"Rangers, deadly mechas wielding powerful long ranged weapons and capable of unmatched speed and even flight. They are humanity's cavalry, air force, and first responders."
Rangers may have 2 traits for their base weapon(s). They can have one large or two smaller direct fire ranged weapon. Direct fire ranged weapons are always a range of 8. For the larger two trait weapons, you may have a more powerful effect on the second trait.
2 Weapons: Gives two attacks, each with their own normal level effects.
Heavy Weapon: one stronger attack with a normal effect and powerful effect and also increased penetration power (bonus to penetration is equal to the second trait's # which can't be greater than the 1st trait's #).
They may also have one trait which assists Agility based Movement (3+Might+Trait), and at higher levels grants flight. Beyond that it's currently very free form, and traits should be evasion, giving some sort of utility skill or simply making it so that you're turning Knights into dust more easily.
Rangers may have 2 traits for their base weapon(s). They can have one large or two smaller direct fire ranged weapon. Direct fire ranged weapons are always a range of 8. For the larger two trait weapons, you may have a more powerful effect on the second trait.
2 Weapons: Gives two attacks, each with their own normal level effects.
Heavy Weapon: one stronger attack with a normal effect and powerful effect and also increased penetration power (bonus to penetration is equal to the second trait's # which can't be greater than the 1st trait's #).
They may also have one trait which assists Agility based Movement (3+Might+Trait), and at higher levels grants flight. Beyond that it's currently very free form, and traits should be evasion, giving some sort of utility skill or simply making it so that you're turning Knights into dust more easily.