PXP / Rank | 36 · Apprentice ? |
Location | Australia |
Special Ability | Gambling |
Player Experience Points (PXP)
You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.
You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.
It is updated up to an hour after each session.
Profile Ranks
0 | Apprentice |
100 | Wanderer |
1000 | Adventurer |
5000 | Hero |
10000 | Avatar |
20000 | Legend |
30000 | Immortal |
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Characters 2
Treasures 2
Followers 0 / 2
Membership | Advanced |
Joined | 11.06.2016 |
Last Visit | 11.08.2016 |
XP Recv'd | 0 |
XP Given | 0 |
Just a RPG newbie who enjoys a bit of poker, tryin' to learn the ropes.
Steam: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076439308
Steam: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198076439308
Followers: 0
Following: 2
Bindo the Thief | 0 xp | GM: kingcrusader | |
Rynn the Gambler | 0 xp | GM: gammamutant |
Beta Tester | |
Completed Profile |