Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 13904  ·  Avatar ?
Location Philippines
Special Ability Write fanfiction
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  32
Treasures  11
Followers  73 / 42
Membership Advanced
Joined 01.23.2019
Last Visit 07.18.2024
XP Recv'd 660
XP Given 2171
A writer and novice artist. I live Yu-Gi-Oh and Identity V and I've got a book on Wattpad called Epithet Academy. Give it a read. Please.
Okami the Whizzing Whip 96 xp GM:  defparagon
Simoun the Alchemist 93 xp GM:  defparagon
Zetsubo the Sniper 62 xp GM:  potatomage
Gadiel the Caffeine Combatant 60 xp GM:  skepiboo1
Neko the Useless 54 xp GM:  defparagon
Simoun the Mathematician 54 xp GM:  potatomage
Frizett the Fearful Fighter 53 xp GM:  diesuki
Penny the Slime Lover 46 xp GM:  qwart22
Salam the Healer 36 xp GM:  defparagon
Lash the Crazy Inventor 20 xp GM:  awalnut
Neo the Silent 16 xp GM:  greyline
Eris the Chariot 14 xp GM:  nekoknight
Sephie the Queen 13 xp GM:  defparagon
Mallory the Bad Luck Charm 11 xp GM:  nekoknight
Sturm the Riddled Shadow 8 xp GM:  jungle
Astraea the Prosecutor 7 xp GM:  diesuki
Adam the Detective 5 xp GM:  meepowolf
Adam the Changeling Knight 5 xp GM:  jungle
Adam the Priest 5 xp GM:  3paul7
Grit the Sharpshooter 4 xp GM:  jungle
Sturm the Dark Mage 4 xp GM:  greenranger9
Ada the Goddes of Nekos 4 xp GM:  3paul7
Lemy the Loner 3 xp GM:  diesuki
Newboy the Test Character 0 xp GM:  nekoknight
Neko the Diet Def 0 xp GM:  nekoknight
Dia the Tarot Reader 0 xp GM:  meepowolf
Simoun the Useless Medic 0 xp GM:  pyrak
Ibarra the Traitor 0 xp GM:  meepowolf
Neo the Mute 0 xp GM:  joey1234567
Neo the Illusionist 0 xp GM:  aidar
Sturm the Riddled Shadow 0 xp GM:  megainferno
Hawke the Lone Wolf 0 xp GM:  yummypancake
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Hero - 5,000 pxp
Avatar - 10,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Played with 5 GMs
Played with 10 GMs