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The Reign of Gods and Chaos

pyrak Apr '17  /  edited May '17
Yep, it's another god game. However this one is slightly diferent. In this one, roughly one out of three gods (so there'll likely be two if their's five or more) will secretly be corrupting the world as the gods create it (this will be explained in detail later)

The Corrupted Deity(s)
There will be one or more god which has gone mad, however this won't be revealed unless they chose to do so. Their whole plan is to undermine the world, and if possible undo the other gods works or twist them beyond reason. Unlike the normal gods, they will be getting a bonus round which will just be seen as GM's stuff time. the Mad/Corrupted god(s) will message me (/msg pyrak ) what they want to do and I will roll six dice (this may change later) for effects. The limit to their action is that it must be detrimental to the world and the other gods works and it must be within one of their domains (so be sure to back a nasty domain for this, or get creative)

Deity Creation
Base Traits add up to 7
Might: This will be used for creating inanimate things (so godly weapons) and reshaping non-living things (mostly will involve water and solid matter, may include air depending on stuff). Also including forming (and removing) energy in this (so fire, plasma, lava, electricity etc) .

Agility: This is for making new and evolving the physical aspect of lifeforms. This includes any sort of remolding or making of anything living. (also for eradication and doing nasty things to mortal bodies)

Wisdom: This is for anything involving magical aspects of the world (remaking the laws of the world for example) and teaching the mortals knowledge, or infusing them with magical abilities.

You begin with either one +2 trait or two +1 traits, these should each be tied to a single domain (examples: Fire, Water, Life, Death, Magic, Destruction, War, etc), these will not include things beyond that they said in them (so no Water trait with life in its description, it says water, that means water and water alone). You need to also pick one main domain, that is the only domain you will get to have two bonus traits in (thus having an advantage in it) and nobody else will be able to claim that as their own main domain.

And naturally life and power need to add up to eight total points.

If you're not sure on what domain you want or can't think of one:

Civilizations & Lesser Beings (this might get scrapped for simplicity and for focusing on quicker actions and gods doing stuff more freely without having to constantly up their creatures)
Alright, a few things of note, I'm going to figure out ways to limit resources, namely agriculture which will in turn limit population and population will have a equation going into it for growth ((previous population)^(1.1+(.05*(Reprodu Level))), and a limit to size based on food resources.

Each square will be able to support a base population of 1000 + 100*Resource Level (which is based at zero initially and can be added to or subtracted from by the gods)

Each Species has four Generic Scores, Technology Level, Magic Level, Evolution Level, and Reproduction Level. Evolution level will start at a base of 10 (equivalent to one god level die) but the rest start at a base of zero. Some species (like plants) won't have a sore in parts (so no Tech Level for Plants usually). Rolls to add to these attributes (by gods) add two points per star with the except of Reproduction which is a one to one ratio.

- Technology Level: Increases by one each round, for each species that has it, this allows various things like being ale to build stuff and annex territory for resources. This is gained passively each round, though a god can speed it up easily by imparting their knowledge.

- Magic Level: This can be increased in various ways, usually by godly acts. Each species will have their own magics and abilities. This can be used as an attack roll (or tech level can instead, though that's based on their tech age rather than the direct level)

- Evolution Level: This can be increased in various ways, usually by godly acts. This will work as a base for attack and defense of a race (though they can't use it to attack gods, that requires a magic roll)

- Reproduction Level: This determines how fast a species will reproduce. The exact rate is up in the beginning of the section.

For fighting between mortal races, to simplify things, each race'll deal damage equal to their technology, magic, or evolution score divided by 100 then times their total population. (P*(100/s))

As far as the difference between the power of the gods and the power of mortals, it's a one to ten ratio as far as stars go, it'll take ten time the number of stars from mortals to have the same effect as a god. (That being said they're a good long term investment if you can keep them)

Other Things Of Note
Libraries, Forges and Sanctuaries Oh My!
- Locations such as Libraries and Forges will give percentile bonuses based on how many stars have gone into them (so it'll take a few rounds for them to actually start being of real use, but eventually they'll be very nasty as per giving hefty bonuses)

Smiting the Mortals (or messing with them in any other way)
- Each star on a god's roll will effect one hundred mortals, and when doing something like attacking them, the mortals will have a defense roll (magic, evolution or tech depending on circumstances), however the effect of each of their stars is only one tenth of what a god can do.
- When modding a race then it'll effect the race equal to stars rolled (so you can increase one stat by points equal to their stars)

Effects on Squares:
- SHIELD This won't let things though unless specified otherwise. A roll that is greater than the shield's current CR (Challenge Rate) will get past it by that much (shields will stop gods from passing through unless they beat it with an appropriate Wisdom roll). To tear it down you'll need to reduce it's LEVEL to 0 (level is the total stars put into the shield). The CR is equal tot he greatest roll put into the SHIELD
- COVER works same as shield but simply prevents from beings seeing what's beyond and stops mortals from passing through.

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