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Unorthodox Fabletop Ideas that (may) go Wrong

alkwyzheir Aug '20
This forum is generally for players to share their idea of what could be added on Fabletop as potential suggestion, for interest and entertainment, as well as discussing potential problems from it.

I'll start off with two ideas:

1) New Dice Colours: Although I would love to see white and yellow-goldish dice, that would blend too perfectly with a star and a moon, making it difficult to see. Though, it's possible to put the values of the star and the moon in negatives (meaning that a star is black and a moon is kind of black).

2) Chat color options: Gives options to change colours in chat. Judging by how Fabletop works as a site, it may be difficult or impossible to implement, but mostly causing lag. If it works, this can heavily benefit tables in such way as thus:
a. Reducing conversations pollution: Sometimes, there can be 2-4 different conversations happening all at once between player-GM and player-player relationship. Usually, people would try differentiate the chat by having normal dialogue and a whisper dialogue (like this). Without that, it's difficult to tell if the conversation is mixed in or separate, which brings us to this suggestion. This allows more room for potential player to player conversations without polluting the chat too much.
b. Alternatively, f a s h i o n

What about you guys? Any ideas you want to bring up? Or do you want to put an input to mine?
hustle Aug '20
For the most part, I've found FT suggestions to be non-essential, but if it were remotely possible, I'd cast my vote for chat color options as well. I haven't ever given that any thought myself, but the advantages once pointed out do seem great.

Love the concept.
tourneyguy Aug '20
Customizable minis: You can upload an image file and put anything you want on the board. I hope I don't have to explain how this can go all so wrong.
alkwyzheir Aug '20
> Customizable minis: You can upload an image file and put anything you want on the board

The odds of people abusing this for grotesque images can't be comprehended. If this were ever to be implemented, there would be a lot of bans and needs for moderators.

@hustle Although FT suggestions are not essential, it's still fun to discuss about. This is a forum, after all.
oman1666 Aug '20
I think it would be neat if GMs could tick a box that matches NPC dice colours to their mini colour (this would mean expanding the dice pallet to have all the colour options available for the mini), might make tracking sides in battle more clear.

Another GM tool I think would be neat is some sort of table lock, where I can both can completely disallow people to view my table (so I can scene build in secret) and separately be able to lock individual party slots - for example to limit a game to four players. I'd then also like to lock these slots for everyone expect a specific player - for set party games.

Agree in general with hustle, I don't 'need' anything, but these would be involved in my 'dream' Fabletop.
pyrak Aug '20
3d for all our air/space battle needs.

no limit on the number of NPC minis.

VR gear compatibility.

And of course a suit of AIs designed to be able to host games and play games without a hitch.
penguein Oct '20
customizable table/playing-field size

customizable player amount

customizable/different colour palletes for tables

AI players


spectating gladiatorial battles between AIs on a fully automated table
rutniuf Oct '20
Automated world-building

AI-generated world maps


Automated magic-spell generator

Ability to read a whole tabletop-inspired story made by AIs

Customizable 3d models
alkwyzheir Oct '20
Dice probability customizer (adjust how many % you get a star, moon, skull for each character)

A command to save specific NPC character model.

A "tipped" version of mini character, looking as if they fell or dead.
trotrigar Feb '21
fog of war on mat
alkwyzheir Feb '21
Water animation go brrr
andreatupac Apr '21
What about adding a frame in the character sheet to load the PC's portrait?

Also, it would be nice if each GM could customise the Basic Traits' names at her/his table.
adway95 May '21
Custom dice would be nice
Like along with the routine ft dice, being able to roll d6 / d20 etc would be cool
alkwyzheir May '21
I'm a simple man, so.

I want a way for table to keep notes made by GM instead of having to put it in a Player's Character Sheet. You can normally do this when as a GM, you play a character, but it would be nice when if you're joining as a Game Master, the GM player bar can be clicked to open a small notepad image instead of your regular character sheet.

You can imagine how much you can put in here and how good it is for "temporary" stuff within session.

The things you can put:
1. Turn Order
2. Quest Objectives, etc.
3. Shops for the session.
4. Specific effects, description, and explanation.

Edit: When I say this, I'm implying players can look at the notepad as well. Otherwise, you'd just use Windows Notepad.
alkwyzheir May '21
Thought about it further.

GM Permission Option.
A setting that allows the GM to control what permissions their players or specific players have.

1. Permission to give themselves life or power.
2. Permission to modify their mini (including GM-exclusive minis)
3. Permission to Talk "as an NPC" for mounts and summons.
verysadgirl Jun '21
I'm not sure if it fits in here and I'm plenty sure it's been asked for plenty times already but it'd be hella cool and would probably also go wrong in many ways, to have an option to increase the maximal player slots on ones table.
alkwyzheir Jun '21
My dudes, hear me out.

A mat editor feature where you can "rotate" the North pointer to any of the four sides.
verysadgirl Jun '21
Animated Spell effects zooming across the mat you can now rotate!
vechmaster Jun '21
I'll be honest, I'd rather like the "one instance of this name per table" limitation removed. Just to open up more names again.

Of course a limitation to not have two of the same name in the party would be essential still.
lovecraftian Jul '21
This might not exactly be useful in other ways, but I would like to see there be an actual timer input in the tables that the Gm can use.

It can end up leading to the people actually seeing the amount of time they have left to do a certain thing or everything goes to DEATH, this can also bring in tension, and have moments where the players can figure out what actions they should do and what not. This can also be used to tell when the gm will proceed to start hosting by using the timer in general.

There are a couple of downsides though to this. One being the fact that the GM will have to be very quick in implementing the effects of the actions that the players do happen to do upon if they want to make this as intense as possible, and not have the players start to panic completely (although I think also adding a pause button for the timer could also work with that.), the other downside is that the players might also just end up, if having multiple of turns to do such things, spamming constant dice rolls of attack to an enemy just because they now have their turns off the limit and on a timer instead, leading to many actions being able to be done.
alkwyzheir Jul '21
I'm not smart enough to understand this suggestion I'm giving...

What about add-ons or plugins that can be added to each table optionally?
alkwyzheir Sep '22
Now that I think about it, even when Fabletop has a method for GMs to ban players, why don't they have a whitelist system?

There may be some occurence where you only want a specific people at your table at times.

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