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Rogue (level 1) Trait: Rogue: 1 - Stealth, perception, mobility, locks/traps • Passive Ability: Sneak Attack - Surprise your enemies with your stealth prowess! (Deal bonus damage equal to your stealth stat when attacking a target out of stealth) • Passive Ability: Trap Detonator - An expert of traps, you can narrowly avoid traps as they activate! (Traps equal to or below your Dexterity Stat that are activated by you have no on effect you) _____ Street Fighter (level 2) Trait: Rogue: 2 - Stealth, perception, mobility, locks/traps • Active Ability: Feint Attack - Lower your enemy's guard by feinting and then following up with an attack! (Your target's dodge/block roll is reduced by a number equal to your Combat Prowess stat until the end of your turn) Combat Rogue (level 3) Trait: Rogue: 3 - Stealth, perception, mobility, locks/traps • Passive Ability: Combat Rogue - Mastering light weapons, you can show your prowess in combat! (You can make Agility based Melee Combat rolls with light weight / one-handed weapons) _____ Mugger (level 2) Trait: Thief: 2 - Stealth, persuasion, mobility, locks/traps • Ability: Mug - Attack and rob a target, stealing every last item! (Roll Melee Combat + 1PP to increases the chance of additional items being dropped by target upon target's defeat) Thief (level 3) Trait: Thief: 3 - Stealth, persuasion, mobility, locks/traps • Ability: Thievery - Steal from the back pockets of your enemies, allies, commoners, and noblemen alike! (Roll agility + 1PP to steal an item or currency from a target)
=Astral Mage=
Astral Mage (level 1) Trait: Mage: 1 - Skilled in casting Astral Magic • Proficiency: Novice Astral Mage - You rest between the Sun and the Moon, drawing a small amount of power from both. (The ability to cast level 1 Solar Magic, and level 1 Lunar Magic) • Passive Ability: Exponential Power - Gain and store your power to release it in a powerful attack! (Gain a 10% bonus to your magic for every successful, uninterrupted action [max store 50%]) • Active Ability: Power Discharge - Use your stored power to enhance your magical capabilities! (Add your bonus from Exponential Power to a magic action [lose all stored power upon receiving damage]) _____ Solar Mage (level 2) Trait: Mage: 2 - Skilled in casting Astral Magic • Proficiency: Solar Magic - As you move closer to the Sun, your Solar magic increases and you Lunar Magic decreases. (The ability to cast level 2 Solar Magic. Lose the ability to cast level 1 Lunar Magic) • Passive Ability: Solar Corona - While in combat, a corona of sunlight surrounds you, making it difficult for ranged enemies to aim at you! (Enemies outside of a 3 block radius around you get an accuracy deduction equal to your Magic Effect Stat) Adept Solar Mage (level 3) Trait: Mage: 3 - Skilled in casting Astral Magic • Proficiency: Advanced Solar Magic - As you continue to move closer to the Sun, your powers advance! (The ability to cast level 3 Solar Magic) • Ability: Solar Eclipse? - _____ Lunar Mage (level 2) Trait: Mage: 2 - Skilled in casting Astral Magic • Proficiency: Lunar Magic - As you move closer to the moon, your Lunar magic increases and you Solar Magic decreases. (The ability to cast level 2 Lunar Magic. Lose the ability to cast level 1 Solar Magic) • Passive Ability: Lunar Gravity - A small gravitational field around you causes enemies to struggle to stay close to you! (Enemies within a 1 block radius around you get pushed away at the end of rounds, and receive a melee deduction equal to your Magic Effect Stat) Adept Lunar Mage (level 3) Trait: Mage: 3 - Skilled in casting Astral Magic • Proficiency: Advanced Lunar Magic - As you continue to move closer to the Moon, your powers advance! (The ability to cast level 3 Lunar Magic) • Ability: Lunar Eclipse? -
Ranger (level 1) Trait: Ranger: 1 - Ranged combat, wilderness/wildlife, perception • Ability: Beast Tame - Tame the most fierce beasts and animals you come across! (Roll Wildlife + 1PP to tame a beast with a level equal to or less than your Survival Stat) • Passive Ability: Thrill of the Hunt - Whether you're hunting beasts for their heads, or to make them your pets, a ranger's expertise in the field is without rival! (Gain a 15% bonus to for every successfully tamed, or killed beast [max store 60%]) • Active Ability: Ranger's Will - No target stands a chance against a conqueror of beasts! (Add your bonus from Thrill of the Hunt to a Ranged Combat roll or Beast related action) _____ Beast Adept (level 2) Trait: Ranger: 2 - Ranged combat, wilderness/wildlife, perception • Passive Ability: Friend of Nature - Beast see you as their own kind and not as their prey! (Beasts with a level equal to or lower than your Survival Stat won't attack you unless you attack them first) • Ability: Beast Call - Adept in the calls of Beast, you cry out calling forth a Beast to aid you! (Roll Wildlife + 1PP to summon a Beast to aid you [Summon's level is determined by your Survival stat. Summon's duration is determined by Stars rolled]) Beast Master (level 3) Trait: Ranger: 3 - Ranged combat, wilderness/wildlife, perception • Ability: Luring Shot - An master of Beasts and Archery, you shoot a target with a scented arrow that attracts the nearest beast to it! (Roll Ranger Combat + Wildlife modifiers + 1PP to shoot a target with an arrow that attracts a Beast. Beast's level is determined by Survival stat) _____ Hunter (level 2) Trait: Ranger: 2 - Ranged combat, wilderness/wildlife, perception • Proficiency: Bow Master - The ability to use Bow-related Weapon Abilities without power. • Passive Ability: Hunter's Prowess - An expert hunter, you kill beasts swiftly and efficiently! (Deal bonus damage equal to your survival stat to Beasts) Master Hunter (level 3) Trait: Ranger: 3 - Ranged combat, wilderness/wildlife, perception • Ability: Combative Arrows - Show your prowess with bows and arrows by using arrows in close combat! (When you have a Bow equipped, you may roll Melee Combat to use arrows as your weapon, dealing bonus damage equal to 50% of your bow's stats.)
Mana Manipulator (Level 1)
Trait: Mana Manipulator: 1 - Mana manipulation, perception, enchantment • Ability: Minor Mana Manipulation - Manipulate other's mana to heal your allies and harm your enemies with a single touch! (Roll Mana Manipulation + 1PP to heal or damage an adjacent target) • Proficiency: Runic Inscription - The knowledge of and ability to inscribe known Runes into tokens. Once a Runic Token is used, the rune fades. Runes can be freely inscribed outside of combat) • Magic: Novice Rune Caster - Run your Mana through runic tokens to activate them and cast powerful spells! (The knowledge of, and ability to cast level 1 runes) _____ Runic Caster (level 2) Trait: Mana Manipulator: 2 - Mana manipulation, perception, enchantment • Magic: Rune Caster - Run your Mana through runic tokens to activate them and cast powerful spells! (The knowledge of, and ability to cast level 2 runes) • Ability: Runic Mana Burst - Runic Inscriber (level 3) Trait: Mana Manipulator: 3 - Magic, crafting, enchanting • Magic: Adept Rune Caster - Run your Mana through runic tokens to activate them and cast powerful spells! (The knowledge of, and ability to cast level 3 runes) • Proficiency: Runic Enchantment - Enchant weapons, armor, and items using runic inscribing! (The ability to inscribe known Runes into weapons and armor) _____ Mana Monk (level 2) Trait: Mana Manipulator: 2 - Mana manipulation, perception, enchantment • Ability: Mana Enchantment - Channel your mana directly into your weapon, allowing it to pierce, cut through, or break into the toughest hide and strongest armor! (Roll Melee Combat +1PP, your attack ignores target's armor equal to your Magic Effect stat) • Ability: Meditation - Meditate and repair your mana! (Roll Mana Manipulation + 1PP to restore your health and remove status effects) Mana Master (level 3) Trait: Mana Manipulator: 3 - Mana manipulation, perception, enchantment • Active Ability: Mana Shield - Channel your mana into a field on the outside layer of your body, protecting you from harm! (Reduce damage taken equal to your Magic Effect Stat [2PP per use]) • Ability: Stunning Strike - Channel mana directly into an open-hand attack, disorienting your target's mana and stunning them! (Roll Melee Combat + Mana Manipulation modifiers to stun your target for a number of turns equal to your Magic Effect stat [2PP Per Use])
- GM's Note: This class isn't completely finished, but is playable if you wish. Novice Alchemical Brewer (Level 1) Trait: Alchemist: 1 - Alchemy, potions, transmutation • Passive Ability: Eye for Ingredients - As a potion brewer, you have a keen eye for crucial ingredients! (Once per scene, you may make a perception roll to find any nearby Ingredients that are then stored in your inventory and can be used to brew potions.) • Proficiency: Potion Brewing - The knowledge of, and ability to brew level 1 potions. • Ability: Alchemical Mending - Mend a broken item, restoring it to a functioning state! (Roll Alchemy + 1PP to restore a broken item, weapon, or armor back to a functioning state [durability of target is determined by stars rolled]) _____ Adept Potion Brewer (Level 2) Trait: Alchemist: 2 - Alchemy, potions, transmutation • Proficiency: Advanced Potion Brewing - The knowledge of, and ability to brew level 2 potions. • Ability: Quick Brew - Your potion brewing prowess gives you the edge over your enemies! (Roll Potion brewing + 1PP to brew up to three potions in the same turn.) Potion Master (Level 3) Trait: Alchemist: 3 - Alchemy, potions, transmutation • Proficiency: Arcane Potion Brewing - The knowledge of, and ability to brew level 3 potions. • Passive Ability: Double Pot - Show your prowess, wielding multiple potions! (The ability to use two potions on the same turn.) _____ Transmuter (Level 2) Trait: Alchemist: 2 - Alchemy, potions, transmutation • Proficiency: Golden Science - The knowledge of and ability to transmute metallic objects into gold! • Active Ability: Transmute Self - You're now able to harden parts of your body to the point where it's effective as armor, protecting you from harm! (Reduce damage taken equal to your Magic Effect Stat [2PP per use]) • Ability: Weakening Transmutation - Roll Transmutation + 1PP to weaken a number of metallic items equal to the roll. Items weakened by this ability can more easily break when hit (not sure how you want to handle this on a mechanical level). Duration of weakening is equal to (magic/crafting stat) Alchemist (Level 3) Trait: Alchemist: 3 - Alchemy, potions, transmutation • Ability: Alchemical Enchantment - Transmute the material of an item, increasing its quality! (Roll Transmutation + 1PP to Increase the quality of a targeted weapon, item, or armor [target is marked with a star, and may only be enhanced by this ability once]) • Ability: Arcane Projectile - Being able to turn simple items into a highly volatile material in their hand, an alchemist can use this to deadly effect! (Roll Ranged Combat + Magic modifiers to create and throw an explosive at a target, dealing damage equal to your Magic stat.)
=Inventor= (Class is unfinished)
Inventor (Level 1) Trait: Inventor: 1 - Crafting, tools, appraisal • Proficiency: Mastercraft - The ability to craft items away from a workbench. • Ability: Repair - Repair a broken item, armor, or weapon! (Roll Crafting + 1PP to repair an item, extending its durability equal to your Crafting stat), requires proper tools for repair. • Proficiency: Apprentice Artificer: You are able to build and maintain Grade 1 Artifacts. Arcane Weapon Smith (Level 2) Trait: Inventor: 2 - Crafting, tools, appraisal • Proficiency: Journeyman Artificer: You are able to build and maintain Grade 2 Artifacts. • Ability: Blacksmith - Maintain, sharpen, or enhance a weapon in some way, making it more effective! (Roll Crafting + 1PP to Increase the quality of a targeted weapon, item, or armor [target is marked with a star, and may only be enhanced by this ability once]) Arcane Engineer (Level 3) Trait: Inventor: 3 - Crafting, tools, appraisal • Ability: Mental Artifact Replication - Using a crystal and a lot of concentration, you are able to create the effect of a weapon you have built before, however it consumes three times as much energy. • Proficiency: Master Artificer: You are able to build and maintain Grade 3 Artifacts. ... Grade 1 Artifacts - Arcane Blasting Rod Crafting: (Stat level 1+) Using an energy crystal and enough materials to make a 1' x2" x2" metal rod. Must get a crafting roll of 2+ (no PP) to succeed in crafting. Damage = Crafting Stat + # Stars above 2. Carries a maximum of 10 charges and each charge recovers over an hour. Maintenance: Needs to have an Artificer do 10 minutes of maintenance on it every 3 days or it becomes broken. Grade 2 and 3 variants of that might be elemental charged ones requiring something like a bone from a certain animal or some more advanced model which has a better efficiency or something. Please log in to add a comment. |
Warrior (Level 1)
Trait: Warrior: 1 - Skilled in combat
• Passive Ability: Weapon Master - A master of weaponry, you dominate the battlefield with ease! (Activate a weapon ability without spending power [Uses per scene equal to Combat Prowess stat])
• Passive Ability: Unyielding Will - Stay in the fight longer, even after taking fatal damage! (When you would take fatal damage, remain with 1HP [Uses per scene equal to level of Warrior trait])
Enraged Warrior (Level 2)
Trait: Warrior: 2 - Skilled in combat
• Passive Ability: Enrage - Become enraged when the fight is almost lost! (When your health is below 75%, deal bonus damage equal to your Combat Prowess Stat)
• Active Ability: Battle Cry - Lead the charge into a fight with the sharp cry of battle! (Spend 2PP to give you and your allies +1 to offensive dice until your next turn)
Berserker (Level 3)
Trait: Warrior: 3 - Skilled in combat
• Ability: Berserk - Charge into battle with only one thought in mind, the death of your enemies! (Gain +2 to your Combat Damage Stat with the penalty of +1 damage taken until your next turn)
Heroic Warrior (level 2)
Trait: Warrior: 2 - Skilled in combat
• Active Ability: Intercept - Intercept an attack coming towards you or an ally! (Roll Combat + 1PP to attempt to block damage to you or an ally within 3 squares of you. Upon a failed dodge/block roll, damage taken is reduced equal to your Combat Prowess Stat)
• Passive Ability: Defensive Wall - Form an impregnable defensive wall! (Allies standing by your side gain +1 to their defensive rolls)
Defender (level 3)
Trait: Warrior: 3 - Skilled in combat
• Ability: Safeguard - Drop back into a defensive stance, giving you the advantage when being attacked! (Drop into Guard, allowing you to counter-attack when attacked. Gain +2 defensive dice with the penalty of -1 to your Combat Damage Stat until the end of your next turn)