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Zaelia - World Info & Lore

hustle Sep '16  /  edited Jun '20
( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) - The Tale of the Gods - ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = )

Various maps, created by various races at various times throughout history:

Chapter 1, The World is Formed

Zaelia is an ancient planet, said to be formed by the twin gods Bjornen and Vargen. The planet was created by both brothers, each having a hand in the formation of cliffs, trees, waters, and mountains. The world was large, and the landmass they formed took up most of its surface. One solid mass of soil and rock atop the calm waters. When Bjornen suggested breathing life into the world they had formed, Vargen immediately agreed. The two set rules and went about on their respective tasks.

Bjornen started with creatures under the waters, forming a spectrum of swimming things, from the smallest barnacles that live atop rocks to the great leviathons that patrol the black depths. There was much care but little love in his creations, and thus, the larger more dangerous creatures of the seas grew apathetic and bitter. Their scaly bodies hardened, and their blood ran cold. The leviathons began resisting Bjornen's orders and lashed out at him from their dark homes, rising to the surface of the sea occasionally with wrathful hearts. Bjornen was disheartened and looked to Vargen for aid.

Meanwhile, the second twin, Vargen, had begun working on creatures above the ground. Those that could fly, soar in the blue expanse of sky and reach upwards toward himself. He created every winged creature, from the bright-plumed fluttering sparrow to the armor-clad black dragons. There was much beauty but little grace in his creations, and thus, the larger more dangerous creatures of the skies grew angry and impatient. Their feathers turned to razors, their songs to fire. They abandoned the ceiling from where they could view their maker, and set their eyes upon the seas and the land, swooping down to hide in trees and peck at the waters. Vargen was confused, and the two brothers turned their backs on their once-loved creations for a time.

As the brothers deliberated over the fate of their world, each made his case. "It is unfit for existence, and it is a disgrace to us that these creatures should mock us so." said Vargen. The smaller brother pounded his fist on the planet as he spoke angrily, demanding that he and his brother destroy their creation, and with each slam of his mighty fist, the skies rained fire. With his argument, The Maw was formed.

But Bjornen, larger and more sympathetic, forbade it. "So long as there is life on the sphere, you shall not take it. They may clash and war with each other, but we must not intervene." Bjornen puffed his great chest and drew close to Vargen, uttering the next phrase as an ultimatum. "We WILL NOT intervene." The huge sibling turned and stomped away, his mind set on a new creation, and with each huge footfall, the planet was wracked with tremors and quakes, dislodging landmasses and sending them across the oceans. With his argument, the continents were formed.

Chapter 2, The Animals

The brothers, now at odds, each went to their separate corner of the heavens and crafted there a new workshop. Bjornen gathered one large star to light his work and set on his table the many gentle species of land dwellers, who would walk on all fours and wear fur or hides, eating vegetation and displaying proper peace and tranquility. Vargen, in his own workshop, hastily grabbed a handful of smaller stars and dragged them near himself. Under the belt, he labored over his creations, the carnivorous animals who would keep the population in check and would proudly display Vargen's own sense of strength.

When both brothers released their creatures onto the plains, cliffs, and mountains of the planet, they watched as the animals grew and fell in number, creating packs and herds, forming hunting and gathering parties, taking up homes in the woods and caves, near the shores and rivers, driving back the flying creatures and swimming creatures to their own homes. For a time, all seemed well. However, it was not long until the angrier, bloodthirsty creatures under Vargen's command began tearing into the soft flesh of the peaceful herbivores that Bjornen had created. The larger brother was furious, but he remembered his own tenant. He could not directly intervene.

It wasn't until Vargen released his crown jewel, the wolf, into the world that Bjornen realized something must be done. These wolves, although smaller in size, were ferocious and unrelenting in their hunt. All creatures cowered before them and fled from their gnashing fangs. Bjornen, in his quiet rage, created and released his own crown jewel, a massive creature, great and peaceful, but with an unstoppable might. The first of the bears lumbered straight into the wolf's den and slaughtered the hounds, pups and all. The animal kingdom had some semblence of balance, but at what cost? At that point, the brothers knew there would never be peace. Each turned away from the planet again, now called Zaelia, for each was jealous of the other's power.

Chapter 3, The Intelligent Races

3:1 - MEN
Under the watchful gaze of their stars, each brother returned to his workshop, this time to create an intelligent species, something that could reflect leadership and civility, power and ultimate authority. Vargen, ever in his racing nature, finished first, and he brought forth Man into Zaelia, a race of resourceful beings, capable of quick conquest and brutal war, much like the wolf. The Men spread quickly through the continents where Vargen had placed them, having sprinkled the bipeds from west to east over three large landmasses, now called Leonidan, Bulund, and Dracos.

Bjornen labored instensely for eons over his first creation, a species similar in might to the bear but lacking its peaceful nature. These smaller creatures would stand stalwart in their morality, fearless in combat, and slow to anger. Bjornen set the small population of Dwarves upon a single landmass, now called Renth, where they quickly took to the soil itself for comfort, delving almost immediately into the innards of the island, down and down, toward the base of the large volcano there. Vargan noticed this, and assumed this creation of Bjornen was scheming something particularly nasty.

3:3 - ELVES
Vargen was jealous, of his brother, of his brother's creation, and of his own race, who had already taken to worshiping themselves instead of him, believing Man to be the paramount creation on Zaelia. Vargen would not intervene directly, as Bjornen had so mightily declared, and so he created the second of his races. Tall, slender beings that walked without sound and stalked the wooded places, who had impressive senses and cunning, but Vargen did not take the time to strengthen their exterior, and so when he placed the wise Elves upon Zaelia, they at once grew inward and reclusive, like the Dwarves but atop the surface rather than below.

Bjornen, in his temperate nature, approached Vargen and offered that the two cease direct creation, arguing that in doing so, the two were still intervening. "Thoughts, brother. Ideas, dreams, goals," said Bjornen, "those are what we must instill in our species. But let them make their own choices." Vargen was open to the agreement, as he now held two species, and Bjornen one. Thus, when the two laid down their anger, the creatures thrived among each other, and from their offspring came new creations. First were the Halflings, the offspring of Man and Dwarf, who possessed the ingenuity of the former with the size and sturdiness of the latter.

3:5 - GNOMES
The brothers watched as their races procreated and spread, largely at peace with one another in their primitive state. Following suit with the Halflings, from the loins of Dwarf and Elf came the Gnomes, a small race, similar in look and build to the Halflings but with all the grace and cunning of the Elves. These creatures, even smaller than Halflings, lived more often than not with the Elves, high in the treetop villages.

The last of the hybrids to emerge was the Half-Elf, a mix of Man and Elf. Appearing more Human than Elven, this tall species bore the mental weight of wrestling their inner warrior-race nature with the reclusive and fragile makeup of their bodies. The Half-Elves spread far and wide, communing with Man, Elf, and Dwarf where each saw fit. With this, the brothers put an end to mixed creations, aiming to keep organization among their work.

Chapter 4, Evil, and How to Resist It

"No more creation." Vargen's words echoed endlessly across time and space as Bjornen nodded in agreement, pleasantly surprised at his smaller brother. Never again would the brothers physically touch their world. And what more fitting a time than that very moment for the evil of Zaelia to spring from the ground and make its presence known. Deep in the heart of The Maw, where pure anger and hatred had churned for thousands of years, a new life began. This was different from all others, for while anger, wrath, and jealousy existed in Zaelia, it was always counterbalanced with love, kindness, and forgiveness. The black Evil of The Maw held no such balance.

Vargen and Bjornen watched in horror as the Black Evil swept across the planet, swallowing up creatures, plants and animals alike, before beginning to infect the very hearts and minds of the Intelligent Races. The Evil cannot be destroyed, though the vessel that houses it can be terminated. The Intelligent Races fought alongside each other, and often against each other, as the Evil crept from The Maw into weakened vessels, overthrowing nations, ending treaties, and bringing scorn and hatred to Zaelia.

But the Evil was finite. While unable to be destroyed entirely, there is only so much of it across the world. Thus, when the Races drove it back far enough, there would be a time of ease, peace in that land while the Evil crept elsewhere. The Races knew this. The Evil knew this. And the Brothers knew this.

Physical weapons were only half of the battle. The Races inherently possessed a fraction of the Brothers' power. This mystical essense set them apart, and if channeled properly, could be called upon in greatest time of need. True Mystics are few and far between in Zaelia, but when trained, a Mystic can call forth powers from the Brothers, weaving the very breath of a god into the world, though indirectly, and for a short amount of time. A Mystic must be in tune with its deity, lest they lose their powers and fail to gain their god's ear.

Epilogue, Brotherly Bonds

-- a voice, in your head --

"One cannot foretell the events of the world. One cannot gaze through the tapestry of time and commune with the gods. So long as one's mortal coil binds one to Zaelia, there is a tether whose limit prevents such things. Bjornen and Vargen, the brother creators, are silent, yet watchful. Distant, yet interested."

-- a grin, felt, not seen --

"But they speak. Oh, do they speak. Not to you, for you reek of mortality. But they've spoken to me. Yes. Mentioned you by name, even. I wonder... What fate befalls you?"

-- a fading echo, an uneasy pause --

"Open your eyes."

( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) - END - ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = ) { x } ( = )

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