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Sacrifice A Queen - III. Their Last Cake

fortysecond Jul '15
One - A nerve-racking evening at the Copper Cog

The notes of Chair, the folding automaton.

"The walls have ears", they say. But people should be more worried about the chairs. Eavesdropping is a delightfull activity, especially when one enjoys a fine "Steamer" cigarette as he does so.
I gathered many information, this evening. They are of no practical use to me, but the feeling of power secret knowledge gives you can't be denied.
As the steam of the cigarette was raising around me, I learned about a plan involving six high-ranking officers of the Royal Army, a cake, a bomb and, oh delight, eavesdropping.
From what I understood, these people are involved in a special mission for the rebellion. They intend on gathering information from the six officers by using a phonographic recorder and, after having found the Carmine Coats' general quarters, they are planning on using a bomb to destroy the said quarters, and the officers themselves with them.

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