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A faint scent of coffee

fortysecond Aug '15  /  edited Aug '15
"Here the air smells of coffee and the world is strange."
, anonymous.

Sometimes you have to step into the unknown, because there is nowhere else to step into.

"I don't know where I am. I feel sorrow and hunger, but it doesn't come from me."
, anonymous.

You have no idea why you are there. You vaguely remember someone wearing a green suit asking you to go somewhere, but all your memories for the past few days are otherwise blurred. But you are there nonetheless.
And the only way out is to keep going.

"You have to go. It is your mission. It is the only way."
, a man in a green suit.

Character creation :

Create a modern human. There should be no more restrictions than that.
For a better experience, I advise you to develop your backstory in game , when you discuss with other characters and not before.

To join the game as a character, you only need :
- A name
- A function
- A short description of your appearance

You can carry one item on you from the beginning. It needs to be accepted by the GM and can be a small weapon (which can be a good or a bad thing to carry). When you start the game, you will find one or more other items in your pockets, which will have been chosen by the GM and which your character didn't own before then.

Comment :
Don't expect the plot to make perfect sense in a rational way. The game is an experiment set in a strange place. Your role as a player is to explore it and see how you can make progress in an unknown world. It is also a social experiment for your characters. How will they work together in a situation they should never have had to experience?
Many things will be unexpected.

The story will depend on how the players act, and thus will leave space to a lot of improvisation. The players will be a group and will have to take decisions together and sometimes debate, or argue.

Note :
Be indulgent about the time required to create new scenes in game.

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