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Ss-fm&vg-ds known factions

pyrak Dec '16  /  edited May '18
Groups who hold power over multiple planets and maintain their own government (or something along those lines).

Merika Federation of Planet
The Merika Federation of Planets is a collective of semi-independent planets bound together by a very, very strong central government (though each planet is its own state) and the fact that most of the population are pure human. As a whole, they have a fairly advanced understanding of magic and much of their technology is a large portion of magic with a smaller portion of science. They've got a very powerful magic powered navy (Their ships are extremely tough, and they possess very powerful guns, but pretty slow moving) reminiscent of seafaring dreadnoughts and battleships (and per-dreadnought) warships ( stuff like Space Battleship Yamota and this looking).

Traditionalist Pirate Coven (more of a "Nation")
The Traditionalist Pirate Coven is a collective of extremely wealthy nationless individuals who own their own spaceports, moons and capital class ships (with a couple of worlds as well) who employ people on the mega-corporate level. The TPC's upper echelons hold to a code (read: "guidelines") with various rules to keep the non-formal alliance held together. Many of the groups within the coven do follow through with piratical actions, while others are more or less really well armed merchants, none the less you will find people of all sort within the TPC.

Most TPC ships are mostly magical and due to style trends take on the appearance of vessels from the Golden Age of Sailing vessels that sail through space. TPC ships, no matter their form, unless disguised, are easily recognized by the fact that they will have piratical looking flag (either actual or painted on their hull).
(Semi-flimsy ships, heavy attackers and swift moving, good at boarding)

Neo Roma Empire (Nation)
It's a giant empire that's both equally technologically advanced and magically advanced, they lean towards using technology though and currently hold the largest standing military (particularly their ground forces, and they have more numbers than anybody else as far as ships and personnel). Due to their size they're also the most racially diverse nation (partially due to holding the homeworlds of many younger races), though predominantly human.

Dragol Kingdom (Nation)
Ruled by King Aeshar, the kingdom is a collection of scattered worlds connected by a massive portal system. The kingdom is entirely magic based, mostly because it is centered around dragons who are picky about their roosting locations. The kingdom's main means of defense against invasion (and means of invasion) is dragon riders. Capable of fighting in space, and usually providing way superior to smallcraft in any way they choose to be, a dragon is a force to be reckoned with, and when with an experienced rider (who literally wear plate armor enchanted to keep them alive) can prove to be more than a match for anything less than a NRE cruiser.

Fae State Union
A coalition of Elven nations that more or less keeps trade open between them as well as a joint military defense against outsiders and a non aggression pact between all of them. Typically a shaky agreement, however none of the sides (even the Dark Elves) will really try anything that could actually threaten it. The Union has repelled invaders on more than one occasion and proven to be a powerful force when actually united.

Unknown Invaders
The unknown invaders are really a mystery. It's unknown as to where they even came from, aside from suddenly launching an attack at the edge of the known galaxy. After a short blitzkrieg, their were halted after a combined effort from most the major galactic powers along with a few smaller powers managed to halt their progress, for the the time being.

The Inquisition (Political & Terrorist Group)
They're a fascist and xenophobic Humanity First group mostly located within the Neo Roma Empire and Merika Federation of Planets. They're a not very secret-secret society who happen to have a substantial amount of political power in the NRE and some in the TPC and MFP.
ariandel325 Dec '16
Answer regarding the Inquisition: If they destroyed worlds left and right, how would they bring human-based purity to the galaxy? Its more carving out a chunk of inhabitable planets for mankind to live and expand borders. They don't think any aliens or magic users should be allowed to live within their territory.

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