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SS-FM&VG-DS Recorded Species

pyrak Dec '16  /  edited May '18
ELVES (Covering them all below)
Pointy eared fair folk who are little taller than humans and with extremely long lifespans, white hair, great agility and exceptional magic users are their other common traits.

Legend is that the elves once were a perfect people. Masters of magic, cunning and wise, and skillful combatants and spiritually connected. However their creator goddess, some time after their creation left her lover for another god and that lover, in a fit of jealous rage twisted and tore apart her perfect race. His action left the elves divided into four races forever (because their creator couldn't completely fix them, only make them into stable beings).

War Elf
These elves are vicious and bloodthirsty, often enough pirates and raiders, but many take up being honorable warriors. Their preference is melee combat, or devastating battle magic. Fair skinned and with red or white hair (white's due to Albinism being a common trait), these people will jump into a melee sprawl with a gleeful smile on their face.

Wood Elf Fae silva
Unlike their warmongering cousins, the Wood Elves prefer peace and serenity, though are by no means complete pacifist and have no problem with using force when necessary. They are very spiritual and respect all life
Eimrialian Soldier:

Wood elves prefer not killing things, at least not on their worlds (something to do with darkness or something, it's usually a taboo topic).

High Elf Fae rectus
Easily the most magically advanced people, and extremely arrogant as a race. There are few that will choose to go out to the other worlds and civilizations, and the few who do are often councilors for powerful people. Beyond that they are frequently a reclusive species, preferring to remain amongst their own people.

Dark Elf Fae noctis
Sly bastards more than anything, these guys are thieves and scoundrels through and through, some are just less nice than others. Dark skinned and pale hair, they prefer less light over more and won't fight or kill unless they see it to be in their advantage. The less nasty ones are usually smugglers and thieves, while the worse ones are slave traffickers and assassins (and the worst of the worst are politicians).

End of ELVES block

Small green and often ill tempered compared to most everybody else, Goblins have been a space faring race since one sneaked aboard a spaceship and remained there unnoticed for several years. Goblins tend to have three good attributed, sneaking, making things (that) go kaboom and being cunning, beyond that many people consider them annoying pesks and on several planets it's even okay to kill them just for being on your property. While it's not legal to kill them without an actual reason like any other sentient being, even in the Neo Roma Empire (NRE) many people discriminate against them without remorse. That being said, the race overall are an unpleasant people in mannerism and speech.

Human (Homo sapiens)
Breeds like bunnies, spreads like the plague. Humans are extremely diverse and typically rather adaptable (especially with some genetic modification). Aside from being the most common sentient race amongst the stars, the also are uniquely capable of breeding with other similar races even if their genetic make-up are completely different. However in most cases the offspring are often infertile or can only breed with a similar half-human (there's one recorded quarter-dark elf quarter wood elf person who's parents are both half human).

The Katyrn are a typically tropical or savanna preferring people. Highly similar to humans and wood elves but typically lighter and much more lithe and bearing feline ears, tails, eyes, teeth and claws. They're one of the fastest people with their average speed easily out stripping most others, and also holding almost all track records in the Galactic Olympic records.

Science and engineering minded race of females as far as I can tell. Very long lived,
While humans can breed with the Nubb, their children are always female Nubb. (nobody actually knows what happened to the male Nubb or even how they reproduced before cloning technology)

So far they're just the 40k Ork rip-offs (cheap players, ripping of 40k orks), though lot less warmongery and a lot more integrated with the rest of the universe, so socially they're more like Shadowrun Orcs.
(They don't get to make things happen because they believe it will, unless they have magic)

Vampire (Homo Nocternal) (NOT PLAYABLE)
Vampires are a human sub-species from the world now known as Sanguinem the first vampire had been a coincidence, after a filthy rich man ate some extra rare Lamia steak, which still possessed the symbiotic microorganisms that stood for their blood. After that there were more purposeful "experiments" and soon enough a large portion of the human population on Sanguinem was converted. That's when they found out that extensive exposure to UV rays literally caused the symbiotes to combust. It took a lot more research to finally figure out a means to protect the host against UV rays, a certain magic ritual which would work on a unborn child to shield them completely against ultraviolet light. The modern vampire has evolved to have traits they need, and discarded one they don't need.

Vampires have a slightly increased strength, agility and magic aptitude, however need a constant source of carbon based blood cells, just like other people need food and water.

Wolffen (Homo Lupine)
What started as a genetic super-soldier experiment by the Neo Roma Empire (NRE) propagated into a full fledged species. Those born with Wolffen genes exhibit some form of canine attributes and usually have a far superior sense of smell. The Wolffen are literally born fighters, though many have aggression issues and don't take orders well. Statistics show that over 70% of bar fights in the NRE are caused by Wolffen (and 98% involve them).

The Vyss are a race of redish purple vine plant people who have several extremely strong tentacles making them very good at grasping things. They evolved as cliff dwellers and are also a very common non-human race in the NRE.
(there are no human-vyss crossbreeds despite various attempts at this)
pyrak Feb '18  /  edited May '18
This may or may not be applied

- Elven Grace (Racial Passive): Elves get +1 on non-combat agility rolls.
- Mana Sense (Racial Passive): Elves are able to see different types of magic as auras.

War Elf
Born Warrior (Racial Passive): War Elves get +1 to Melee combat rolls.
Wood Elf Fae silva
Fae Bond (Racial Passive): Wood Elves can communicate with nature spirits and similar beings.
High Elf Fae rectus
Dark Elf Fae noctis
(racial ability yet to be made)
End of ELVES block

Sneaky (Racial Passive): May reroll any failed stealth roll (unless skulled and must take the results of the second roll whatever the results).
Gob-Rigged (Racial Passive): Goblins can make most anything into an weapon of disaster. Given right materials, a goblin can rig up an explosive device with potentially devastating results.

Human (Homo Sapiens)
Skilled (Racial Passive): Each human can have one tool or skill that they're good at using, (insert thing, should be pretty specific ex: smallcraft piloting, pistol marksmanship, parkour, etc)


- Natural Athletes (Racial Passive): Katyrn get +1 on Athletics rolls
- Inhuman Reflexes (Racial Passive): Katyrn may choose to reroll an Agility roll once per scene (unless skulled).
- Superior Vision (Racial Passive): Katyrn can see in most any light condition short of true pitch black, however are effected twice as much by blinding brightness.

- Implant Mastery (Racial passive): Nubbs can make additional bonus actions up to their Wisdom Stat with their implants, up to one action per implant (GM discretion).

- Inhuman Strength (Racial Passive): Orks may choose to reroll a melee attack or non-combat Might roll once per scene (unless skulled).
- Fighting Spirit (Racial): Orks can remain conscious after 0 Life until the end of their next turn.

Wolffen (Homo Lupine)
- Inhuman Strength (Racial Passive): Wolffen may choose to reroll a melee attack or a non-combat Might roll once per action (unless skulled).
- Wolf Nose (Racial Passive): Wolffen can use their noses to detect scents and track them.


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