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Abilities & Equipment
Current idea is that at certain points (I'll have to figure out exactly when based on my XP system) you may pick one or more abilities from a list so long as you meet the requirements (level, trait or class). Additionally players will be able to spend hard won gold to get over priced equipment which can tip the scale of the battle whether it be weapons, armor, accessories or expendables. ==Abilities== Spellshot Prerequisites: Mystic Knowledge trait Type: Spell - Cost: none You may attack a single target within your casting range with a magic attack. Arcane Blast Prerequisites: Mage Archetype Type: Spell - Cost: 1 PP Action: Make a 3x3 area AoE attack centered within your casting range. Aether Armor Prerequisites: Mystic Knowledge trait Type: Spell - Cost: 2 PP Action: The next (3 * Magic roll (roll 3 times)) stars from attacks on you are negated. Healing Aura Prerequisites: Mystic Knowledge trait Type: Spell - Cost: 2 PP Action: The next (3 * Magic roll (roll 3 times)) stars from attacks on you are negated. Dual Wielding Prerequisites: Toughness 2+, Agility 2+ Type: Ability Action: You may now make a second melee attack on your turn without a PP cost while wielding two Weapons. Duelist Prerequisites: Agility 3+ Type: Ability - Cost: 1 PP Action: You may now make a second melee attack on your turn without a PP cost while wielding two Weapons. Fleet of foot Prerequisites: Agility 3+ Type: Passive Bonus: You may move an additional square if you aren't wearing medium or heavy armor. Spells Abilities Tricks Summons 0 4 12 24 40 60 80 100
Leveling Up
4 xp: Gain a Ability 5 xp: +2 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 8 XP: Gain a Ability 10 xp: +2 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 8 xp: Gain a Ability 15 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 20 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 24 xp: Gain a Ability 25 xp: +1 HP/PP 30 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 35 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 40 xp: +1 HP/PP, +1 to a Bonus Trait & Gain a Ability 45 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 50 xp: +1 HP/PP 55 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 60 xp: +1 HP/PP, +1 to a Bonus Trait & Gain a Ability 65 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 70 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 75 xp: +1 HP/PP 80 xp: +1 HP/PP, +1 to a Bonus Trait & Gain a Ability 85 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 90 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 95 xp: +1 HP/PP & +1 to a Bonus Trait 100 xp: +1 HP/PP & Gain a Ability Please log in to add a comment. |
Class tree:
1 Archetype
- 2 Class
- - 3 Secondary Class
1 Mage
- 2 Healer
- - 3 Necromancer
- - 3 Cleric
- 2 Enchanter
- - 3 Warlock
- - 3 Illusionist
- 2 Wizard
- - 3 Summoner
- - 3 Sorcerer
1 Warrior
- 2 Barbarian
- - 3 Berserker
- - 3 Brawler
- 2 Knight
- - 3 Juggernaut
- - 3 Samurai
- 2 Paladin
- - 3 Blackguard
- - 3 Oathsworn
1 Striker
- 2 Slayer
- - 3 Assassin
- - 3 Murderer
- 2 Rogue
- - 3 Ninja
- - 3 Swashbuckler
- 2 Ranger
- - 3 Sniper
- - 3 Beast Master
► Mystic Knowledge: # - Spellcasting, resistance to magic, magic detection.
► Healing Touch: # - Healing Magic, you may heal a ally within melee range without a PP cost.
► Warding Magic: # - You may add this trait to any magical defense rolls within a # radius of you.
- Necromancer
► Undead Servant: # - You may summon and control up to # Undead servants.
► Life Stealing: # - Spellcasting, whenever you deal magical damage to an opponent, you may gain life equal to half the damage dealt (round down).
► Dark Revival: # - Sacrifice X Life, return 1 dead player with X Life and become Undead, and can't be revived again until end of combat.
- Cleric
► Healing Magic: # - Healing magic, you may use 1 PP to heal a ally within 3*# squares.
► Banishing Touch: # - Multiply damage you deal against Summoned creatures and Unholy creatures times this roll plus one.
► Rallying Effort: # - Whenever you use a PP, one ally gets a bonus to their next roll equal to the stars on this one.
► Bolster Allies: # - Up to # allies within 3*# squares get a bonus to their next attack or defense roll equal to the stars for this roll.
► Tricky Glamour: # - Spellcasting, you may add this to any non AoE defense rolls within melee range.
- Warlock
►Sickening Haze: # - Whenever you use a PP, one enemy gets dice removed from their next roll equal to the stars on this one.
►Disorientation: # - Up to # enemies within 3*# squares get a debuff to their next defense roll equal to the stars for this roll.
►Poisonous Fog: # - You may use 1 PP to make a square have the Poison trait for roll # rounds within 3*# of your position.
- Illusionist
► Deceptive Images: # - Up to # enemies within 3*# squares get a debuff to their next attack roll equal to the stars for this roll.
►Swapped Faces: # - You may use 1 PP to roll this for having a non AoE attack changed to another target within the attackers range next to U.
►Us All Illusions: # - You may use 2 PP to summon #+1 illusionary copies of yourself which are exactly like you but are destroyed in one hit.
► Elemental Strike: # - Elemental magic, you may add (pick 1 Burn, Stun, Poison) to your base magic attack.
► Extended Reach: # - Your magic range increases by # squares.
- Summoner
► Elemental Slaves: # - You may summon and control up to # Elementals.
► Enhanced Summons: # - You may add this trait to any rolls any of your summoned Elementals make.
► Redirect Energy: # - You may have up to # magical damage dealt to you dealt to one or more Elemental you control and vise versa.
- Sorcerer
►Spell Barrage: # - whenever you use a PP for an additional attack, roll this trait and that many additional attacks.
► Piercing Attack: # - Your attacks automatically negate # defense stars.
► Spirit Backlash: # - Whenever you deal damage to a Summon it's owner is dealt (roll Wisdom + Spirit Backlash) damage.
► Warrior Training: # - Melee combat, resistance to status effects.
► Rage: # - Melee attack, get damage bonus equal to the damage you've taken since your last turn.
► Enduring Fighter: # - Whenever your Life falls below half, you may roll this trait to regenerate Life at the cost of 1 PP each turn.
- Berzerker
► Furious Attack: # - Melee damage, your attack roll can't be reduced via status effects.
► Mighty Swing: # - Your attacks automatically negate # defense stars.
► Smashing Blow: # - Whenever you roll a moon on an attack, you may destroy one piece of equipment on an opponent.
- Brawler
► Iron Resilience: # - Blocking damage, resisting physical status effects.
► Stunning Punch: # - Unarmed attack, roll this trait versus opponent's physical resistance for Stun chance.
► Pinning Tackle: # - Whenever you successfully deal unarmed combat damage, you may Entangle them until your next turn.
► Rallying Effort: # - Whenever you use a PP, one ally gets a bonus to their next roll equal to the stars on this one.
► Lunging Strike: # - You may move an additional #-1 spaces and add this roll to your attack after having moved this turn.
- Juggernaut
► Iron Resilience: # - Blocking damage, resisting physical status effects.
► Enduring Fighter: # - Whenever your Life falls below half, you may roll this trait to regenerate Life at the cost of 1 PP each turn.
► Shielding Ally: # Block ranged damage, You may use 1 PP to redirect a ranged or adjacent enemy attack against an adjacent ally.
- Samurai
► Piercing Attack: # - Your attacks automatically negate # defense stars.
► Swift Assault: # - Melee attacks, whenever you roll a moon on a attack or parry, you may make another attack.
► The One Man Army: # - Melee attacks, whenever you use a PP for an additional attack, roll this trait and add that many additional attacks.
► Mystic Knowledge: # - Spellcasting, resistance to magic, magic detection.
► Enduring Fighter: # - Whenever your Life falls below half, you may roll this trait to regenerate Life at the cost of 1 PP each turn.
- Blackguard
► Piercing Attack: # - Your attacks automatically negate # defense stars.
► Life Stealing: # - Whenever you deal magical damage to an opponent, you may gain life equal to half the damage dealt (round down).
► Furious Attack: # - Melee damage, your attack roll can't be reduced via status effects.
- Oathsworn
► Righteous Wo/Man: # - Melee attack, deal double damage against an opponent that damaged an ally since your last turn.
► Iron Resilience: # - Blocking damage, resisting physical status effects.
► Warding Magic: # - You may add this trait to any magical defense rolls within a # radius of you.
Bounty hunter: # - Attacking, stealth, perception, weakness detection.
► Piercing Attack: # - Your attacks automatically negate # defense stars.
► Furious Attack: # - Melee damage, your attack roll can't be reduced via status effects.
- Assassin
► Sneak Attack: # - Stealth, whenever you make a sneak attack, your opponent can't defend against the attack.
► Poison Master: # - Whenever you deal damage, the targets also gets # Poison.
► Underhand Attack: # - Your attacks automatically negate an additional # defense stars.
- Murderer
► Swift Assault: # - Attacking, whenever you roll a moon on a attack or parry, you may make another attack.
► The One Man Army: # - Melee attacks, whenever you use a PP for an additional attack, roll this trait and that many additional attacks.
► Life Stealing: # - Whenever you deal magical damage to an opponent, you may gain life equal to half the damage dealt (round down).
► Sneak Attack: # - Stealth, whenever you make a sneak attack, your opponent can't defend against the attack.
► Poison Master: # - Whenever you deal damage, the targets also gets # Poison.
- Ninja
► Shadow Warrior: # - Evasion, AoE attacks only deal half damage to you and summoned creatures can't attack you.
► Poison Expert: # - Whenever you deal damange the target also gets an additional # Poison.
► Slick & Slippery: # - Evasion, your defense automatically negate an additional # defense stars.
- Swashbuckler
► Swift Assault: # - Melee attacks, whenever you roll a moon on a attack or parry, you may make another attack.
► Lunging Strike: # - You may move an additional #-1 spaces and add this roll to your attack after having moved this turn.
► Wit and Luck: # - Until you fail this roll the first time this encounter, you may roll to negate a skull on your previous roll.
► Wild Bowmaster: # - Ranged attacks & your ranged attack range increases by # squares.
► Tactic Maneuvers: # - Evasion & you may move an additional #-1 spaces on your turn.
- Sniper
► Piercing Attack: # - Your attacks automatically negate # defense stars.
► Fast Shooting: # - Whenever you use a PP for an additional attack, roll this trait and add that many additional attacks.
► Extended Reach: # - Your ranged attacks range increases by # squares.
- Beastmaster
► Trained Summons: # - You may add this trait to any rolls any of your summoned Elementals make.
► Summon Animal: # - You may summon and control up to # animal companions.
► Mystic Knowledge: # - Spellcasting, resistance to magic, magic detection.
Holy & Defiler magic, 5 elements magic (wood, water, metal, fire earth)
Poison(P#): Deals 1 damage per turn (can be countered a 2+ Toughness roll), & all rolls the character make have one less die (minimum of one).
Burn(B#): Deals # - Toughness roll damage per turn, then remove (agi roll + 1) from the # after that.
Stun(S#): Stunned characters can't make actions, every turn roll Wisdom and remove that much from stun at the beginning of your turn.