Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 137  ·  Wanderer ?
Location Brazil
Special Ability Turn Coffee to Tales
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  4
Treasures  3
Followers  6 / 7
Membership Advanced
Joined 03.15.2012
Last Visit 11.24.2024
XP Recv'd 10
XP Given 0
I like Rpgs. I had my phase of going for contemplative scenarios more and now I'm on a thriller phase. I like stories that pump adrenaline. Action, adventure, emotions and upside-downs that sends people wondering where will the next deadly arrow come from are my favourites right now.

Been looking for players to play an AGON campaign. And now I'm getting fond of this simple Fabletop narrative-gamist system. Let us make acquantences :D
Epyrion the Wise Mage 5 xp GM:  fennyfen
Ryan the Alcoholic Mage 5 xp GM:  depcubone
Nicodemus the Divinator 0 xp GM:  mrpastrami
Joe the Kung Fu Master 0 xp GM:  briml
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp