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Ss-fm&vg-ds locations

pyrak Dec '16  /  edited Apr '17
A massive tree that serves as a space station, last time the players saw it, the the place was being taken over by the unknown invaders.
Example of what it sort of looks like on the inside:
Cordia II
A small planet, but also one of Neo Roma Empire's naval ground facilities. Light atmosphere and barely any gravity makes this place hard for most folk, however it's got a very powerful magnetic field, and combined with some protection against scrying, makes it all but impossible to see what's on the planet's surface aside from visual confirmation, making it an excellent place to hide one's numbers. It's strictly military, and unless invited, expect being shot at.
Large Iceplanet with 175% earth's gravity. Is very technolgically advanced and also have dark magic artificiers.
The first planet to be settled by civilization that was at the edge of the galaxy. It is also the first place that was attacked by the Unknown Invaders.
Trees and elves and druids oh-my!
Other than that, the defenders of Eimrial have bows that shoot raw magic energy, which are pretty powerful (also ignores armor unless it's arcane armor)
Nova Luxcaesar
Another part of the Neo Roma Empire and right on the border between itself and the Merikan Federation, making it a favored spot for traders and merchants who do business between the two powerful nations.
A cold world, and home to the technologically advanced Nubb.
Outpost Thirty Eight
Welcome to sh'tlandia. --gun-fire goes off in background-- what you want?
The place was originally an outpost for the Neo Roma Empire, however that didn't work and they abandoned it, several other people tried taking it over afterwords, resulting in lots of different factions fighting for control, eventually it just became a place known for constant fighting and eventually became somewhat like a proving ground. There's even constant skirmishing in space near the moon, which means if you pop into realspace to close, you'll be in middle of a space battle.
A feudal world in more than one way, this is one of the several worlds under King _____'s command and currently more directly ruled by Duke Franz Riverhawk. It is orbited by three moons, two of which are fully recognized baronies, and the other's been converted into a Castle with enough Dragongrounds to be able to easily out match even a Nova Roma Supercarrier with numbers when fully garrisoned. Pendragon itself is home to the largest host of dragons who seem to prefer that planet over the others.
A large rocky and mountainous planet, is classified as a heavy gravity world, however contains a massive amount of mountains. Currently undergoing terraformation, which is proving fairly easy since it's got a CO2 heavy atmosphere.

pyrak Jan '17  /  edited Jan '17
Derirzov: A cold and genrally unplesant world, but high tech and even more importantly are known for their skills as dark artificers.

Outpost 38: Desert moon around a gas giant, many fighters consider it a proving ground, and the place is almost always at war with itself.

Nova Luxcaesar: One of the planets on the edge of the Neo Roma empire. Rather densely populated for being a border world.

Pendragon: Similar to Eimrial, there's a lack of technology, but more than makes up for it with plenty of magic.

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