Unwilling contestants are drugged, kidnapped and dropped into an underground complex where they must survive long enough to buy their escape with LOU COIN! Work together or stab each other in the back in the world's number one redroom black market game show!
WARNING *the gm will be trying to murder you*
The syndicate is not response form maiming, death, suicide, crippling depression, PTSD, rage quitting, audience members being randomly selected to be horribly maimed for ratings, mauling or stocking the bathrooms with toilet paper
cc modern day, horror
Age: We don’t discriminate
Gender: No really, we don’t. You all bleed red!
Lou coin: Everyone’s favorite host the face of the world’s most lucrative phantom cryptocurrency!
Kills: Put some notches in your belt!
Popularity: roll for mercy! But it will go down because we need the ratings!
Bio- Tell us about yourself so we know what to put on your online profile!
Traits are custom, keep simple. Keep em modern. Try to base them on aspects of your character
-varies between tasks, do a thing, gm asks you to roll
-if you die your character is wiped, including all their items, well ones that haven't been looted!
-You level by surviving the session
-items do carry over
-the Gm cannot kill you in safe rooms, part of his contract
-PP is also your sanity, if it gets too low, bad things happen
-Pp can be payed to run
Unwilling contestants are drugged, kidnapped and dropped into an underground complex where they must survive long enough to buy their escape with LOU COIN! Work together or stab each other in the back in the world's number one redroom black market game show!
WARNING *the gm will be trying to murder you*
The syndicate is not response form maiming, death, suicide, crippling depression, PTSD, rage quitting, audience members being randomly selected to be horribly maimed for ratings, mauling or stocking the bathrooms with toilet paper
cc modern day, horror
Age: We don’t discriminate
Gender: No really, we don’t. You all bleed red!
Lou coin: Everyone’s favorite host the face of the world’s most lucrative phantom cryptocurrency!
Kills: Put some notches in your belt!
Popularity: roll for mercy! But it will go down because we need the ratings!
Bio- Tell us about yourself so we know what to put on your online profile!
Traits are custom, keep simple. Keep em modern. Try to base them on aspects of your character
Example traits
Policemen: 1-firearms, communication, leadership
Scavenger; 1-luck, lockpick, resourceful
-varies between tasks, do a thing, gm asks you to roll
-if you die your character is wiped, including all their items, well ones that haven't been looted!
-You level by surviving the session
-items do carry over
-the Gm cannot kill you in safe rooms, part of his contract
-PP is also your sanity, if it gets too low, bad things happen
-Pp can be payed to run