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Vietnam: Fields of Fire

beardbandit Apr '14  /  edited Apr '14
Grunt: 1 - Firearm Combat (Roll 1 non-upgradeable die when being shot, if success, negate damage)
Point: 1 - Melee/Close Quarters Combat (Roll 1 non -upgradeable die when being melee attacked, if star, negate damage. Also, if ambushed, do the same, if success, free reaction move/attack)
Engineer: 1 - Explosives Use and Disarmament (Roll 1 non-upgradeable die
when taking explosive damage, if success, negate damage. Also, successfully disarmed mines/explosives have a chance to be recovered for use)
Medic: 1 - Medical Knowledge ( No PP cost for any medical actions )
Bandito: 1 - Extra dice to roll with sidearms
Keen: 1 - Perception
Flak Jacket: 1 - Extra Health (NO UPGRADE)
Bravery: 1 - Extra PP (NO UPGRADE)
Translator: 1 - Can Fluently Speak and Read Vietnamese, Persuasion
Conservation: 1 - 4 Shots Before Reloading (NO UPGRADE)
Sneaky: 1 - Sneak, Extra Dice when Ambushing
Smoke: 1 - Concealment in a 6x6 square for Both Enemy and Friendly, Makes it More Difficult to be Attacked
Die Hard: 1 - Roll 1 Die When at Certain Death, if Success, Stay Alive With 1 Life and Take an Action (NO UPGRADE)
Lifer: 1 - Guaranteed at least Rank of Corporal at Rank Roll Every Session (NO UPGRADE)

This area will be updated with more minor traits as I think of them, and as you suggest them. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!

Rank (taken from Woolyfsh2): A Rank Roll of 8 will be taken at the beginning of each session, the amount of stars determining your in game rank. The highest ranking individual will be placed a squad leader and will guide the squad and be able to command them as to what to do next. This will be very player driven game, so it all depends on you having a good leader...
Radioman: Randomly chosen through rollsFirst Say in Selection of Appropriate Vietnam Era Music to be Played on the Table
-Might: Used for melee and close range combat (Always used inside buildings, within 4 tiles on outside maps)
-Agility: Used for medium-long range shots.
-Wisdom: Used for tactical weapons (Smokes, Explosives)
-1-2 dmg: Arm, leg, nonlethal shot, no status effect.
-3 dmg: Chest, status effect implemented.
-4+ dmg: Vital Area, Incapacitated, bleed life every turn until stabilized (no PP) or healed (PP COST)

-Concealment: With the vast amount of shrubbery and greenery, it's very possible to hide in a number of spots on the map. basically, if there's a DARK GREEN spot on the map you can go in there to hide. If not seen by VC when entering, you can add a single ambush die to your attack. However, if there already happens to be a VC in the greenery, you'll be attacked and have to make a might check for melee combat. Whoever has more stars is victorious...(Automatic incapacitation at full health if you fail, death if very low on health)

-PP can be used for constitution rolls such as kevlar saves, skipping reload wait times, running to farther covers to flank, and other things. Just ask me.

-Ammunition: Each player gets 3 attacks before emptying a magazine with their primary weapon. They can then either reload, taking a turn, or pull out their sidearm, which has two attacks separate from the primary weapons. When rolling for a sidearm attack, only roll 2 dice. You have unlimited ammunition, you just have to reload. Reloading after/before battles is permitted. Engineers start with a 40 mm "Blooper" grenade launcher with one ammo. They can use this once per combat encounter.

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