PXP / Rank | 185 · Wanderer ? |
Location | Lands of barovia |
Special Ability | Monster Hunter |
Player Experience Points (PXP)
You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.
You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.
It is updated up to an hour after each session.
Profile Ranks
0 | Apprentice |
100 | Wanderer |
1000 | Adventurer |
5000 | Hero |
10000 | Avatar |
20000 | Legend |
30000 | Immortal |
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Characters 1
Treasures 4
Followers 17 / 2
Membership | Advanced |
Joined | 10.18.2015 |
Last Visit | 10.16.2020 |
XP Recv'd | 0 |
XP Given | 0 |
I enjoy the fantasy realms of role playing such as D&D Palladium Fantasy and Castles & Crusades I have been gaming since 1987 and have never lost the love for this hobby. I have built a large gaming library for myself and have many game systems but that is not what this about. Welcome My name is Rob and my table will always feature a good story line to immerse your character. If you are looking for old school horror high fantasy and sometimes something else to twist your imangination and create a new fear of what really lives in the shadows? You have come to the write place here where the shadows never return to the darkness. I will be featuring the classic AD&D module I6 Ravenloft . The game schedule will run on Sunday evenings from 4pm to ?
Followers: 17
Following: 2
Brunir the Warrior Arcane | 0 xp | GM: raginhild |
Beta Tester | |
Completed Profile | |
Wanderer - 100 pxp |