait for each. That being said, I will allow for a sub aspect to be added into each Trait so long as it coincides with the Attack or Defense aspect (stealth being part of archery trait, perception being part of a point-defense trait, etc). Please log in to add a comment. |