Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 253  ·  Wanderer ?
Location Wonderland
Special Ability idk
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  21
Treasures  4
Followers  0 / 14
Membership Advanced
Joined 04.03.2019
Last Visit 10.26.2023
XP Recv'd 11
XP Given 0
I can play almost any weekday from 2-8. I have played games like these very little so I am not very good.
Alex the Boy 6 xp GM:  megdacutecat
James the Callion 5 xp GM:  jungle
Boby the Psychic 0 xp GM:  wifi
Bob the Wonderfull Wizard 0 xp GM:  callmedaddy
Jack the Private Investigator 0 xp GM:  honigdachs
Sage the Crazed Necromancer 0 xp GM:  nekoknight
Gregori the Murderer 0 xp GM:  vechmaster
Gregories the Murderer 0 xp GM:  vechmaster
Litle-Kone the Magician 0 xp GM:  jungle
Twentytree the Theology 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Ani the God of Emotions 0 xp GM:  jungle
Yeety the Stealing Detective 0 xp GM:  dropdead
Yeet the Stealer 0 xp GM:  dropdead
Ani the Hacked Alchemist 0 xp GM:  finesse
Test the Testing 0 xp GM:  finesse
Saz the Doctor 0 xp GM:  jungle
Relafe the Paladin in Training 0 xp GM:  jungle
Astel the Confused Fennekin 0 xp GM:  ripripla
Astral the I Have No Idea 0 xp GM:  ripripla
Fennekin the Pokemon 0 xp GM:  ripripla
Rohice the Paladin 0 xp GM:  otisjustotis
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Following 10 GMs