Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 0  ·  Apprentice ?
Location sdfsdfsdfsdf
Special Ability --
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  36
Treasures  0
Followers  2 / 3
Membership Advanced
Joined 12.21.2011
Last Visit 09.04.2017
XP Recv'd 0
XP Given 2
A mysterious stranger with many secrets...
Followers:  2
Following:  3
Warrperf the Warrior Performer 100 xp GM:  testuser
Sdfsdfgwg the Sdf Sdgsdfsdfsdf 6 xp GM:  testuser
Halfwar the Sdfsdfsdf 4 xp GM:  testuser
Myswarr the Mystic Warrior 1 xp GM:  testuser
Rojjar the Unlucky Thief 0 xp GM:  testuser
Hsrshshsgh the Ah Sdhsh Shgsfg 0 xp GM:  testuser
Werwerwer the Wwtwt 0 xp GM:  testuser59
Bri the Scientist 0 xp GM:  testuser
Sfdsdgasdf the Asfdgasdf 0 xp GM:  testuser
Maggellf the Elven Mage 0 xp GM:  testuser
Bill the Engineer 0 xp GM:  testuser
Hsfghfdghd the Vbnxvbncvbn 0 xp GM:  testuser2
Rojar the Unlucky Thief 0 xp GM:  testuser
Bearick the Sai Tan Warrior 0 xp GM:  testuser
Salius the Elven Warrior 0 xp GM:  testuser
Silver the Dark Slicer 0 xp GM:  testuser
Haredfg the Sdfgsdfg 0 xp GM:  testuser3
Dfghshs the Dfgdfdfg 0 xp GM:  testuser3
Dgsjfgj the Sdfghash 0 xp GM:  testuser
Grogg the Dfhdfgdfg 0 xp GM:  testuser
Hjkghjkgh the Drdfgjhd 0 xp GM:  testuser3
Jsjfghj the Dghjdgjh 0 xp GM:  testuser3
Dfgdfgd the Dfgdfgdfgfgdfg 0 xp GM:  testuser3
Streetz the Streetwise Scientist 0 xp GM:  testuser
Rawrr the Wolffen Soldier 0 xp GM:  testuser
Merc the Cybermerc 0 xp GM:  testuser
Natmage the Druid 0 xp GM:  testuser
Athalar the Fortune Teller 0 xp GM:  testuser
TestCustom the Custom 0 xp GM:  testuser
Halfwarr the Halfling Warrior 0 xp GM:  demouser
Customorr the Test Custom 0 xp GM:  testuser
Lkjklhjkg the Gl Ghklgjkl 0 xp GM:  demouser
Egerghsdfh the Ere Fgsdherhth 0 xp GM:  demouser
Sjrtrthysf the Fghdfgh 0 xp GM:  demouser
Thshehsdfh the Dfgsdg 0 xp GM:  demouser
Myssrogue the Mystic Rogue 0 xp GM:  testuser
The treasure chest is empty...