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The Endless Void - Sector 9

skalmold666 Oct '16  /  edited May '20
It has been over 100 Trillion years past our modern age and the last star has burned out, leaving the universe in utter darkness, yet civilization persists it solar system sized space stations called Arks, yet before this darkness entombed itself on this world the human race went extinct with little evidence that they existed. you are upon the Ark known as Helios, this station is based very much on the original solar system of the human race, without the inhabitants knowing, it containing 9 planets created artificially, in the middle of these planets orbits are several huge fusion reactors that both power the station and act as a sun for the planets. there are 10 races within the station, they be:

Graepak: The Greapak are large brute like beings. their skin is dark brown to purple to black with orange stomachs and chins. Their head are blank insectile like plates, with a maw that holds sharp teeth and six large tusks on the side and back of their jawlines. they have no eyes, rather behind the chitin plate they have a rattle like organ that sends out sound waves and their ears are highly adapted for a kind of sight, this organ works along with their speech, causing it to seem like they make clicking noises. their form of digestion is also intriguing as they have a seperate mouth on their abdomen that swallows food or prey whole, this takes several days maybe even a week to do so and so they do not need to eat much.
Graepak get a custom trait and the one below
Graepak: 1 - Strength, Blind sense

Enrav: The Enrav are Avian like humanoids, their ears are tapered and they have talons instead of nails and their forearms and scalps are covered in glossy black feathers. Their eyes are golden yellow and their teeth are sharp and seem almost fish like. The Enrav's bones are hollow and so are much lighter then most other races and so are more capable at acrobatics
Enrav gain a custom trait and the one below
Enrav: 1 - Acrobatics, Agile, Nightvision

Chubau: The Chubau are small goblin like creatures, around 4 feet tall covered in short purple striped fur. The Chubau are raskals, cheeky but not intently cruel, they also have a strange knack for technology, able to take random junk and turn it into a vehicle or deadly bomb. their ears are very big giving them the nick name "big ears" or "bunnies"
Chubau get a custom trait and the one below
Chubau: 1 - Improvised tech, Influence

Balrogar: The Balrogar are a very human looking species, having pale white skin yet it holds a black tint, though they also have completely black hair and eyes as well as a pair of curling horns from their temples and foreheads. The Balrogar are entirely Nocturnal and react severly to high amounts of UV light and Visible light, when the other races come in council they will often wear entirely sealing suits that blocks the light and the see through glass acting as extreme sunglasses. back in the days with stars the Balrogar had an interstellar empire and an incredible knack for magic, though those days are long gone, and any magic potential they once had is long gone.

Balrogar get a custom trait and one racial trait to exemplify their race
Balrogar: 1 - Stealth, Night vision, magic sense
Sensitive: 0 - is incredibly sensitive with bright light

Rol'kal: The Rol'Kal as they know themselves are refered by the other races as Martians, This term stems from when the race of men still existed and stuck even past the extinction. The Rol'Kal are a species of 8 foot tall bipedal insects with impressive bodies, holding rust red chitinous shells, this colour is caused by a high iron content in the shells reacting with the oxygen. though there are two things that are an incredibly impressive example of evolution, first is their psychic potential as a hive mind in large groups, via a synapse, the more are together the stronger this becomes, allowing them to work together with incredible potential, eventually producing a queen, but that is for another day. The other characteristic is a set of blade like appendages that sprout from their forearms, within these there are seperate powerful muscles that have a high bio electrical potential and the iron in the chitinous shells conducts very well causing an electrical weapon like appendage, yet as this is an almost seperate component of the body propelled and retracted with strong yet flexible sinew, stopping conduction into their bodies.

Due to the highly specific way that the martians have evolved they get two race traits and no custom trait
Rol'Kal: 1 - Strong, Synapse mind, psychic
Appendige: 1 - strong electrical blade appendages

Pelagiga: The Pelagiga are an aqautic predatory race resembling very much the sharks and eels of old earth, though they are bipedal they are not able to breath on land, though like sharks and eels their teeth constantly fall out and grow anew as well their bodies are powerful yet Flexible, they tend to be rather primitive with very high values on the hunt.

to exemplify their race the Pelagiga get a custom trait and a race trait
Pelagiga: 1 - Aquatic, Powerful jaws, Flexible

Verdanti: On the outside the Verdanti appear to be plant like creatures though that is not exactly true, the verdanti are actually small snake like grubs, with several stages of their life cycle. First of all when they hatch they begin to eat a large amount of plant material, fattening up within 2 months, once that has been achieved they cocoon themselves and then begin excrete a large amount of enzymes that cause plant life to grow at an extreme rate allowing them to produce a flora based bipedal body capable of regrowing, if there is a case of the verdanti lose their bodies, as adults they are capable of producing the enzymes, for which they do constantly to keep the flora alive. The verdanti themselves use the biological material they eat or absorb through photosynthesis to rejuvenate their bodies making them effectively immortal and so the flora will constantly grow eventually producing the Verdanti ancients called Treants where the florahas grown to the point where they could reach 20ft tall with powerful bodies.

Verdanti gain a race trait and a custom trait to exemplify their race
Verdanti: 1 - grow flora

Chiropteran: Chiropteran's are a humanoid species that share quite a few characteristics with the balrogar with their black skin and nocturnal nature, then it ends. The Chiropterans now begin to resemble the Graepak for having an echo location system though rather than a rattle organ they produce incredibly high pitched sounds normally too higher for most to hear, this sound is produced when a keratin structure is wrapped around their windpipe and voice box that produces the sound as they breath, this though stops them from producing vocapulary for the other races capable of understanding so they communicate through sign language. While Chiropteran's can see they have rather bad eyesight but are not blinded like the Balrogar. Chiropteran's are short black furred and skinned humanoids with green eyes and incredibly large ears, they also have long claws and thick skin membranes between their arms and legs and then their legs and tail that allow them to glide.

Chiropteran's gain a race trait and a custom trait to exemplify their race
Chirpteran: 1 - Claws, Blind sens, Glide

Zigou: The Zigou are a large and well edorned desert dwelling reptilian race that hold an appearance of humans with nose slits, ear holes on the side of their heads and sharp predatory teeth. their hands consist of 4 digits 1 working as an aposable thumb, their feet on the other hand resemble the feet of the carniviourous giants of old earth. while born with tails the Zigou cut these off for rituals, firs when they are born (the practice of which originated from making them harder for predators to catch) and when it regrows at the final day of puberty as a sign of reaching man hood. The greatest characteristic of the Zigou are their blood that is a highly corrosive acid, for whatever reason this evolved, it is long lost, but for which they stay alive is incredible, their tissue rather hold large amounts of alkaline to cancel out the acid stopping it from burning through, their skin is also has a high amount of alkaline and Tantalum making them very durable, though not invincible, if damage comes to their bodies and skin the zigou are capable of producing very quickly a new set of scales and undamaged tissue right beneath their skin eventually shedding it like a cocoon having repaired some of the damage. all of these charactersistics make the zigou very dangerous desert life forms leading to a theory that they were designed rather than evolved.

Zigou gain a race trait and a custom trait to exemplify their race
Zigou: 1 - Strength, Acidic Blood, Shedding

Reavers: The Reavers are a race of sentient machines, they know themselves as Model 6 Sector 9937. The Reavers take on the form of a tall semi humanoid with two pairs of arms at the shoulder, as well as a semi block pentagonal head with a single eye with a focusing like 'eye lid' comparable to a camera shutter. they often have pylon like constructs sprouting from their back. their upper body seem to have a synthetic muscle like appearance as if they had biological bodies, then their legs though are clearly mechanical bending backwards appearing very much like bird legs with many hydraulic parts. they are often seen carrying heavy kinetic machine guns and a set of tools. The Reavers claim to have been engineered to wipe out entire planets by a human civilisation, but the creatures they describe are far from what the historical records would describe as human. it is also worth noting that the Reavers hold a synapse effect very much similar to that of the Rol'kal, though whether this was based on the insectile race or a simple spark of genius is unknown. Though fear grows from how a race of exterminators now works to maintain an ark is unknown, what ever their reason, it works for most.

Reavers get two racial traits to exemplify their engineered purpose instead of a custom trait
Reaver: 1 - Synapse mind, Combat, Engineering
Heavy Rifle: 1 - Ranged combat

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