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***Space Ships***
Handy hunks of metal which cost a fortune to keep operational. Hull Points: How much damage a vehicle can take before it stops functioning. It requires HP×2^AP Currency to repair in a shop and material cost of field repairs is 5^AP (materials need be bought beforehand) HP repaired ( requires a roll). Armor Points: Armor Points, makes thing damage it less. Evasion: Value needed for an attack to hit Weapons: Can either be Automated (Wisdom) or Manual (Agility). Weapons deal absolute damage and must overcome an evasion score? ***Personal Equipment*** Please log in to add a comment. |
It's a large galaxy, and unfortunately, there's no single currency. In this particular region, there's only three (that the GM has made up so far), Imperial Gold, Trade Credit, and Mithril Leaf. These various currencies are also not consistent (well they are, but that's because it's easier for the GM to figure out what trades for what).
Below amounts are equivalent:
1000 Imperial Gold (Neo Roma Empire)
*not actually gold, uses digital card "IG Card"*
200 Trade Credits (Merika Federation of Planets)
*digital & paper money*
3 Mithril Leaf (Fae State Union & Dragol Kingdom)
*leaf patterned oblong hexagons* (Dragons hoard these)
The Pirate Coven tend to use whatever the parties agree upon and frequently simply barter on large scale for ease.
Smaller independent states often have their own native currencies and at least one of the major currencies as well.