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beardbandit Mar '14  /  edited Mar '14
-- PLOT --
The year is 2050. The Age of Information is over, and a new Age of Evolution has be ushered in. In this age, things have changed drastically. Religion of all kinds has been dissolved, the new gods being super-corporations. Corporations have hold of the pseudo-governments, and demands complete loyalty in return for safety. Dissenters are swiftly silenced. Technology has risen to new heights, including cybernetic enhancements, Artificial Intelligence, Shields, Faster Than Light Drives, and much more. Along with the evolution of technology, evolution of the human race has increased exponentially, giving birth to genetic variation and mutation... These people are called "Variants". They have powers of all sorts, able to fly, bend steel with their hands, call upon the elements, and even control people and things with just their minds. The Super-Corporations have attempted to subdue these people, afraid of a revolution. At birth, these people are injected with a serum lessening their powers for a span of 5 years, which is injected once more every 5 years. They are taken to government labor camps and concentration camps, and forced to work and be segregated from everyone else, in less than livable conditions. There have been no uprisings in 10 years, but there are whispers... whispers of a new rebellion, years in planning. That's where you come in, Variant.

-Major Traits:
Brain: 1 - Mind Control, Telekinesis, Leadership, Intelligence
Tank: 1 - Fortitude, Super Strength
Twitch: 1 - Super Speed, Reflexes, Sixth Sense
Assassin: 1 - Extremely skilled with all weapon systems, ranged or melee
Hydro: 1 - Water/Ice Control
Firebug: 1 - Fire/Lava Control
Bark: 1 - Earth Control
Twister: 1 - Air/Wind Control
Jolt: 1 - Electricity Control
Tech: 1 - Technology Control
Mender: 1 - Healing Power

-Minor Traits: These are custom, but cannot be a Major power. Some examples would be flight, super sense, armor, etc etc. Get creative! I like to say yes :)

-- PP USE --
- Each character has their set of powers. For a PP you can be extraordinary with your powers. Say you're a Twitch, and there's a rocket. If you'd like to be so fast you phase through the rocket so it doesn't hit you, you'll need to spend a PP. If you're a Tank, and you want to use your fortitude to negate an attack, it costs a PP. If you're a Firebug, and you'd like to encase yourself in an armor of lava or something, it costs a PP. If it's not a basic, or ranged attack you'd normally do, tell me, and I'll tell you if it's a PP.

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