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Day Zed Weapons

beardbandit Feb '14
-- Melee Weapons --
- Blunt Weapons: Roll a knockdown die after attacking with a blunt, if successful, the enemy (or enemies if spillover damage is accrued) is knocked prone.
- Sharp Weapons: Roll a bleed die after attacking with a sharp, if successful, the enemy (or enemies if spillover damage is accrued) will bleed health until healed.

-- Firearms --
- Handguns: (Common) No bonus dies, but ammo is more plentiful, and attachments/improvements more easily found.
- Shotguns: (Uncommon) Quite loud, but extremely powerful in close quarters. Roll 2 extra die when shooting at someone within 6 tiles of your position.
- Bolt Action Rifles: (Unique) Even louder, but with more power at range. Add 2 stars when your target is more than 6 tiles away
- Assault Rifles: (Rare) Ammo is rare, and spent quickly. You can fire twice in one
turn if you have one of these. They break easy, take good care of them.
- Crossbows: (Unique) Completely silent, retrievable ammo, but it takes a might check to reload. 1-2 stars and you take a turn to reload. 3 or more and you've got an instant reload.
- Semi Automatic Sniper Rifles: (Legendary) This is the unicorn. Good luck finding one. Add 2 die to all attack and fire twice in a turn.

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