PXP / Rank | 12488 · Avatar ? |
Location | Ovayanda |
Special Ability | kobold Lord |
Player Experience Points (PXP)
You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.
You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.
It is updated up to an hour after each session.
Profile Ranks
0 | Apprentice |
100 | Wanderer |
1000 | Adventurer |
5000 | Hero |
10000 | Avatar |
20000 | Legend |
30000 | Immortal |
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Characters 100+
Treasures 12
Followers 215 / 37
Membership | Advanced |
Joined | 12.21.2016 |
Last Visit | 08.23.2021 |
XP Recv'd | 320 |
XP Given | 1617 |
Taking the load off, and playing some games. Not the greatest, but I got a lot of spare time Atm.
Vaaz the The Jackal | 56 xp | GM: lanesully15 | |
Castiele the King of Fools | 40 xp | GM: triclopyr | |
Vektka the Kobold Commando | 20 xp | GM: azurg | |
Faust the Detective | 19 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Xiaia the Grey Jedi | 17 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Xan the Spellslinger | 16 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Belli the Nubb Engineer | 15 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Harriet the White Mage | 14 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Kingcade the Shadowbroker | 13 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Kato the Scoundrel | 13 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Ahmuel the Cosmic Horror | 10 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Artemis the Red Archer | 10 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Xan the Spellslinger | 10 xp | GM: chewierox | |
SmolBean the Muzikshun | 8 xp | GM: ardaighfola | |
Han the Of Twin Fangs | 8 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Rei the Undying | 7 xp | GM: thedomtree | |
Proxy the Pokemon Idol | 6 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Lisia the Pokemon Idol | 6 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Kaask the Bountyhunter | 6 xp | GM: dunkmacia | |
Kassk the Bountyhunter | 6 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Goldar the Relentless | 6 xp | GM: autoson1009 | |
Lich the Endbringer | 5 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Gash the Shadowbroker | 5 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Xan the Spellslinger | 5 xp | GM: autoson1009 | |
Ash the Necromancer | 4 xp | GM: hymirius999 | |
Vaaz the Jackal | 4 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Mcgreggor the Pugilist | 4 xp | GM: autoson1009 | |
Kaask the Bounty Hunter | 3 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Quni the Kneecaper | 2 xp | GM: yummypancake | |
Xan the Dashin' Rogue | 2 xp | GM: baragon | |
Zapp the Super Nerd | 2 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Evra the Stout | 2 xp | GM: shaylayy | |
Asha the Kobold Sorceress | 1 xp | GM: llamascanfly | |
Braum the Warrior Poet | 1 xp | GM: yummypancake | |
Ace the West Director | 1 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Goagoze the Monk | 0 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Gaogoze the Monk | 0 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Gaogogze the Huntsmen | 0 xp | GM: yummypancake | |
Arondel the Sorcerer | 0 xp | GM: daldric | |
Fives the Prototype | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Examplar the Dood | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Stanko the Clown | 0 xp | GM: eternallist | |
Xan the Dashing Rogue | 0 xp | GM: masipie | |
Puk'tui the Kobold Shaman | 0 xp | GM: thegobbler | |
Doctor the Doctorface | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Aourburne the Live Wire | 0 xp | GM: vechmaster | |
Roux the Majin Berzerker | 0 xp | GM: teamwsmf | |
Xamples the Example | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Shup the Wilding | 0 xp | GM: ardaighfola | |
Kamile the Wip | 0 xp | GM: rlvvmc | |
Bean the Bard | 0 xp | GM: ardaighfola | |
Luki the Bard | 0 xp | GM: mixomitosis | |
BeN the Rookie | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Xampal the Examplar | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Xan the Privateer | 0 xp | GM: jediofrealms | |
Krekre the Kobold Rouge | 0 xp | GM: savagepepe | |
Nyenn the Trap Master | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Hyena the Kobold Wanderer | 0 xp | GM: wolfean | |
Konnor the Wrath of the Irish | 0 xp | GM: daringdan127 | |
Nyen the Kobald Scientist | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Hush the Lonewolf | 0 xp | GM: daringdan127 | |
Siegrave the Patrol Leader | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Ruin the Lichking of Aram | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Thatch the Ranger | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Kavaa the Kraal Queen | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Louil the Flame of Anarchy | 0 xp | GM: funnio987 | |
Thirteen the Scoundrel | 0 xp | GM: chemgas650 | |
Xan the Spellslinger | 0 xp | GM: hymirius999 | |
Ahem'muel the Cosmic Horror | 0 xp | GM: hotsoup | |
Cir the Dreadknight | 0 xp | GM: triclopyr | |
Amir the Last Bladedancer | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Siegrsve the Scout | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Kasiel the The First of Fools | 0 xp | GM: dunkmacia | |
Kasiel the King of Fools | 0 xp | GM: pwnd50timz | |
Castel the King of Fools | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Tina the Stout | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Shumi the Scholar | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Kastiele the Royal Jester | 0 xp | GM: kiasersnek | |
Razz the Admiral | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Gyia the Dune Queen | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Gao the Demon Hound | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
The-Last the Emperor | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Rook the Clone Commander | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Gympie the Pokemon Professor | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Dax the Warclad | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Dolton the Gjallarhornenforcer | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Winnie the Gjallarhorn Enforcer | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Kiya the Pokemon Idol | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Molly the Tourny Coordinator | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Lilim the Smuggler | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Louie the Faustian Demon | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Wykss the Exile | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Wyet the Medical Unit | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Vela the Technopunk | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Rayne the Dreadpirate | 0 xp | GM: dunkmacia | |
Xann the Swashbuckler | 0 xp | GM: dunkmacia | |
Xan the Spellslinger | 0 xp | GM: dunkmacia | |
Belli the Nubb Engineer | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Saul the Mercinary Pilot | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas | |
Evra the Stout | 0 xp | GM: sumdonkas |
Beta Tester | |
Completed Profile | |
Wanderer - 100 pxp | |
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp | |
Hero - 5,000 pxp | |
Avatar - 10,000 pxp |
Following 10 GMs | |
Played with 5 GMs | |
Played with 10 GMs |