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Future Arena

pyrak Mar '17  /  edited Mar '17
Announcer's Introduction
Welcome primitive lifeforms and convicts to the Arena. You are here because one of our investors decided to patronize you in this ultimate form of entertainment! Pardon the short introduction but we must hurry along, can't have eager fans waiting to long, and don't worry about dying we can always reboot you.

That's about all you're told before they let you loose onto the battlefield, with only the clothes on your back (copies of your species typical clothes).

Character Creation
- 10 Combined Life and Power
- 7 Main Trait Points
- 2 Bonus Trait Points
- 1 Racial Quirk

Bonus Trait Limitations: Expect them to be pretty severe, no catch-all combat trait (though having one focusing purely on one combat style (melee, magical, defense, attacking, etc) is fine) Additionally you will not be able to have more than two affecting any one roll at a time.

Racial Quirks: Racial Quirks are something that makes your race unique. This includes but isn't limited to flight, extra arms, natural armor, +50% star modifier to a base trait (balanced out by -50% to another).

Flight: Doubles movement & ignore obstacles.
Natural Armor: You are dealt 1 less damage from all attacks.
Extra Arms: Your Race has four arms instead of two.

Combat Rules
Base Movement = (Agility + Might + Movement Traits)/2, round down.
Bow Range = Might*3
Magic Casting Range = Wisdom*2
Throwing Range = 2 Might rolls

All attack rolls deal damage 2 times the resulting attack value.

Fame and Glory
the more fame and glory you have, the better gifts you get. can be earned through spectacular displays, being merciful (or not) and

(Natural Energies)
+/- 50% Attack damage if advantaged or not

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