The Graepak come from a System within the Andromeda Galaxy called "Grae lars" which means 'Blind Sun' in imperial, the sun of this system is covered in a thin dust cloud that causes much of it's light to be blocked from some of the planets, Grae lars 2, being the most successful of the planets to produce any form of life, the planet is close enough to gain a small amount of light and a generous amount of heat. the planet has a large amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere causing a lot of water to be produced in rain and so it is covered in vast jungles. the inhabitants normally take the form of amphibians and insects, with mammals and reptiles being very small. The amount of sunlight that reaches the planet causes the day to be in constant twilight so little changes from the night time. Most of the inhabitants are blind and herbivorous, the only two species that are carnivorous and predatorial are firstly the "Grae fra moln" meaning 'Blind great scarab' and they are huge 12 foot tall insectile like beast that fed on the latter predatorial species being the "Graepak" meaning 'Blind tusk/fang/tooth' to 'Blind head' depending on pronunciation. The Graepak tended to hunt the smaller animals being around the size of cats and small dogs with their digestive organ on their abdomen that swallows whole prey alive or dead and digests it, the mouth above is for respiratory and bringin air into their 'globak' the rattle like organ behind their face chitin, the air enters a tupe that is covered in bone and at the end has a sack and a thin exit tube. the Sack holds small tonsil like appendages lined with each other along the inside of the oval sphere like sack, the exit tupe is flabby and thin that when the air exits it flaps side to side, similar to the tube of a balloon, causing the appendages inside the sack to clap each other, this causes a long distancing click like echo that allows the Graepak highly sensitive and adapted ears to pick up what is in the way of them and what is behind granting them highly advanced echo location. This organ works with their speech causing them to produce clicking while they speak.
The Graepak were discovered by a set of explorers and saw the advantage of their powerful humanoid bodies and echo location could make them very effective miners and labor workers, so they were brought up from the planet and taught about technology and science as before they were simply predators, barely in tribal society, with this came a population explosion but it did not cause many problems but rather a greater workforce, the one problem being the lifespan of the Graepak that not many really know how long they can live for, their homeworld caused them to near 100 rarely due to predators, now in society it they tend to reach 150-200 this normally being the stage they die in accident, fights, wars and gangs, the reason for their unknown age range is due to their digestive system that absorbs about 15% of the cells from the meal rather than digesting it, taking the cells and causing transdifferentiation to the cells of the Graepak making their cells slightly younger giving them a longer lifespan and greater chance of mating before dying of old age.
Due to their agressive predatorial nature many join the military or into violent crime gangs or as mercenaries
The Graepak were discovered by a set of explorers and saw the advantage of their powerful humanoid bodies and echo location could make them very effective miners and labor workers, so they were brought up from the planet and taught about technology and science as before they were simply predators, barely in tribal society, with this came a population explosion but it did not cause many problems but rather a greater workforce, the one problem being the lifespan of the Graepak that not many really know how long they can live for, their homeworld caused them to near 100 rarely due to predators, now in society it they tend to reach 150-200 this normally being the stage they die in accident, fights, wars and gangs, the reason for their unknown age range is due to their digestive system that absorbs about 15% of the cells from the meal rather than digesting it, taking the cells and causing transdifferentiation to the cells of the Graepak making their cells slightly younger giving them a longer lifespan and greater chance of mating before dying of old age.
Due to their agressive predatorial nature many join the military or into violent crime gangs or as mercenaries