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The Imperial Ministry of Adventurers

pyrak Nov '16  /  edited Nov '16
Welcome newcomer, please make sure all your paperwork is filled out.

==Traits & Life/PP==
You start with the standard amount just like everybody else sucker. Seriously don't add more than the given starting amounts. Custom traits are allowed, try not to go overboard on the multi-usability & be creative.

Stick all the fluffy stuff you want in here, needs at least character's full name, sex, age, backstory and any other interesting information (extra info).

Level: 1

Current Movment: (Base Movemnt is 4)

Gold: (Starting amount is 20 + 2*Roll10)
- (The Ministry will provide you with a hammerspace ring, don't loose it)
- (you start with two)
Any none fluff or quest important items will have two things, a Grade and a Value. A item's Grade is determines its percentile bonus whiich is ussually added on after making a roll related to the item. For more details read through this post: (and if you didn't read through it, tl:dr = the Grade of a item conveys a #0% bonus). Additionally one thing not mentioned there is advantage, when an item has an advantage over another, the second item's bonus is reduced by the first item's bonus amount (down to zero minimum).

Single-handed melee Weapons
- Benefits from being able to also have an offhand

Two-handed melee Weapons
- Gains advanatage over Light & Medium Armor
- Can't have a offhand

Ranged Weapons
- Ranged
- Movement is halved while shooting (usually)

- Offhand
- Blocks attacks with Agility

- Reduces incoming attacks by % amounts.
- Can slow you down (heavy & medium armor)

Light Armor:
- No Movement Penalty

Medium Armor: (most versitile with the right Skills)
- Movement Penalty (-1)

Heavy Armor:
- Movement Penalty (-1)
- Two Handed Weapons don't have Advantage against this.

- Movement
-- Every character starts with a base movement of 4
-- If you decide to forgo any other actions for the turn, you can move an additiona # of spaces equal to half (rounded up) your current movement.

All are located here:

Skills are abilities that you gain that expand your character's capability to do stuff and making so they can do certain things better (like being able to cast magic or make their melee attacks better).

Ze Map

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