Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 9090  ·  Hero ?
Location The Depths of Heck
Special Ability Epic and cool B)
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  100+
Treasures  11
Followers  74 / 56
Membership Advanced
Joined 12.24.2018
Last Visit 06.18.2024
XP Recv'd 461
XP Given 1545
Im just chillin man.
Just tryna be a chill man whats so wrong bout that.
Ceathrar the Four Armed 45 xp GM:  jungle
Zergok the Undead Goblin King 45 xp GM:  bustamark
Relomar the Royal Scientist 30 xp GM:  jungle
Hreakar the Imprisoned 25 xp GM:  jungle
Osamodas the Summoner 23 xp GM:  bustamark
Gerard the Captian 20 xp GM:  awalnut
Hir'eek the Fear Monger 16 xp GM:  lunarglare
Aja the Pirate Snake 15 xp GM:  sgatthewolf
Melomia the Farco Bard 15 xp GM:  wifi
Jarakeem the Happygo Lucky Bard 15 xp GM:  lunarglare
Ninetyfour the Glass Animals 13 xp GM:  jungle
Rakeem the Embermage 13 xp GM:  cake1101
Jerald the Familiar 13 xp GM:  jungle
Okultis the Occultist 12 xp GM:  pyrak
Umbulali the Buisnessman 12 xp GM:  jungle
Ceol the Musician 11 xp GM:  eternallist
Zimis the God of Madness 11 xp GM:  pyrak
Momak the God of Earth 10 xp GM:  jungle
Crekkess the Aarakocra Warrior 10 xp GM:  bustamark
Skamos the Teifling Warrier 10 xp GM:  simonater
Metrom the Necromancer 9 xp GM:  jungle
Makomar the Musical Bard 9 xp GM:  hymirius999
Charles the Familiar 8 xp GM:  plotspider
Gerald the Four Armed Monster 8 xp GM:  lokiodinson
Fenlar the Infested 6 xp GM:  plotspider
Gerard the Time Traveler 6 xp GM:  cohaki
Dlared the Maddening 6 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Lucas the Callion 5 xp GM:  jungle
ThirtyTwo the B I G K I T T Y 5 xp GM:  thepoofy
Capsicum the God of the Harvest 5 xp GM:  3paul7
Maggie the Possesed 5 xp GM:  awalnut
Gerald the Druid 5 xp GM:  baragon
Mbonba the Wild Mage 5 xp GM:  andreil
Steven the Paladin 5 xp GM:  yummypancake
Walnut the Druid 5 xp GM:  awildbeat
Pritrin the Changling Wild Mage 4 xp GM:  jungle
Zrzygak the Familiar 4 xp GM:  lokiodinson
Hiromano the Wild 3 xp GM:  yummypancake
Jok the Changeling Assassin 3 xp GM:  andreil
Ini-Bot the Tracker 0f Iniative 2 xp GM:  awalnut
Sloth the Tank 2 xp GM:  yummypancake
Prazival the Occultist 2 xp GM:  dramaticque
Renato the Mercenary 2 xp GM:  antiman
Barboach the Warrier 1 xp GM:  megainferno
Imizael the Elven Druid 1 xp GM:  etherealfawn
Randy the Puppetmaster 1 xp GM:  timbotr0n
Pritrin the Wild Mage 1 xp GM:  trotrigar
Abel the Hoarder 0 xp GM:  jungle
Walnut the Scout Tf2 0 xp GM:  jungle
Caine the Batter 0 xp GM:  jungle
Test the Icle 0 xp GM:  jungle
Harold the Accursed 0 xp GM:  jungle
Hat the Four-skinned 0 xp GM:  jungle
Minjss the Spirit 0 xp GM:  bustamark
Rqr the R 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Zarnon the Tiefling Warlock 0 xp GM:  odyssey
Pardus the Ice Golem 0 xp GM:  xenotheoddst
Stena the Wall of Fire 0 xp GM:  vechmaster
Pausa the Druid 0 xp GM:  yummypancake
Zayne the Hacker 0 xp GM:  pyrak
Halakar the Slime Enchantress 0 xp GM:  jungle
Aloechbar the Warlock 0 xp GM:  rakaneth
Aloechbar the Lich 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Sangin the Druid 0 xp GM:  meepowolf
Chad the Strong Man 0 xp GM:  gongrath
Ten the Sapient Meme 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Bram the Fantasy Prone 0 xp GM:  veltmazing
John the Spyware 0 xp GM:  rutniuf
Vairs the Polymorph 0 xp GM:  thegobbler
Ene the Jested 0 xp GM:  saneki
Graziano the Entertainer 0 xp GM:  trotrigar
Place the Holder 0 xp GM:  jungle
Stopthis the S 0 xp GM:  anesthesia01
Caint the Shapeshifter 0 xp GM:  mixomitosis
Twentyone the Glitch 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Brodicus the Wild Mage 0 xp GM:  megainferno
Iocus the Paladin of Jokes 0 xp GM:  lobbelbob
Cuar the Hybrid Birdy 0 xp GM:  jungle
Cobalus the Magic Tinkerer 0 xp GM:  lobbelbob
Serphinite the An Masse 0 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Spectre the Madness Long Past 0 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Pandora the Random 0 xp GM:  jungle
Reloma the Bard With a Scythe 0 xp GM:  kingkobra
Remola the Healer Wheeler 0 xp GM:  ghostsystem
Melodaca the Bard 0 xp GM:  sirslaughter
Slithari the Snake Charmer 0 xp GM:  elderprince
Harokma the Cursed Salesman 0 xp GM:  yummypancake
Menomar the Medical Professional 0 xp GM:  vechmaster
Rebak the Snek Ghost 0 xp GM:  jungle
Melodia the Druidic Bard 0 xp GM:  johntom
Ashuxo the Naga 0 xp GM:  elderprince
Meloca the Field Scientist 0 xp GM:  jungle
Melodia the Wip 0 xp GM:  jungle
Meloka the Tanky 0 xp GM:  trotrigar
Mequem the Offensive Bard 0 xp GM:  cohaki
Roger the Mad Gunslinger 0 xp GM:  costilord
Lancelot the Dancing Warrior 0 xp GM:  xiii1996
Poseidon the Great White 0 xp GM:  jungle
Choosey the Chooser 0 xp GM:  derekmelton
Jade the Wild Healer 0 xp GM:  feital
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Hero - 5,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Following 50 GMs
Played with 5 GMs
Played with 10 GMs