Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 4955  ·  Adventurer ?
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Special Ability --
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  34
Treasures  3
Followers  7 / 2
Membership Advanced
Joined 10.15.2019
Last Visit 12.09.2024
XP Recv'd 10
XP Given 194
A mysterious stranger with many secrets...
GameMaster the Gm 100 xp GM:  illithid
Zarkesh the Dragon 100 xp GM:  illithid
Haron the Demigod 10 xp GM:  illithid
Scamp the Imp Warlock 0 xp GM:  illithid
Aida the Aida Unit 0 xp GM:  illithid
Nas'hrah the Sorcerer 0 xp GM:  illithid
Khrull the Orc Warlord 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Silver the Brood Wolf 0 xp GM:  illithid
Plum the Kobold Thief 0 xp GM:  illithid
Plum the Kobold Thief 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Lona the Cutpurse 0 xp GM:  illithid
Styx the Nosferatu 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Boris the Janitor Bear 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Marvol the Voodoo Alligator 0 xp GM:  illithid
Dermott the Goblin Ranger 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Dax the Kobold Scavanger 0 xp GM:  illithid
Azazel the Demon 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Ja'Reek the Argonian Stud 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Hilda the Bard 0 xp GM:  illithid
Olgra the Goblin Barbarian 0 xp GM:  illithid
Verana the Elven Bard 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Zarkesh the Fat Dragon 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Crom the Orc 0 xp GM:  illithid
Zargon the Dominator 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Kannu the Lewdmancer 0 xp GM:  illithid
Haron the Player 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Jip the Kobold 0 xp GM:  illithid
Garok the Ravager 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Kinzi the Goblin 0 xp GM:  plumberking
Drizzle the Kobold 0 xp GM:  illithid
Studbot the Male Stud Droid 0 xp GM:  illithid
Xenreia the Dragon Mother 0 xp GM:  illithid
Lesla the Witch 0 xp GM:  illithid
Tank the Dragon Stud 0 xp GM:  illithid
Beta Tester
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp