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sumdonkas Dec '16  /  edited Dec '17
S.I.C.K rules

The goal of the game is to survive for as long as possible!

This is a modern setting

Characters have permadeath! If you are not healed after losing all your hp you will a your char dies at the ed of the round! loot can be taken from the corpses of the dead. when Ccing try to make the character's traits fit in with their occupation.

Weapons have a value number that determines the number of uses

melee weapons don't make noise but need you to be adjacent and are governed by might.

Firearms are loud, but have more uses, and are governed by agility

Gear:these help you survive. some use wisdom to function, others simply work when equipped.

mobility: 4 (roll ability)
Example traits
Policemen: 1-firearms, communication, leadership
Scavenger; 1-luck, lockpick, resourceful

in your notes keep track of inventory
Weapon; weapons deal damage
item; can be used for various things
Gear: a trinket or item that gives a buff

debuffs. Get three and you die

The GM decides the values of the loot and items.

Each player starts with one of the following of their choice
Weapon: A weapon related to their occupation
if melee: improvised club: Melee, 2/2, 2 mg
If range: Crumby Pistol: ranged 2, 3/3, 1dmg

If you take Gear: MRE: Black bean and chicken chili. Beats whatever we dig up around camp. restore pp by two

If you take a trinket take a personal item and have it buff one main trait
Example: Photo of mom: Helps me remember life before everything went to hell. +1 star to wisdom rolls.

Ranged weapons cannot shoot through elevated blocks without your shot taking a penalty pending on the cover
Wood/armor: 1

roll wis and an appropriate trait to look for or search for loot and supplies for you or your camp.


Teams must balance out scavenging, quests, and maintaining their base to win.

Zombie rules
Zombies will attack the closest living thing
Zombies move last cos' they are slow!
Environment has some effect on zombies. so pay attention to their behavior
They can infect you! You turn if you die and
each attack from a zombie has a small chance of infection that also gives a nasty debuff!
get 3 infection counters and you turn! you will play as an undead with the ability to use the last item you died with!
Fear not! for some Antibiotics can save you!
The cure is antibiotics rare item! so find it or risk turning into a zombie!
Player zombies have the same stats in death!

Shopping, Xp, PP
Money is only good as cloth! Want something? you gotta trade items!
PP represents your mental state, hunger, and stamina! rest to restore it.
back! Eat, drink, do something to stay sane! DON'T PANIC
Pp rules are the same as FT's rules.
moving will cost you Pp if you move very far
Xp is spent to level up traits. 5xp to increase a a trait. increases every time by 5. you will not be raising pp or Hp

Every round spent at a base consumes food ar person there
if you do not eat and drink by the end of a round, you lose a pp
Food can be taken before leaving
Food Does NOT restore health. it restores pp only. some foods give bonuses that until the next round is over
luck is cab be used to give players a re roll
every person contributes a point of luck.
Luck drops whenever something horrible happens
Low luck means bad things are more likely to occur
NPCs are also effect by your luck
Raising luck requires good things to happen, or some good RP and bonding
Your camp/shelter is where you live and rest at to protect against the environment.
You can build things at camp to improve life from better housing to a farm or even a workshop if you can salvage materials.
A bases defense is how hard it is for outsiders to break in and steal
Repair the defenses when you can in case you are raided.

NPC who aid you have personality traits that can be helpful or even harmful.
You can face raids from a Hoard or Raiders who wont leave until they are killed or forced off. While assaulting your camp, they lower Luck at the end of every round
sumdonkas Apr '17
hotsoup As lan the janitor

Insomniakid as Josh the baseball player

They came to an Ubermart
Kid name simon sick
Guy name carl wanted medicine for group

people died zombies found them

managed to kill carl

Harriet and simon burned

escaped in Apc

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