Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 952  ·  Wanderer ?
Location right behind me
Special Ability all of them
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  20
Treasures  6
Followers  11 / 36
Membership Advanced
Joined 10.15.2019
Last Visit 10.24.2020
XP Recv'd 27
XP Given 1
Creating and fixing the ultimate Fabletop System-
-PSS: Pengu's System Specifications!
Hope someone uses it...
Hodolr the Wizard 8 xp GM:  verysadgirl
Heavy the Heavy Weapons Guy 6 xp GM:  oman1666
Eiichi the Indestructable 6 xp GM:  lovecraftian
Ludwig the Backup 5 xp GM:  caviar
Giirt the Dwarven Tracker 2 xp GM:  papafrog
Engvil the Tbd 0 xp GM:  mastergame44
Diver the Decker 0 xp GM:  greenranger9
Fride the Ridgehiker 0 xp GM:  mastergame44
Kertaro's the Hair 0 xp GM:  mastergame44
Barmark the 4 0 xp GM:  thegamemass
Jaerocob the Nobleman Merchant 0 xp GM:  cxjulian
Klaus the Necromancer 0 xp GM:  finesse
Henk the Big Guy 0 xp GM:  first
Jagger the Mercenary 0 xp GM:  critical
Graf the Von Zeppelin 0 xp GM:  finesse
Jagger the Big Dagger Guy 0 xp GM:  rutniuf
Franzu the Reanimator 0 xp GM:  first
Tabalan the Survivor 0 xp GM:  alkwyzheir
Miniature the Extra Miniature Aid 0 xp GM:  penguein
Ayovich the Charecter 0 xp GM:  cohaki
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Played with 5 GMs